Title: driver support
1driver support human machine interface systems
- HMI standardisation
- selective prioritised
- driver information
reduced number of HMI components sensor fusion
driver in control individual adaptation to
driver and driver situation
2communication platforms external/internal to
the vehicles
- automatic sorting and categorising
- of information
- operates in 3 modes
- advisory, warning and control
railroad / tram collision avoidance corporate
collision and warning
3sensor rich embedded systems
rollover detection vehicle stability detection of
occupants and/or their positions drowsiness
detection night vision pressure sensors for
tires transmissions brakes wheel speed steering
angle pedal position sunlight and rain / moisture
sensors etc.
- sensors needs range from
- external objects/vision enhancement
- (other vehicles, persons, animals, traffic signs
etc.) - to internal vehicle states
- (tire pressure, friction monitoring, vehicle
stability etc.)
4intelligent road infrastructure telematics
- increasing cooperation between
- government authorities, IT-community and
- transport industry in making integrated
- transport systems faster, more reliable
- and as a safe infrastructure
- intelligent transport systems new
- possibilities for traffic planning control
- active traffic observation and information
- smart guidance - find the most suitable
- way to the destination
5dependable systems
- all systems can depend to start
- quickly and run safely for a long time
- improved predictable error detection
- and failure tolerant architecture
- completely problem free ownership
- experience
6vehicle dynamic safety systems
- keep the driver on top
- of sudden events
- driver and vehicle always
- considered as one system
reduce driver task load provide relevant and
timely information about traffic/road/weather
condition provide relevant information to other
7crashworthiness, biomechanics and design of
vehicles for crash avoidance and injury
- intelligent / adaptive systems solutions
- prevent and predict accidents
- active injury prevention
- ability to adapt to varying accident scenarios
- pedestrian protection, smart airbags,
- rollover sensors etc.