Title: Math'375 Fall 2005 4' Errors in Numerical Computation
1Math.375 Fall 20054. Errors in Numerical
2Types of errors in numerical computation
- Roundoff errors
- Pi 3.14159
- Pi 3.1415926535897932384626
- Truncation errors
- Cos x 1 x2/2
- Cos x 1 x2/2 x4/4!
- Errors usually accumulate randomly
- (random walk)
- But they can also be systematic, and the reasons
- may be subtle!
3x linspace(1-210-8,1210-8,401) f
4g -1x.(7x.(-21x.(35x.(-35x.(21x.(-7
x)))))) plot(x,g)
5h (x-1).7 plot(x,h)
7z(1) 0 z(2) 2 for k 229 z(k1)
2(k-1/2)(1-(1-4(1-k)z(k)2)(1/2))(1/2) end
8 Plot derivative error vs. h to
exhibit optimal step clear fname 'sin'
fname1 'cos' delta eps hmin 106eps
hmax 1010eps xmax 1 xpi/4 M21
estimate for second derivative hopt
2sqrt(delta/M2) h for minimum error yopt
(M2/2)hopt2delta/hopt d (feval(fname,xhopt
9h linspace(hmin,hmax,1000) y1 (M2/2)h
truncation error y2 2delta./h
roundoff error y y1 y2 total
error derivh (feval(fname,xh) -
feval(fname,x))./h abserr abs(feval(fname1,x)-d
erivh) loglog(h,y,h,y1,h,y2,h,abserr,hopt,yopt,'
bo') xlabel(sprintf('hopt 3.2d,
ds(3.2d)/dx 3.2d
/-3.2d',hopt,fname ,x,d,err)) ylabel('abserr,
maxerr') title(sprintf('derivative error as
function of h for
s(x)',fname)) axis(hmin hmax 10(-12) 10(-4))
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- Consistency correctness -
- Convergence (rate)
- Efficiency (operation counts)
- Numerical Stability (error amplification)
- Accuracy (relative vs. absolute error)
- Roundoff vs. Truncation
12Due to limitations in computer arithmetic, need
to practice defensive coding.
- Mathematics?numerics implementation
- The sequence of computations carried out for the
solution of a mathematical problem can be so
complex as to require a mathematical analysis of
its own correctness. - How can we determine efficiency?
13Recurrence relations
14Instability is inescapable But one can learn to
ride it!
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- a collection of curious phenomena
- exhibited by computations at the
- limit of machine precision
18The first monster
for k150, term xterm/k s stermerr(k)
abs(f(k) - s)end relerr err/exp(x)
semilogy(1nTerms,relerr) semilogy(1nTerms,err)
ylabel('Relative Error in Partial Sum.')
xlabel('Order of Partial Sum.')
title(sprintf('x 5.2f',x)) figure
semilogy(1nTerms,err)end term 1 s 1 f
exp(x)ones(nTerms,1) for k150, term
xterm/k s sterm err(k)
abs(f(k) - s) end relerr err/exp(x)
semilogy(1nTerms,relerr) semilogy(1nTerms,err)
ylabel('Relative Error in Partial Sum.')
xlabel('Order of Partial Sum.')
title(sprintf('x 5.2f',x)) figure
- T(x) ex log(1e-1)
- For xgt30 a dramatic deviation from the
theoretical value 1 is found. - For xgt36.7 the plotted value drops (incorrectly)
to zero - Here
- x linspace(0,40,1000)
- y exp(x).log(1exp(-x))
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22Pet Monster I
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ranges for axes, axis(-40 0 0 0.1) (2)
Superimposing plots plot(x,y,x,exp(x),'o')
(3) using "hold on/hold off" (4) Subplots
- Roundoff and other errors
- Multiple plots
- C. Essex, M.Davidson, C. Schulzky,
- Numerical Monsters, preprint.
- Higham Higham, Matlab Guide, SIAM
- B5 Trailer http//www.scifi.com/b5rangers/