Title: Maternal and Child Health in Nigeria
1Maternal and Child Health in Nigeria
- Professor Friday Okonofua
- Provost, College of Medical Sciences, University
of Benin,
- Executive Director,
- International Federation of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (FIGO), and
- Hon Adviser to the President on Health
- The 1991 national census reported life expectancy
of 52.6 years for males, and 53.8 years for
- However, the crude birth declined from 27 to 14
per 1000 in 1991
- Despite this, the WHO ranked Nigeria low (163rd
out of 191 countries) in terms of Disability
Adjusted Life Expectancy (DALE) with a value of
only 38.3 years
3Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy (DALE)
- DALE adjusts life expectancy for disability, and
is a more robust measure of survival
- In DALE estimation, Nigeria ranked higher than
countries like Sierra Leone and Liberia, but was
behind countries like Ghana and South Africa
- Further analysis showed that the low DALE ranking
of Nigeria was due to the high maternal,
neonatal, infant and under-five mortality in
4Global Comparison of Score and Ranking of
Disability adjusted life Expectancy
- Country DALE (years) DALE ranking
- (out of 191 countries)
- Sierra Leone 25.9 191
- Liberia 34.0 181
- Nigeria 38.3 163
- South Africa 39.8 160
- Ghana 45.5 149
- USA 70.0 24
- UK 71.7 14
- Sweden 73.0 4
5Objectives of this Presentation
- Present current statistics relating to maternal
and child mortality in Nigeria
- Identify some of the most important determinants
of maternal and child mortality in Nigeria
- Review the development of the enabling frameworks
for the delivery of MCH services in Nigeria, and
- Make substantive recommendations on ways to
improve maternal and child health in Nigeria
6Maternal Deaths in Nigeria
- An estimated 500,000 women die each year
throughout the world from complications of
pregnancy and childbirth
- 55,000 of these deaths occur in Nigeria
- Nigeria is only two percent of the worlds
population but accounts for over 10 of the
worlds maternal deaths in childbirth
- Ranks second globally (to India) in number of
maternal deaths
7 Maternal Mortality Ratios in Nigeria
8Maternal Mortality Ratios in some States (SOGON,
9Other indicators of Maternal Morbidity and
- Risk of a woman dying from child birth is 1 in 18
in Nigeria, compared to 1 in 61 for all
developing countries, and 1 in 29, 800 for
Sweden - For every woman who dies from childbirth in
Nigeria, another 30 women suffer long term
chronic ill-health
- The UNFPA estimates that 2 million women suffer
vesico-vaginal fistula globally, 40 of these
(800,000 women) are in Nigeria
10Medical Causes of Maternal Mortality in Nigeria
Hemorrhage - 23 Infection - 17 Malaria -
11 Anaemia - 11 Abortion - 11 Eclampsia
- 11
Narrow Pelvis - 11 Others - 11
11Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria
- An estimated 610, 000 women undergo clandestine
abortion annually in Nigeria
- The FMOH (1991) estimates that 20,000 Nigerian
women die from abortion complications each year
- Abortion complications also predispose women to
infertility and ectopic pregnancy
12Child Mortality Statistics in Nigeria
- Infant mortality rate
- 71 per 1000 live births
- Under -5 mortality rate
- 140 per 1000 live births
- Perinatal mortality rate
- 51 per 1000 live births
- 103 per 1000 live births
13Comparative Performance in Reducing U5MR
14Indicator of Equality of Child Survival (ECS), WHO
- Equality of child survival (ECS) measures the
extent to which underfive mortality reflects
pure chance of death (equal to all children)
rather than variations in underlying factors - A value of 1 represents complete equality of
child survival, unaffected by underlying factors
- The more the value lies below one, the greater
the degree of inequality in child survival, due
to these underlying factors
15Performance of Nigeria in ECS Ranking
- Nigeria scored 0.336 in the ECS ranking meaning
a high probability of child mortality from
underlying factors
- Nigeria ranked 4th lowest out of 191 ranked
- Nigeria was only ahead of Central African
Republic, Mozambique and Liberia
- Nigeria ranked worse than war-torn Sierra Leone
and Angola
16Factors contributing to Maternal Mortality in
- Lack of antenatal care
- Low proportion of women attended to by skilled
birth attendants
- Delays in the treatment of complications of
- Poverty
- Harmful traditional practices
- Low status of women
17Utilisation of MCH Services in Nigeria
- Contraceptive prevalence rate 8
- Unwanted pregnancy rate
- among adolescents 60
- Use of antenatal care by a
- trained provider 64
- Proportion of pregnant women
- delivered by a trained provider 37
- Proportion of pregnant women
- who deliver at home 57
18Delays in Treatment of Pregnancy Complications
Type I Delay - when a woman with a
pregnancy complication fails to get to a
hospital in time Type II Delay - when the d
elay is due to difficulty with
transportation Type III Delay - when the
re is delay in treatment after the patient
has reached the hospital
19Contribution of Delays to Maternal Mortality
in Nigeria
- No delay 10
- Type I Delay 30
- Type II Delay 20
- Type III Delay 40
20Causes of Type III Delay
- Non-affordability of antenatal costs, delivery
costs and post-natal costs
- Delays in seeing staff in health facilities
- Incessant strikes and lockouts
- Delays due to poor supplies and consumables
- Delay in referral of patients
- Basic essential obstetrics care not available in
most facilities
- Systemic problems doctors and midwives refusing
rural postings
- External brain drain
21Characteristics of Nigerias Health System
- Weak and inefficient
- Under-capitalized
- Poor motivated health units
- Costly
- inaccessible
22Comparative Performance of Nigerias Health
System, out of 191 Countries
23MCH service delivery in Nigeria Historical
- 1980s - Emphasis on family planning/MCH
- 1989 - International Safe Motherhood
Conference in Nairobi, Kenya
- 1990 - National Safe Motherhood conference,
- 1994 - International Conference on
Population and Development (ICPD),
Cairo, Egypt
- 1995 - Fourth World Conference on Women
- Beijing, China
- 1995 2005 - ICPD 5, Beijing 5, ICPD 10,
Beijing 10
- 2000 - UN Millennium Development Goals
24Millennium Development Goals, UN (2000) how far?
- Goal 4 Reduced child mortality - To reduce
mortality rate among children under 5 by two
thirds by the year 2015
- Goal 5 Improved maternal health - To reduce by
75, the maternal mortality rate by the year
- Six years into the 15 years deadline for
achieving these goals, there is no clear evidence
that Nigeria has yet achieved any remarkable
- Political leadership is needed.
- The Presidency should personally speak to the
problem of the high rate of maternal and infant
mortality in Nigeria, just like he has done for
HIV/AIDS - Executive Governors and Local Government Council
chairmen should do the same in their States and
- A multi-sectorial approach should be adopted
whereby all sectors (Legislative Assemblies,
Information, Education, Women Affairs etc) should
include MCH programming in their portfolios - 3. Costs alleviation for women seeking antenatal
care and delivery services. Such a policy has
been successful in reducing maternal mortality in
Kano State - 4. The creation of a National Institute for
maternal and child health
26National Institute of Maternal and Child Health
- Will provide an avenue through which government
will providing funding for MCH
- Will reduce donor dependency on MCH programming
- Will provide an avenue for research and data
collation on matters related to MCH
- Will develop guidelines, policies and strategies
for reducing maternal and child mortality in
- Will provide a forum for capacity building and
resource mobilisation for MCH
27Programs to reduce Maternal and Perinatal
Mortality in Nigeria
- Provision of information and services about
family planning and contraception
- Programs to encourage all pregnant women to
receive antenatal care and to be delivered by
skill birth attendant
- Improvement of antenatal and delivery services in
hospitals, especially emergency obstetrics care
- Government should address the problem of women
dying from poorly performed abortions
28Recommendation Contd.
- The government should make compulsory the
registration of all maternal deaths in the
country, as recently legislated in Edo State
- Disease specific preventive measures for child
- Promotion and scaling up of childhood immunization
- There can be no doubt that maternal and child
morbidity contribute significantly to the low
life expectancy in Nigeria
- The disease conditions that lead to maternal and
child mortality in Nigeria are the same as in
most parts of the developing world
- However, it is the adverse socio-economic and
cultural circumstances under which these diseases
occur that increase the risks of these deaths in
- 4. A case is being made for a purposeful,
multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial approach
for addressing the problem
- 5. An increased prioritization of the problem and
impetus from the Presidency, the State Governors
and Local Government Councils will greatly
accelerate the pace of attainment of the MCH
aspects of the MDGs in Nigeria - 6. Indeed, addressing the high rate of maternal
and child mortality will be a visible
contribution to socio-economic development and
transformation, and a major legacy of this