Title: Math and the Internet
1Math and the Internet
- Presented by Linda Mills,
- Library Media Specialist
- Greensburg Community Schools
- lmills_at_venus.net
- 812-934-3844
2Why use the Internet in Math?
- Changes the possibilities for math education in
fundamental ways - Enriches the nature of mathematics education
- Allows math to be studied in new ways
- Helps to emphasize mathematical insight,
reasoning, and problem solving - Wealth of mathematical data available to students
and teachers - Opportunities to communicate insights and
comparisons with others around the world
3Math Standards
- Indiana Academic Standards http//ideanet.doe.stat
e.in.us/asap/standards/mathematics/math.html - NCTM Standards http//standards-e.nctm.org/1.0/89
4How to find Sites
- Math Organizations
- Magazines
- Books
- Television, radio, newspapers
- Portals
- Conduct searches using search engines or
5Math Organizations
- Math Magazines
- Indiana Mathematics Educators http//www.indianama
th.org/ - National Council of Teacher of Mathematics
6Other magazines to try
These are technology magazines to try
- Classroom Connect (800-638-1639)
http//www.classroomconnect.com - Learning and Leading with Technology (ISTE)
- MultiMedia Schools
- Technology and Learning
However, most of your math magazines, news
magazines, newspapers, etc. have numerous good
sites to try.
- The Internet Kids Yellow Pages by Jean
- Armour Polly, McGraw Hill, 2003.
- Math Web Guide by Classroom Connect, 2001.
- Surfin the Internet Practical Ideas from A to Z
by Annette Lamb, Vision to Action, 1999. - Yellow Pages by Classroom Connect, 2001.
- Web Feet, Rockhill Pres, www.rockhillpress.com
These are just a sampling of books available to
help you find things on the Web. Classroom
Connect is an especially good publisher of
educational sites on the Web. Check out their
material by going to hpp//www.classroomconnect.co
8Television, Radio, and Newspapers
- CNN (http//www.cnn.com)
- Discovery Channel http//schooldiscovery.com
- USA Today http//www.usatoday.com
- PBS http//www.pbs.com
9Central Sites for Math Educators
- Eisenhower National Math and Science
Clearinghouse http//www.enc.org - Math Forum http//forum.swarthmore.edu
- Math Web Sites and Resources for Teachers
http//www.csun.edu/vceed009/ - Additional Resources http//score.kings.k12.ca.us
/additional.html - Sites for Teachers (excellent) http//studenthome.
nku.edu/webquest/gabbard/index.htm - Indiana Department of Education weblinks for Math
html - Canadas SchoolNet http//www.schoolnet.ca/home/e/
resources/ - University of Tennessee Math Archives
http//www.schoolnet.ca/home/e/resources/ - Math2.org http//www.math2.org/
- NCTM Math sites http//www.nctm.org/elementary/in
10Search Engines
- http//www.altavista.com
- http//www.google.com
- http//www.lycos.com
- http//guide.infoseek.com
- http//www.yahoo.com
- http//www.northernlight.com
- http//www.yahoo.com
- http//www.dogpile.com
11Kids Search Engines
- Blue Webn http//www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewe
bn - KidsClick! http//sunsite.berkeley.edu/KidsClick!
- Ask Jeeves for Kids http//www.ajkids.com
- Yahooligans http//www.yahooligans.com
- Awesome Library http//www.awesomelibrary.org
12Web Evaluation or What makes a good website?
- Organization, layout, and ease of use
- Graphics/topography
- Authority--edu.vs.com.
- Accuracy
- Links--within/outside
- Coverage
- Currency
- Objectivity
13Internet Domains
Every address is classified as a type of domain,
just like every address has a state and zip code.
This helps the Internet deliver the message.
- com - commercial organization
- edu - educational institutions
- gov -government, nonmilitary
- mil - military
- org - other organizations
- net - network resources
Email going to international locations have
different domains placed on the end as a country
14What can you do with the World Wide Web?
- Lesson plans
- Research
- Games and Contests
- Online projects
- WebQuests
- Online professionals/Listservs
- General Reference
- Other specific math areas
15Lesson Plans to Link to Standards
- Lesson Locator http//www.lessonlocator.org/
- This site will take you to specific lesson
plans to correspond with math standards. - Illuminations http//illuminations.nctm.org/lesson
plans/prek-2/subtraction/index.html - excellent lesson plans to link with standards
- Marco Polo http//www.marcopolo-education.org/
16Lesson Plan Sites
- Busy Teachers Website K-12 http//www.ceismc.gate
ch.edu/busyt - Ask Eric http//ericir.syr.edu/Virtual/Lessons/Sc
ience/index.html - Discovery School http//school.discovery.com/schr
ockguide/ - Scholastic Network http//teacher.scholastic.com/
index.htm - Eduhound http//www.eduhound.com
- Edupuppy http//www.edupuppy.com
- Gigglepotz http//www.gigglepotz.com
- Math Lesson Plans http//www.lessonplansearch.com/
Math/index.html - Teachers Net for Math http//www.teachers.net/cgi
-bin/lessons/sort.cgi?searchtermMathematics - Buddy Central http//buddycentral.org/lnoonan/sta
- Biographies of Women Mathematicians
http//www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm - MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
http//www-grops.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history - Dictionary of all Math units http//www.ex.ac.uk/c
imt/dictunit/dictunit.htm - Temperature Scales http//inspire.ospi.wednet.edu
8001/curric/weather/fahrcels.html - MegaConverter 2 http//www.megaconverter.com/Mega
2/home.asp - Scientific Notation http//theory.unwinnipeg.ca/p
hysics/intro/node4.html - Maths for Morans Like Us http//library.thinkquest
18Games, Contests and Challenges
- Brain Teasers http//www.eduplace.com/math/brain
- The Little Math Puzzle Contest http//www.microtec
.net/academy/mathpuzzle - Dr. FreeMath http//ois.unomaha.edu/drfreemath
- Interactive Mathematics Miscellany Puzzles
http//www.cut-the-knot.com - Jumpin Jehosaphat the Counting Sheep
http//www.dodds1.com/Javea/Jj.html - Arithmetic Software http//forum.swarthmore.edu/a
rithmetic/arith.software.html - Figure This http//www.figurethis.org
- Learning Box http//www.learningbox.com
- Aunty Math http//www.dupagechildrensmuseum.org/au
nty/ - Primary Math Games http//www.primarygames.com/ma
19Online projects
- Email or keypals
- Projects to join up with
- Your own projects
20Keypals and International competition
- KidLink (empowering kids and youth to build
global networks of friends) http//www.kidlink.org
/english/general/intro.html - Epals http//www.epals.com
- Keypals http//www.teaching.com/keypals
- Thinkquests (a non profit organization offering
programs designed to advance education through
the use of technology) http//www.thinkquest.org
21Online projects with other classes
Make sure you are ready for an online project
before plunging into one. Heres some places to
go to find projects to try.
- Classroom Connect http//www.classroomconnect.net
- Global School Net http//gsn.org
- Web 66 http//web66.coled.umn.edu
- The Global Grocery List Project
http//www.schoolife.net/schools/ggl - The Noon Day Project http//k12science.stevens-te
eveloped in 1995 by Bernie Dodge and Tom March
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity
activity in which most or all of the information
used by learning is drawn from the Web.
WebQuests should increase the learners use of
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. They are
often cooperative group work with each learner
given a specific job title, assignment, and tasks.
WebQuest on Place Value http//studenthome.nku.ed
23On line professionals and Listservs
- Ask an Expert http//www.askanexpert.com
- Big Chalk http//www.bigchalk.com
- NCTM-L listproc_at_sci-ed.fit.eduArchives at
http//forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/nctm-l - Ask Dr. Math http//mathforum.org/dr.math/dr-math
24General references sites
- Internet Public Library http//www.ipl.org/kidspac
e - Library Spot http//www.libraryspot.com
- Inspire http//www.inspire-Indiana.net
- Homework Spot http//www.homeworkspot.com
- Research It http//www.itools.com/research-it
- New York Public Library http//www.nypl.org
- K-12 Teaching and Learning Center
25Drill and Practice
- A Math www.aplusmath.com
- AAA Math http//www.aaamath.com/index.html
- Math Flashcards for Kids
- http//www.edu4kids.com/math/
- Figure this Out! http//www.figurethis.org/
- Problem of the Week
- http//www.wits.ac.za/ssproule/pow.htm
- Numbertime www.bbc.co.uk/schools/numbertime
- Money Templates http//www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/kadki
ns/coins.htm - Money Flashcards http//www.aplusmath.com/cgi-bin
/flashcards/money - Escape from Knab http//www.escapefrom knab.com
- US Treasury for Kids http//www.usmint.gov/kids
- Geometry Center http//www.geom.umn.edu
- Interactive Math Online Algebra and Geometry
http//tqd.advanced.org/2647/main.htm - Math Web Site for Middle School
28Problem Solving
- World Problems for Kids http//juliet.stfx.ca/peop
le/fac/pwang/mathpage/math1.html - Math Problems http//plainfield.bypass.com/bypass
/users/union/problems.thml - Problem of the Week http//mailer.fsu.edu/ssprou
le/ pow.htm
- Numbers in Search of a Problem
http//score.kings.k12.ca.us/junkdrawer.html - Statistics http//www.learner.org/exhibits/statis
tics - Statistics Every Writer Should Know
http//www.robertniles.com/stats - Finding Data on the Internet http//www.robernile
- The World of Measurement http//oncampus.Richmond
surement - Measure for Measure http//homepage.interaccess.c
31Stock Market
- Good News Bears http//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu80/edu/R
SE/RSEyellow/gnb.html - Stock Market Millionaires Club
.htmtop - StocksQuest http//investsart.coe.uga.edu/
C001759/stocksquest/mystocks.htm - Stock Market Simulation http//www.ncsu.edu/midli
nk/ mar01/stock.invite.htm
- Graph Your Favorite http//www1.minn.net80/schu
33Clip Art
- Barrys Clip Art (free clip art to use)
http//www.barrysclipart.com - Holiday Clip Art http//members.cyberz.net/jkeep
es/holiday.htm - School Clip Art http//www.teacherfiles.com/c
34The Future of the Internet
- Changing the way teachers teach and students
learn - Empowers everyone, from adult to child to become
lifelong learners - Complements your school library
- Connecting more schools to the world
- Students need Net access to become the knowledge
workers of the 21st Century. - Live video conferencing Live audio conferencing
- Streaming video
35In Conclusion
- Keep searching for sites. There are new sites
every minute. - Always make sure you try sites out BEFORE you use
them with students - Never let students surf the net especially
young students - Make sure you have some sort of directed study
while using the Internet. - Tell or show students sites to use.
Most of all the Internet is a GREAT resource for
every math classroom and teacher. Make sure you
are using it. And have fun!
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