Title: Protein Structure
1Protein Structure
- Tertiary structure determination
- Evaluation
- Comparison
Supplemental primer on protein structure
BIO520 Bioinformatics Jim Lund
2Protein Structure3D Determination
- X-ray crystallography
- requires crystals
- NMR methods (Nobel prize 2002, Kurt Wüthrich)
- lt30kD
3X-ray crystallography
- Purify protein
- Crystallize protein
- Test an array of conditions to determine which
give good quality crystals. - X-ray diffraction
- Compute atom locations (C, N, O, S)
- Relax structure computationally (energy
4X-ray crystallography
5NMR Structure Determination
- Isotopically label protein
- NMR NOEs, J-coupling constants measurements give
structural constraints - Compute structures using constraints.
- Relax structure computationally (energy
6Applications of NMR
- Degree of folding (folded, partially folded,
unfolded) and kind of fold (primarily
alpha-helix or beta-sheet) of a protein
independent from a biological test of activity. - Optimization of conditions such as pH,
temperature, salt concentration etc. for best
solubility, folding, least aggregation etc in
short time. - With 15N-labelling (not radioactive!) counting of
folded/unfolded residues becomes possible this
might help to determine domain borders more
accurately when cloning protein domains. - Binding studies are possible with and without
isotope labeling. - Ligand conformations can be determined.
- Reaction products or intermediates can be
investigated. - Folding and unfolding studies for slow kinetics
(ms - sec - min) are possible, e.g. with
H/D-exchange experiments or stopped-flow
deuterium-pulse-experiments. - Dynamics-investigations yield information on the
degree of oligomerization (monomer/dimer/...) as
well as mobility of active sites of the protein.
7Structure Evaluation
- Torsion angles in disallowed Ramachandran plot
regions - Maximize H-bonding
- Minimize exposed hydrophobic side chains
- Maximize exposed polar/charged side chains
- Holes-gtbad
- Minimize distorted H-bonds, distorted helix
angles - Low R-factor (X-ray structure), low backbone RMSD
8Structure Evaluation Programs
- Identify secondary struct, solvent accessibility
(buried or surface aa) - PROCHECK
- Calculates torsion angles, bond angles,
interatomic distances - VADAR (Volume, Area, Dihedral Angle Reporter)
- Classifies secondary struct, salt bridges
- Solvent accessibility (buried or surface aa),
buried charge
9Protein Structure Prediction
- Homology modeling
- SwissModel, SDSC1, CPH Models
- Threading
- Ab initio
- GAMESS, Rosetta (Baker lab)
- EVA Evaluation of automatic structure prediction
servers (http//cubic.bioc.columbia.edu/eva/)
10Homology modeling
- Align query protein to known structure.
- Replace known with query.
- Backbone insertions/deletions.
- Side chains.
- Refine model using energy minimization.
- SwissModel, SDSC1, CPH Models
11Threading (Fold Recognition)
- Align sequences, one has known structure
- thread backbone of test sequence into known
structure. - minimize energies
- predicts 3D structure
- Sequence of unknown structure
- thread through all possible folds
12Threading Services
- Generate a .pdb from a thread of a gt30 similar
homolog - http//www.expasy.ch/swissmod/SWISS-MODEL.html
- Search for threads in proteins 0-25 similar to
your query (structural analogs without homology) - http//www.embl-heidelberg.de/predictprotein/predi
13Molecular Mechanics
- Practical, rapid
- Apply to many problems
- thousands of atoms
- different atom types
- proteins, organics, nucleic acids, drugs
- dynamic kinetics and thermodynamics
- interactions
14Ab initio prediction
- Two components
- Devising a scoring (ie, energy) function that
can distinguish between correct (native or
native-like) structures from incorrect ones. - A search method to explore the conformational
15Molecular Mechanics Assumptions
- Nuclei, electrons lumped into atoms
- All atoms are spherical
- Atoms interact on springs, via classical
potentials - Interactions
- determine spatial distribution
- determine energies of states
16Energy Calculations
Energy StretchBendTorsionNon-bonded
Charge van der Waals Dipole...
18Simple Calculations
Ek(r-r0)2 Bond stretching
19Non-bonded Energies
E?? -Aij Bij ?? qiqj i j rij6 rij12
i j rij
- Software packages for molecular dynamics
Used for Ab initio Energy Minimization Docking
21Molecular mechanics Tweaking
- Single-site mutation
- Effect on protein active site, eg
- Energy Minimization of Residue Conformers
ESyPred3D "Poor Man's Version"
- Energy minimize bound molecules
- combinatorial optimization
- Important in drug design/modelling
QSAR/Superposition Combinatorial Chemistry
23Docking Programs
- www.gmd.de/SCAI/area-bioinf.html
- www.cmpharm.ucsf.edu/kuntz/dock.html
- AutoDock
- www.scripps.edu/pub/olson-web/doc/autodock/
24Structure Neighboring
- Recognize protein 3D similarities w/o sequence
similarity - restricted to known 3D
- Heirarchical databases
- Class(C), Architecture(A), Topology(T) and
Homologous superfamily (H) - Computational
- Structural Classification of Proteins
- hand annotated
- Structure similarity searches
25Structure comparison searches
- Similar groups of secondary structure
- Distance matrices
- CE, VAST (Vector Alignment Search Tool)
- Vector representation of secondary structure
- Identify pairs of secondary structure elements
with similar type, orientation, connection, then
extend these matches. - NCBI tool
- Can view aligned structures with Cn3D