Chapter 7b Transport Systems in Animals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 7b Transport Systems in Animals


As discussed, organisms need to exchange materials with the ... Unicellular organisms use vacuoles to bring materials in and out (example: Paramecium) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 7b Transport Systems in Animals

Chapter 7b- Transport Systems in Animals
  • As discussed, organisms need to exchange
    materials with the environment (food and needed
    materials must come in, wastes must be taken
  • - Unicellular organisms use vacuoles to bring
    materials in and out (example Paramecium)
  • - Simple multicellulars that are a few cells
    total, or few cells thick, have sac-like body
    plans. Fluid materials are brought in and about
    the animal without a need for specific vessels
    or channels (examples Sponges, Hydra
    cnidarians, planarians flatworms)
  • - More complex organisms (many cells thick) need
    a circulatory system. The sac-like body plan is
    insufficient. This is particularly more
    important in terrestrial environments, and on
    land the challenges of exchanging materials with
    the environment are more complicated.
  • Most circulatory systems involve the movement of
    body fluids in and out of the body, and
    distribute them to all cells of the body. A
    pumping mechanism is needed (one or more hearts),
    and also blood vessels and blood. The types of
    materials that travel thru the circulatory system
  • - Nutritive materials, after having been
    digested (broken down)
  • - Waste materials, that are processed in
    excretory systems but that are brought from each
    cell via the circulatory system.
  • - Gases (O2, CO2), after being exchanged via a
    respiratory system
  • - Hormones and other substances involved in

Some examples of transport systems
Circulatory systems with hearts
No circulatory system
(Unicellular) Uses vacuoles
Closed circulatory system with blood vessels
(Multicellular, 2 cells thick) Sac-like body plan
Open circulatory system with no blood or vessels
Open vs Closed circulatory systems
  • Both types involve a pumping structure (heart)
  • The main differences lie in whether there are
  • 1) Blood A fluid material that is distinct
    from other intercellular fluids.
  • 2) Specific vessels (vessels, veins, arteries,
    capillaries) through which blood flows.
  • Open circulatory system (usually with long,
    tubular heart)
  • - Arthropods (insects arachnids,
    crustaceans-shrimp, crabs centipeds/millipeds)
  • - Distribution of O2 occurs thru small ducts
    through the body
  • - Generally, suitable only for animals up to a
    relatively small size
  • Closed circulatory system (with one or more
  • - More complex animals
  • - Blood travels faster
  • - Distribution of O2 occurs through the
    circulatory systems vessels
  • - A requirement of larger, active animals.

Circulation in vertebrates
  • Circulatory system cardiovascular system
    heart(s) blood vessels blood
  • The heart in vertebrates is multi-chambered
    (several chambers), but the number of chambers is
    not the same in all animals.
  • Vertebrate heart chambers
  • - Atria (singular atrium) - Receive blood
    returning to the heart
  • - Ventricles - Pump blood out of the heart.
  • Vertebrate heart blood vessels
  • 1) arteries - carry blood away from the heart,
    to organs in the body.
  • 2) capillaries The network of microscopic
    vessels that branch out of arteries to
    infiltrate every tissue.
  • Chemical exchange (including gas exchange)
    between the blood and tissues occurs in
    capillaries. After that, capillaries rejoin into
  • 3) Veins carry blood to the heart.
  • Large vessels are called arteries or veins
    depending on the direction of flow (away from, or
    to the heart), and not depending on whether is
    oxygenated or non-oxygenated blood.

Atrium entrance Venter belly
Vertebrate circulation - Fish
Crocodilians, birds, mammals. 4 (2A, 2V)
Fish 2(1A, 1V)
Amphibians, most reptilians (turtles, snakes,
lizards). 3 (2A, 1V)
  • Closed circulatory systems and increased
    complexity are needed for achieving larger body
    size, higher levels of activity and the resulting
    increased cell respiration.
  • Fish 2-chambered heart (1 Atrium, 1 Ventricle)
  • - Ventricle ? gills (picks O2, gives off CO2) ?
    digestive system (picks nutrients) ? other
    tissues of body ? back to heart (atrium)
  • - Blood does not return to heart after it gets
    aerated at gills, but goes direct to the body (1
    pump system). Thus blood goes sluggishly (low
    pressure), but fish offset this limitation by
    being very efficient at getting O2 in gills and
    into the blood.

Vertebrate circulation Amphibiansreptilians
Crocodilians, birds, mammals. 4 (2A, 2V)
Fish 2(1A, 1V)
Amphibians, most reptilians (turtles, snakes,
lizards). 3 (2A, 1V)
  • Amphibians and most reptilians 3 chambers (2
    Atria, 1 Ventricle)
  • Ventricle ? artery w/ 2 branches
  • 1st- to lungs skin (picks O2) ? returns to
    heart thru veins
  • 2nd- to all organs except lungs ? returns to
    heart thru veins
  • There are 2 pumps (2 pumpings) Double
    circulation the first when the blood is first
    sent ending in capillaries, the second after it
    has been in capillaries and is to return to the
  • Some mixing of oxygenated and non-oxigenated
    blood takes place because there is only one
    ventricle. Because of this, these animals tire
    easily, but actually they make up for it by being
    able to obtain additional O2 through their skin
    (without lung intervention).

Vertebrate circulation Crocodilians, birds,
Crocodilians, birds, mammals. 4 (2A, 2V)
Fish 2(1A, 1V)
  • Crocodilians, birds, mammals 4 chambers (2A, 2V
    RA, LA, RV, LV)
  • Double circulation Oxygenated and de-oxygenated
    blood are kept separate. In effect, is as if
    there were 2 hearts (the right heart, and the
    left heart).
  • Right heart receives blood from the tissues
    (de-oxygenated) and sends it to the lungs for
    oxygenation. From the lungs, the O2-rich blood
    returns to the Left heart to be pumped to the
    body tissues.
  • These vertebrates, particularly birds and mammals
    are active, maintain constant and elevated body
    tissues and have high levels of metabolism
    (physical and mental activity). The
    high-efficiency, high-pressure double circulation
    is thought to be a necessary adaptation for these

The human heart
  • 1- Superior inferior vena cava (bring
    deoxygenated blood from body)
  • 2- Right atrium with pacemaker
  • 3- RA/RV valve pass into right ventricle
  • 4- right ventricle
  • 56- Pulmonary arteries to left/right lungs (push
    out blood to be oxygenated in lungs)
  • 7- Pulmonary veins bring blood back from lungs
  • 8- Left atrium
  • 9- LA/LV valve (Mitral valve)
  • 10- Left ventricle propels blood to the aorta
  • 11- Aorta (artery)- delivers oxygenated blood to
    body tissues.

The human cardiac cycle
  • Cardiac cycle Each sequence of muscle
    contraction (Systole) relaxation (Diastole).
    All chambers (RA, RV, LA, LV) go through them.
  • Atria relaxed and filling (receiving blood from
    body RA or from lungs LA), ventricles are
    relaxed (in diastole)
  • Blood forces AV valves open, and ventricles start
    to fill. Atria contract (atrial systole) pushing
    rest of blood to ventricles.
  • Ventricles contract (ventricular systole) causing
    AV valves to close and pressure increases. Valves
    to aorta and to pulmonary artery open and blood
    flows out of the heart. Then the ventricles relax
    (ventricular diastole), and the cycle begins
  • Why are ventricles thicker and more powerful than
    atria? Why is the left ventricle more muscular
    than the right ?

Helpful review of the human heart
From lungs
from From body
  • Left Atrium (in, send next door)
  • Receives O2-blood from lungs by
  • Pulmonary veins (left, right)
  • sends O2-blood to left ventricle
  • Little muscle needed

Right Atrium (in, send next door) -receives
de-ox blood from body (vena cava inf.
superior) -sends de-ox blood to right
ventricle - Little muscle needed
  • Left ventricle (in, away)
  • Receive O2-blood from left atrium
  • Sends (pumps hard) O2-blood to
  • Body via artery aorta
  • - Most muscular of all (sends farthest)
  • Right Ventricle (in, away)
  • Receives de-ox blood from
  • Right atrium
  • -Sends (pumps hard) de-ox blood
  • to lungs by L, R pulmonary arteries
  • -More muscle to send to lungs

to lungs
to all body
Cardiac muscle contraction
  • Heart muscle cardiac muscle (involuntary)
  • Body muscles - Skeletalstriated muscle
  • organs except heart Smooth muscle (involuntary)
  • Contraction requires Energy (ATP) whether is
    voluntary or involuntary. 2 proteins play a role
    in contraction of all muscles
  • Actin (thin protein filaments), and myosin
    (thicker protein filaments)
  • Z-lines are protein anchors. Actin filaments are
    attached to Z-lines.
  • During contraction, myosin filaments walk and
    pull along the actin filaments, narrowing the
    gap between rows of actin filaments. The entire
    unit contracts.

Early observations on blood flow
  • People did not know there were different vessels
    with different functions (arteries, veins,
    capillaries). The understanding was that
  • - blood was pumped from the heart and went to
    the body via vessels
  • - blood returned through the same vessels
  • - Blood flow was as the tides on the shore
  • William Harvey (England, 17th century) discovered
  • - There was no ebb and flow as on the shore.
  • - Blood runs all the time (he proposed blood
    circulates like a river with no end (moves all
    the time)
  • - He saw that an utensil (or blood itself) could
    only flow in one direction through the vessels,
    because there were flaps of tissue (valves)
    that allowed only one way movement.
  • - He concluded that there had to be 2 different
    sets of vessels One for blood to go out of the
    heart towards the body (arteries), and another
    for blood to return to the heart (veins).

Vein artery structure making blood flow
  • Large vessel structure from inside out (veins
  • 1) Endothelium-internal lining (1 cell tick)
  • 2) Middle layer- Smooth muscle elastic fibers
  • Arteries - very thick muscle
  • - operate under high pressure
  • Veins - thinner wall overall
  • - much less muscle
  • - operate under less pressure
  • 3) Outer layer -connective tissue elastic
  • ____________________________________
  • The muscle layer of arteries expands/contracts
    during the cardiac cycle
  • - Heart contracts (systole)?forces blood into
    arteries w/ high pressure?arteries walls
  • - Heart relaxes (diastole)?stretched arteries
    walls contract?blood is pushed along, maintains

Maintaining Blood pressure
Blood pressure Measure of the force per unit
area with which blood pushes against the walls of
the blood vessels. - Usually measured at the
artery on the upper arm, with an sphygnometer. -
Normal pressure in a young adult at rest is about
120/80 (120 mm Hg when the ventricles are
contracting systolic pressure), and 80 mm Hg
when the ventricles relax (diastolic pressure)
  • Veins have valves (flaps of tissue) that allow
    only a one-way blood flow thru them. Arteries do
    not have valves. Damaged vein valves allow
    backflow (example varicose veins)
  • Blood pressure is maintained by various physical
    features of the organs involved, and various
    regulatory processes and controlling substances
  • - Physical features The cardiac cycle
    (contraction/relaxation), the valves in veins,
    skeletal muscle pressing on vessels, gravity
    helps blood returning from the head region)
  • - Regulatory processes
  • - Hormones in nervous, excretory and
    circulatory systems
  • - Sensory inputs emotions (flushing, getting
    pale), sexual arousal (body parts filling with
  • - Chemical inputs, particularly CO2, ions in
    blood tissues
  • Hypertension Consistently higher readings of
    blood pressure, present in over 20 of adults in
    the USA. Makes heart work harder than normal can
    damage vessels and result in stroke (heart
    attacks) can result in atherosclerosis
    (hardening of vessel walls)

So wheres my blood?
During moderate exercise
  • Tissues that are most important for specific
    activities or physical exercise receive generally
    larger blood flow at all times, but also during
    specific activities during short term periods.
  • Contraction of the smooth tissue layer in the
    walls of blood vessels reduces blood flow through
    specific organs.

Resting (normal) conditions
Common heart /circulatory problems
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Some caused by poor health/habits Faulty heart
  • valves, and some strokes may be related to
  • conditions.
  • Some may have at least partial genetic
  • basis, such as Familial hypercholesterolimia
  • Abnormally high levels of blood cholesterol (a
  • that accumulates inside arteries, blocking them
  • and leading to heart attacks.

A replacement, artificial, mechanical-type heart
A stroke (heart attack) A blood vessel (artery)
has clogged somewhere on the body,
exerting backpressure on the heart. An artery
on The heart may then rupture.
Composition of blood- 1) Erythrocytes
  • Materials in the blood of vertebrates
  • 1) Erythrocytes (red blood cells),
  • 2) Leukocytes (white blood cells)
  • 3) Platelets (small clotting agents),
  • 4) Plasma (the fluid media)
  • 1) Erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBC)
    transport O2 contained in a protein called
    hemoglobin, which consists of 4 subunits, each
    made of an iron (Fe) suspended in a molecule
    called heme group.
  • - Fe in hemoglobin binds with oxygen in O2-rich
    areas (the lungs), carries them in the blood, and
    releases in O2-poor areas (ends of
    capillariestissues and cells)
  • - Some animals dont have hemoglobin, but other
    substances that do the same job. All vertebrates
    have hemoglobin.
  • - RBCs are produced constantly because the live
    only 120 days.
  • - dont reproduce while in the blood
  • - produced in the marrow of bones
    (regulated by a hormone in kidneys)
  • - Mature erythrocytes in human and other
    mammals dont have a nucleus. In frogs and
    other animals they do.

2) Leukocytes 3) Plasma
  • 2) Leukocytes (WBC) Defend the body against
    invading organisms such as bacteria. There are
    several types
  • - Macrophagues Surround bacteria and other
    foreign foreign cells and absorb them, thus
    eliminating them as a threat.
  • - Foreign cells are incorporated eaten by
  • - When there is an infection, WBC numbers in
    the blood increase greatly (the body is
    fighting the disease).
  • - The Pus often seen in infected tissues is
    a thick opaque, usually yellowish white fluid
    matter formed by suppuration, composed partly of
    leukocytes, tissue debris, and microorganisms
  • 3) Plasma Provides a liquid media for the
    blood cells to travel in and for carrying other
    materials. Plasma consists of water, proteins,
    aminoacids, sugar and other particles.
  • Plasma serves as
  • - Carries most of the CO2 waste from cell
    respiration throughout the body.
  • - Absorves nutrients from the intestine
    after digestion, carrying them to the rest of the
    cells of the body.
  • - Carries hormones from various glands, for
  • Insulin Maintains proper levels of blood
  • - Carries various dissolved ions that help
    regulate the balance between blood and the
    intercellular fluid, and others that maintain a
    proper blood pH.
  • - Levels of ions in intercellular fluid
    depend of levels in the plasma. These ions
    regulate the operation of nerves and muscles.
    The organs that control proper levels of these
    ions (electrolytes) are the kidneys.

4) Platelets (clotting coagulating agents)
  • 4) Platelets Small bodies that interact with a
    protein in blood to cause clotting when there is
    an injury.
  • - They help stop blood from running out
    continuously through a wound (coagulation of
  • - Platelets become sticky and attract other
    platelets forming a plug that seals the wound.
  • - They release enzymes that interact with
    clotting factors in the blood (proteins),
    beginning an enzymatic chain that involves the
    changing of fibrinogen (a soluble plasma protein)
    to an insoluble form called fibrin. Fibrin
    strands make a network where platelets stick,
    forming a blood clot.

1) Enzyme cascade? enzyme Agent X forms 2) Agent
X Calcium ions (Ca2)? protein prothrombin
changes to thrombin 3) Thrombin an enzyme ?
soluble protein fibrinogen changes to insoluble
fibrin. 4) Fibrin attracts materials making a
clot (plug)
The Lymphatic system
  • The lymphatic system is an additional network of
    tubules that carry lymph through the body.
  • Lymph consists of
  • - specialized cells
  • - water
  • - large proteins
  • - salts, other substances, and intercellular
  • Lymph picks up intercellular materials and brings
    them into the lymphatic vessels.
  • The lymphatic system does not have a pump (a
    heart). Thus, the flow is slow, and depends
    largely on muscle contractions on other muscles
    of the body, that push lymph through the
    lymphatic system.
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