Title: Power: The Basics Of Troubleshooting
1PowerThe Basics Of Troubleshooting
2- Kent Brown
- Sola/Hevi-Duty
- Dave Trungale
- SoftSwitching Technologies
- Power Quality Basics
- Power Monitoring - New Technologies For Low Cost
Monitoring - Solutions
4Integrated Power Quality
5Power Disturbances Present
164 Transients
90 Undervoltages
19 Overvoltages
16 Outages
6The World of Power Quality
- Regulation/Outages
- Isolation/Noise
- Harmanico Filtration
- Transient Voltages
- Power Conversion AC-DC
7Power Conditioning
- Provide a constant sinusoidal output voltage
- Free from all power disturbances including
8How do they work? Simple!
1) A large change in input Voltage
Densidad de Flujo
2) Results in a small change in output voltage
Output Voltage
Input Voltage
9Power Conditioners Applications
- Industrial Automation PLCs
- Machine Tools
- Laboratory Equipment
- Robotics
- Photographic Equipment
- Equipment controlled by microprocessors
10What is a Surge Suppressor?
- A device that reduces random or transient high
voltage usually of a short duration, to more
acceptable or less damaging energy - TVSS Transient Voltage Surge Suppression
- Sometimes referred to as SPD Surge Protective
11IMPULS (Transient Spike)
- Definition
- Narrow, high voltage impulse superimposed on the
AC waveform(
12Where does a transient come from?
35 Exterior
65 Interior
13Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
14Power Quality
15Power Quality
16Important Questions Issues in Power Quality
- Power quality is a financial problem not a
technical problem! Further, cost is all borne by
the end user. - For the past 100 years, the utilitys job has
been to keep the lights on. For todays
high-tech factories and processes, that is no
longer sufficient. - As the reliability of utility service is
increased, the number of PQ events may actually
increase! - If a ¼ second voltage sag takes down a customers
process for 1 hour, did the customer experience a
¼ second or 1 hour power event? - Without adequate data, the PQ market is based on
fear! - First step is knowledge of the problem, then
comes the solution!
17Power Quality Simplified
1. Fault Occurs.
2. Entire Grid Feeds Fault.
3. Voltage Sag to Grid.
4. Breaker Opens at L1. Power Loss
Downstream of L1.
5. Fault Clears Breaker Reclosure at L1.
18EPRI Distribution Power Quality Study
- Voltage sags are by far the most common power
quality problem - Traditional solutions focus on interruptions or
transient voltage suppression, these does not
address voltage sag problem
Power quality and reliability problems cost the
U.S. economy approximately 120 to 190 billion
annually (EPRI DOE)
19Availability vs. Process Uptime
- Significant disconnect between utility and
customer perspective on power quality events and
their impact - Utilitys focus is reliability keeping the
lights on - Customers focus is to minimize cost of downtime
20Impact of Voltage Sags on Equipment
- Voltage sags and momentary interruptions cause
equipment to drop off, process downtime can occur - When voltage returns, high current inrush can
occur. Unplanned operation of safety devices
and/or equipment damage can occur. - Typical Load Single Line Diagram
21Power Monitoring
22Power Quality Reliability (PQR) Monitor
- Customer Needs
- Minimize power-related downtime.
- Obtain good utility support when power issues
occur. - Understand the impact of PQR events on
processes. - Identify optimum PQR solutions required, if any.
- Existing PQ monitoring solutions are limited in
performance and/or are very expensive to install
and operate. - The cost of monitoring often exceeds cost of the
solution, and often the cost of the problem!! - A new paradigm is needed in power monitoring,
that is low cost, simple to use, requires no
infrastructure, provides information to user to
identify and solve PQ problems, if any. - Solutions are available from SoftSwitching and
23PQ PR Monitoring Existing Solutions
- Typically provide multi-function monitoring
- Voltage, current, power, VAR, energy, harmonics
24I-Sense monitors record report PQ event data
to the I-Grid server using an internal modem via
the Internet
- Use a web browser to- View PQ event data,
current historical - Manage your account I-Sense monitor/s
- Generate reports
I-Grid server archives event data in a
relational database, provides aggregation
reporting capabilities
End Customer
I-Grid Server / Database / Aggregation
Engine (AE)
Utility CI Customers
Facilities Mgr
Utility Acct Rep
I-Grid server provides real-time
email/pagernotification to customersand to
Utility Call Ctrs
195 1 Phase 295 3 Phase
25Typical Events at Industrial Plant - Michigan
- With monitoring in place, one can start thinking
of solutions - Representative waveforms actually captured by
Large Industrial Plant, MI 7/28/02
32702 pm
7/28/02 32803 pm
26Power Quality Solutions
27Key Decision Point-of-Pain vs. Facility Wide
28Dynamic Sag Corrector (DySC)
- Applications
- Premium Grid
- Semiconductor Mfg
- Automotive Mfg
- Fiber Optic Cable Mfg
- Normal Grid
- Plastics
- Steel
- Food Processing
- Paper
- Glass
- All Continuous Processes
DySC Product Family 0.25 kW to 3000 kW
- Effective protection against short duration power
disturbances - Meets or exceeds SEMI F47
- Cost effective solution
- Pays for itself with first event in high-impact
applications - Proven product
- Over 500 units installed in critical
manufacturing applications (20,000 kVA installed
base) - No batteries, no flywheels, low maintenance,
long-life, high efficiency, compact size, silicon
intensive - Wide power range gives application flexibility
- Provides 100 protection for premium grid
1000 kVA PRODySC
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant
- Automotive Manufacturing Plant
INPUT 3/04/02 12471519
OUTPUT 3/04/02 12471526
INPUT 10/13/2002 081930.490
OUTPUT 10/13/2002 081930.504
30Automotive Application
- Application Body Shop robot welding systems,
PLC controls, material handling - Events 8 to 12 major events per year
- Losses 11,000/min 2-4 hrs production loss
- Collaboration Major East Coast Utility
collaborated with the customer to evaluate
(test) different solutions recommended - Solution 1 MW DySC for Body Shop
power distribution panel, expandable to 1.3
MW. Capability to add capacitive energy
storage for additional ride- through. Installed
I-SenseTM Power Monitors at input output - Results
- Several saves recorded where body shop kept
running when other parts of plant shut down.
I-Sense e-mail reports verified protection by the
PRODySC. - Customer preparing to install a larger unit for
plant expansion.
- Power Quality is a dominant cause of unscheduled
downtime in critical high-tech manufacturing
applications - Voltage sags are by far the most common Power
Quality disturbance - Voltage sags cause both downtime AND equipment
damage - Monitoring is essential to understand a plants PQ
- Monitoring can be low cost and easy to install
- Variety of solutions are available
- Point-of-use solutions within customer facility
provide targeted cost-effective PQ solutions - Available solutions for voltage sags
- DySC, CVT, UPS, Flywheel