Title: Designing Templates
1Designing Templates
2Template Overview
- In a CMS, templates create publications
- A template saves you from the manual labor of
continually laying content into a particular
structure and form - By using a template, you decide once how you want
to lay out and format content, and then you let
the computer do the tedious task of building
publication pages or sections
3What do templates do?
- Templates streamline the process of creating
publications from the neutral content in a CMS - Bridges between the world of the CMS and
publications - Mixes static and dynamic constituents
- Builds a publication page or section
- Templates are programs that automatically create
part of a publication - Draws the publication into a system of
publications - Templates share code and content to create
multiple presentations of the same base of
information and functionality - Uses logic select content, process it, and
format it for display - Hosts other templates template nesting
4Bridging Worlds
- A template bridges the gap between the content in
the CMS and the publication format and structure.
- The template must bridge the distance between
these two worlds and the worlds of any external
systems that the publication must link to (such
as transaction system) - To work in the world of the repository, the
template must do the following - Query the CMS repository
- Use the content schema
- Use the access structures
- Store data (responding to user requests)
- Call the CMS services
5Bridging Worlds (Cont.)
- To work in the world of the publication, the
template must do the following - Create the context of the publication font,
imagery, branding - Produce the formatting of the publication using
HTML, SGML - Produce the structures of the publication
access structure - Target the audiences of the publication
personalization - To tie the publication into the worlds of any
external systems, templates must do the following - Connect code for accessing the external system
- Query -- get data out of the external system
- Send data back send data back to the external
6Mixing the static and the dynamic
- Similar to a mail-merge document in MS WORD
- You create a standard form that all pages or
sections follow. - Then you remove all the particulars of the page
or section and replace them with placeholders. - Later, the CMS replaces the placeholders with the
particulars to create a set of publications pages
or sections. - Example PLAN press release
- The overall context of the page
- Static text and media areas of the page
- Dynamic navigation areas
- Dynamic content areas
7A mail-merge document in Microsoft Word
8A sample Web page that shows static and dynamic
9Building Pages
- A template is a program that builds publication
pages or sections. - A template may be literally a program, or you may
use it to trigger other
Function BuildPage(ID) ?var Component
LoadComponent(ID) ?title Component.GetElement(
"title") ?body Component.GetElement("body")
?Output "ltHTMLgtltHEADgt" ?Output Output
Title ?Output Output "lt/HEADgtltBODYgt
?Output Output Body ?Output Output
"lt/Bodygtlt/HTMLgt ?FakeFile Output, ID
".htm"End Function
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt Insert Title lt/HEADgt
ltBODYgt Insert Body lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
10Building Pages Using XSLT
ltxsltemplate match"/"gt ltHTMLgt
ltxslapply-templates /gt lt/HTMLgtlt/xsltemplate
gtltxsltemplate match"Title"gt ltTITLEgt
ltxslvalue-of select"."/gt lt/TITLEgtlt/xsltemp
lategtltxsltemplate match"Body"gt ltBODYgt
ltxslvalue-of select"."/gt lt/BODYgtlt/xsltempl
11Building Pages (Cont.)
- Comparing the above three templates
- They all accomplish the same result.
- The first example is much easier to read and use.
- The first example is hardest for the CMS.
- The first example is the least flexible.
- If you want it simple for the end users, you make
it harder for the developers. If you make it easy
to use, it's less flexible.
12Building Pages (Cont.)
It's an HTML file It's XML It enables you to
create your own programs
Sacrifice some simplicity for the capability to
use complex commands and call in custom
programs. This method is close in principle to
how many of the better CMS products actually do
13Creating A System of Publications
- Templates enable you to share content and code
among a family of publications. To enable this
sharing, you must do some ground work in the
following areas - Content overlap Decide how the content of each
publication overlaps. - Training documentation best practices to also
appear as sidebars - Newsletter appropriate case studies to appear
in a shortened form - Design overlap Decide how the design of each
publication overlaps - All publications carry the organization logo in
the upper-left corner - Create a palette of colors and imagery that all
publications must use - Process change decide how the staff and
processes of the current publication teams need
to change
14Creating A System of Publications (Cont.)
- PLAN example
- A chronological listing of all press releases on
its Web site - A printed annual report carrying the title "PLAN
Activities" that it targets at board members and
major contributors - A set of printable press releases that it can fax
to news agencies. - Short e-mail messages that it targets at members
to keep them up to date on major events at PLAN. - PLAN can do a lot of copying and pasting to make
this material all happen, or it can use a CMS to
automate the production and update all these
publications from the same base of press-release
content. - By using a set of templates, it can decide what
the overlap of press release content is. - Knowing that a single person may see more than
one of it publications, PLAN can create a
consistent design across them. - Knowing that different groups now create all
these publications, it can plan how to coalesce
the various efforts and staff into a single
15Using A Template Processor
- A template is a text file.
- The file itself isn't capable of actually
building a page. Rather, it's a set of
instructions on how to build a page - The thing that interprets the instructions and
carries them out is known as the template
processor. - XSLT software, ASP, JSP, ColdFusion
- Tasks of a template processor
- Loads templates
- Skips static text and media
- Processes commands
- Calls external programs
- Returns errors
- Returns a resulting node
16Understanding Template Logic
- Templates use logic to specify the operations
that they need to perform to build a page or
section. - In any particular templating system, logic is a
programming language that you use to specify
commands and processes. - Template logic examples
- Insert ____
- Insert Title
- For Each _____ Next _____
- For Each Article ltH1gtInsert Titlelt/H1gtNext
Article - If ____ End If
- If you have OtherNews components ltH2gtOther
Newslt/H2gtEnd If, - Run ____
- Run Credit Card Transaction
17Using Templates within Templates
- Two main reasons for using page templates
- To modularize the production of a publication
node - To standardize the presentation of a particular
type of node - Any area that follows a specific pattern and is
worth naming you can think of as a template, as
the following list describes - Page templates name a certain type of publication
page and say what static and dynamic areas it
contains. - Navigation templates name a certain type of
navigation area and say what static and dynamic
areas it contains. - Component templates name a certain type of
content area and say what static and dynamic
areas it contains. - Using XSLT, include files to do template nesting
18A page that uses a subtemplate and a
19Web Templating
- Suppose that PLAN wants to put press releases in
the following three places on their Web site - A short abstract of the hottest press releases
appears on the PLAN home page - A list of all press releases appears on the
press-release page - Each press release appears in full on its own
21An example of how press release appear on the
PLAN home page
22An example of how press release appear on the
press-release main page
23An example of how press releases appear on a
press-release detail page
24A close-up of the navigation area on the
press-release detail page
25The Web Content Area
- People generally look at content areas as a
single unit. - In fact, this one consists of a set of elements
and static content that all come together in a
very particular way to create the effect of a
single unit.
26Press Release Elements
27Template for Web Content Area
28Other Templating
- Print templating
- Fax templating
- Email templating
29Analyzing Templates
- Think about the publications you will create.
Decide how the content and design of each
publication overlaps the others - Think about your staff and processes, and how
theyll have to change to make templating
possible. - Editorial people need to have greater integration
with the content collection process - Production people need to work on producing
templates rather than final publications - Decide how to go about your template analysis
competitive template analysis
30Analyzing Templates (Cont.)
- Decide what content types your templates should
represent. These types are the core set of pages
you want to publish. - After you decide on your content types, decide
how navigation between them should work. - Analyze the content and navigation you decide
upon to determine what is local and global,
static and dynamic in your publication. - Make a wire frame drawing for each page that you
want to produce, showing the dynamic and static
content and the global and local navigation
31Analyzing Templates (Cont.)
- Summarize content areas across all your page
types to determine what content will be shared by
which pages. - Summarize navigation across all your page types
to determine what navigation will be shared by
which pages. - Summarize the components your pages need across
all page types to determine which components are
to be shared and by which pages
32Analyzing Templates (Cont.)
- Decide how you will approach localization as a
personalization or more comprehensively. For each
of the templates that you intend to create, do a
localization analysis including - Localities for which you must localize
- Graphic and design items to be localized
- Content and navigation components to be localized
- Do a task analysis to determine the impact of
your template design on other parts of the CMS,
and then determine what tasks are required to
maintain your templates over time
33Analyzing Templates (Cont.)
- Integrate your template analysis with the other
design aspects for your CMS. Consider the impact
of the template design on other requirements,
audiences, processes, authors, and publications - When youve completed your template analysis,
youll have a detailed set of drawings and
templates to hand off to your template developer