Fermats Last Theorem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fermats Last Theorem


We will start with something simple. I will plot this leaf and deduce its equation. ... I coined fractal from the Latin adjective fractus. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fermats Last Theorem

Fermats Last Theorem
  • When x, y and z are whole numbers each raised to
    power of n, the sum of the first two can never
    equal the third when n is greater than 2.

Stirring Your Rice Pudding p.4
  • Thomasina When you stir your rice pudding,
    Septimus, the spoonful of jam spreads itself
    round making red trails like the picture of a
    meteor in my astronomical atlas. But if you stir
    backward, the jam will not come together again.
    Indeed, the pudding does not notice and continues
    to turn pink just as before. Do you think this
    is odd?
  • Septimus No.
  • Thomasina Well, I do. You cannot stir things

Determinism p.5
  • Thomasina If you could stop every atom in its
    position and direction, and if your mind could
    comprehend all the actions thus suspended, then
    if you were really, really good at algebra you
    could write the formula for all the future and
    although nobody can be so clever as to do it, the
    formula must exist just as if one could.
  • Near the end of the 18th century, French
    mathematician Pierre Simon de Laplace described
  • If an intelligence, for one given instant,
    recognizes all the forces which animate Nature,
    and the respective positions of the things which
    compose it, and if that intelligence is
    sufficiently vast to subject these data to
    analysis, it will comprehend in one formula the
    movements of the largest bodies of the universe
    as well as those of the minutest atom nothing
    will be uncertain to it, and the future as well
    as the past will be present to its vision.

Thomasinas New Geometry of Irregular Forms p.37
  • Thomasina if there is an equation for a curve
    like a bell

  • there must be an equation for one like a
    bluebell, and if a bluebell, why not a rose?...

  • Do we believe nature is written in numbers?
  • Septimus We do.
  • Thomasina They why do your equations only
    describe the shapes of manufacture?
  • Septimus I do not know.
  • Thomasina Armed thus, God could only make a

  • Septimus He has mastery of equations which lead
    into infinities where we cannot follow.
  • Thomasina What a faint-heart! We must work
    outward from the middle of the maze. We will
    start with something simple. I will plot this
    leaf and deduce its equation. You will be famous
    for being my tutor when Lord Byron is dead and

Fractal Leaf
Fractal The result of an infinite number of
iterations of a given operation (equation) or set
of instructions.
Classical Maths vs. Modern Maths
  • A great revolution of ideas separates the
    classical mathematics of the 19th century from
    the modern mathematics of the 20th. Classical
    mathematics had its roots in the regular
    geometric structures of Euclid and the
    continuously evolving dynamics of Newton. Modern
    mathematicswas forced by the discovery of
    mathematical structures that did not fit the
    patterns of Euclid and Newton. These new
    structures were regardedas pathological,as a
    gallery of monsters, kin to the cubist painting
    and atonal music that were upsetting established
    standards of taste in the arts at about the same
    time. Twentieth-century mathematics flowered in
    the belief that it had transcended completely the
    limitations imposed by its natural origins.

  • Now, as Mandelbrot points out,Nature had played
    a joke on the mathematicians. The 19th-century
    mathematicians may have been lacking in
    imagination, but Nature was not. The same
    pathological structures that the mathematicians
    invented to break loose from 19th century
    naturalism turn out to be inherent in familiar
    objects all around us.

Algebra (to bind together) vs. Fractal (to break)
  • There is a saying in Latin that to name is to
    know Nomen est numen. However, as the
    classical monsters were defanged and harnessed
    through my efforts, and as many new monsters
    began to arise, the need for a term became
    increasingly apparent. I coined fractal from the
    Latin adjective fractus. The corresponding Latin
    verb frangere means to break to create
    irregular fragments. It is therefore sensible
    and how appropriate for our needs! that, in
    addition to fragmented (as in fraction or
    refraction), fractus should also mean
    irregular, both meanings being preserved in
    fragment. Since algebra derives from the Arabic
    jabara to bind together, fractal and algebra
    are etymological opposites!
  • -Benoit Mandelbrot

  • For understanding complexity, they (Euclids
    mathematics) turn out to be the wrong kind of
    abstraction. Clouds are not spheres, mountains
    are not cones (Gleick 94).
  • Simple shapes fail to resonate with the way
    nature organizes itself or with the way human
    perception sees the world (Gleick 116).
  • Thomasina was right, in abandoning Euclidean
  • Thomasina Mountains are not pyramids and trees
    are not cones. God must love gunnery and
    architecture if Euclid is his only geometry. p.84

New Geometry of Irregular Forms
  • Hannah I, Thomasina Coverly, have found a truly
    wonderful method whereby all the forms of nature
    must give up their numerical secrets and draw
    themselves through number alone. This margin
    being too mean for my purpose, the reader must
    look elsewhere for the New Geometry of Irregular
    Forms discovered by Thomasina Coverly. p.43

Fractal Ferns
Iterated Algorithms p.43
  • Hannah Whats an iterated algorithm?
  • Valentine ...its an algorithm thats been
    iterated. The left-hand pages are graphs of
    what the numbers are doing on the right-hand
    pages. But all on different scales. Each graph
    is a small section of the previous one, blown up.
    Like youd blow us a detail of a photograph, and
    then a detail of the detail, and so on, forever.
    Or in her case till she ran out of pages.

  • Iteration To repeat a process over and over
    again. Some involve algebraic equations or
    mathematical functions, others involve computer
  • Valentine You have some x-and-y equation. Any
    value for x gives you a value for y. So you put a
    dot where its right for both x and y. Then you
    take the next value for x which gives you another
    value for y, and then youve done that a few
    times you join up the dots and thats your graph
    of whatever the equation is. p.44

  • Algorithm Simply described, a finite list of
    well-defined instructions for accomplishing some
    task that, given an initial state, will terminate
    in a defined end-state.
  • The word algorithm is derived from
    Al-Khowarizmi. Al-Khowarizmi wrote books on
    arithmetic and algebra, borrowing Hindu ideas and
    symbols for numerals, as well as Mesopotamian
    concepts and Euclids geometrical thought --
    Aczel, Amir D. Fermats Last Theorem.

Hannah And is that what shes doing?
  • Valentine Whats shes doing is, every time she
    works out a value for y, shes using that as her
    next value for x. And so on. Like a feedback.
    Shes feeding the solution back into the
    equation, and then solving it again. Iteration,
    you see.
  • Hannah And thats surprising, is it?
  • Valentine Well, it is a bit. Its the technique
    Im using on my grouse numbers, and it hasnt
    been around for much longer than, well, call it
    twenty years. When Thomasina was doing maths it
    had been the same maths for a couple of thousand
    years. Classical. And for a century after
    Thomasina. Then maths left the real world
    behind, just like modern art, really. Nature was
    classical, maths was suddenly Picassos. But now
    nature is having the last laugh. The freaky
    stuff is turning out to be the mathematics of the
    natural world. p.44

  • Valentine If you knew the algorithm and fed it
    back say ten thousand times, each time thered be
    a dot somewhere on the screen. Youd never know
    where to expect the next dot. But gradually
    youd start to see this shape, because every dot
    will be inside the shape of this leaf. It
    wouldnt be a leaf, it would be a mathematical
    object. But yes. The unpredictable and the
    predetermined unfold together to make everything
    the way it is. p.47

  • Hannah This feedback, is it a way of making
    pictures of forms in nature? Just tell me if it
    is or it isnt.
  • Valentine To me it is. Pictures of turbulence
    growth change creation its not a way of
    drawing an elephant, for Gods sake!
  • Hannah So you couldnt make a picture of this
    leaf by iterating a whatsit?
  • Valentine Oh yes, you could do that. p.47

  • The unpredictable and the predetermined unfold
    together to make everything the way it is.

  • The world displays a regular irregularity
    (Gleick 98).

Valentines Grouse
  • It seems that most of what is interesting in the
    natural world, and especially in the biological
    world of living things, involves nonlinear
    mathematics. Biologists - working on the ups
    and downs of animal population - were among the
    first to see that not only can simple rules give
    rise to behavior which looks very complicated,
    but the behavior can be so sensitive to the
    starting conditions as to make long term
    prediction impossible (even when you know the
    rule) -- May, Robert M. From Newton to Chaos.

Chaos Theory and Population Biology
  • It seems likely that much complexity and
    apparent irregularity seen in nature derives from
    simple but chaotic rules.
  • Ultimately, the mathematics of chaos offers new
    and deep insights into the structure of the world
    around us -- May, Robert M. From Newton to
  • Chaos Theory is about finding the underlying
    order in apparently random data -- Rae, Gregory.
    Chaos Theory a Brief Introduction.
  • Valentine Ive got a graph real data and Im
    trying to find the equation which would give you
    the graph if you iterated it. p.45

  • The simplest rules or algorithms or mathematical
    equations, containing no random elements
    whatsoever, can generate behavior which is as
    complicated as anything we can imagine.
  • It says that a situation can be both
    deterministic and unpredictable like a storm
    system (unpredictable without being random or
    attributable to very complicated causes).
  • -- May, Robert M. From Newton to Chaos.

  • Simple as the rules may be in themselves, these
    chaos-generating equations have the property of
    being nonlinear.
  • With linear equations, one can predict what comes
    next, or guess ahead. But Nature draws itself
    differently and uses nonlinear equations.
  • Valentine Its how you look at population
    changes in biology. Goldfish in a pond, say.
    This year there are x goldfish. Next year
    therell be y goldfish. Some get born, some get
    eaten by herons, whatever. Nature manipulates
    the x and turns it into y. Then y goldfish is
    your starting population for the following year.
    Your value for y becomes your next value for x.
    The question is what is being done to x? What
    is the manipulation? Whatever it is, it can be
    written down as mathematics. Its called an
    algorithm. p.45

  • Valentine its not nature in a box. But it
    turns out the population is obeying a
    mathematical rule.
  • Hannah The goldfish are?
  • Valentine Yes. No. The numbers. Its not
    about the behaviour of fish. Its about the
    behaviour of numbers. This thing works for any
    phenomenon which eats its own numbers
  • Hannah Does it work for grouse? p.45

  • Valentine Theres more noise with grouse.
  • Hannah Noise?
  • Valentine Distortions. Interference. Real data
    is messy. Theres a thousand acres of moorland
    that had grouse on itbut nobody counted the
    grouse. They shot them. So you count the grouse
    they shot. But burning the heather interferes,
    it improves the food supply. A good year for
    foxes interferes the other way, they eat the
    chicks. And then theres the weather. Its all
    very, very noisy out there. Very hard to spot
    the tune
  • Hannah Why did you choose them? (grouse)
  • Valentine The game books. My true inheritance.
    Two hundred years of real data on a plate. p.46

  • Human was the music,
  • Math was the static
  • -- John Updike, as quoted in Chaos by James Gleick

  • Valentine The unpredictable and the
    predetermined unfold together to make everything
    the way it is. Its how nature creates itself,
    on every scale, the snowflake and the snowstorm.
    It makes me so happy. To be at the beginning
    again, knowing almost nothing. People were
    talking about the end of physics. Relativity and
    quantum looked as if they were going to clean out
    the whole problem between them. A theory of
    everything. But they only explained the very big
    and the very small. The universe, the elementary
    particles. p.48

The Very Big
  • as complicated as anything we can imagine.
  • attributable to very complicated causes.
  • The universe
  • Valentine predicting events at the edge of the
    galaxy p.48

And The Very Small
  • Atoms
  • Elementary particles
  • Valentine inside the nucleus of an atom p.48

The Ordinary-Sized Stuff
  • Valentine The ordinary-sized stuff which is our
    lives, the things people write poetry about
    clouds daffodils waterfalls and what
    happens in a cup of coffee when the cream goes in
    these things are full of mystery, as mysterious
    to us as the heavens were to the Greeks. p.48

  • Water dripping from a faucet is called chaotic.
    It is virtually impossible to predict when the
    next drop will fall -- Atkatz, David. Newton,
    Determinism, and Chaos.
  • Valentine We cant even predict the next drop
    from a dripping tap Each drip sets up the
    conditions for the next, the smallest variation
    blows prediction apart p.48

Its the best possible time to be alive, when
almost everything you thought you knew is wrong.
-- Valentine Coverly
  • Thomasina Did you not like my rabbit equation?
    It eats its own progeny.
  • Septimus I did not see that. p.77
  • Valentine Its about the behaviour of numbers.
    This thing works for any phenomenon which eats
    its own numbers p.45
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