Title: FRECOEMC Cables
Available cross sections from 4x1.5 to 4x240 mm²
3Mechanical properties
4Electrical properties
5Freco-EMC Conductor
- Copper conductor class 5(bunched conductor)
- Flexibility
- Easy mounting and connection
6Freco-EMC insulation
- XLPE insulation
- Increased service temperature up to 90C and
therefor smaller sections - Lower permittivity as PVC insulation, which leads
to smaller capacitive load for the
converter(ePVC 4 and ePE 2.3)
7Cross sections 1.5 to 16 mm²XLPE vs PVC or PE
8Cross sections 25 to 240 mm²XLPE vs PVC or PE
9Freco-EMC inner sheath
- Filling and inner sheath under the screen
- Optimal connection of the screen through cable
glands (see radiation diagrams later on) - No risk of dammage while cutting off
- Reduced capacity to screen, due to increased
10Freco-EMC screen
- Copper tape and copper braid
- Avoids perturbances of sensors and control
circuits - High current carrying screen which guarantees a
low transfer impedance and an optimal screening
11Transfer impedance the ideal screen the tube
12TubeExplanation of the curve
Low frequencies
At low frequencies, the current circulates over
the whole cross section of the tube. An
interference current completely overlaps with the
signal current. Transfer impedance corresponds to
the RDC of the tube. At higher frequencies,
the signal current circulates on the outer side
of the inner conductor and on the inner side of
the tube. An interference current circulates
only on the outer side of the tube. The higher
the frequency, the lower is the interference with
the signal current The transfer impedance is
significantly reduced.
High frequencies
13Transfer impedance of a braid
The transfer impedance starts at low frequencies
at RDC (braid). If the braid is optimized, the
transfer impedance of the braid shows first a
behaviour like a tube and drops. At high
frequencies, the magnetic field of the
interference current penetrates the braid and
induces a voltage drop on the screen. Therefor,
the transfer impedance rises with 20 dB equal to
a multiplicator of 10 for each frequency decade.
14Transfer impedance optimized vs. normal braid
15Transfer impedanceFreco-EMC vs. EVAVB vs. LiYCY
16Optimized design for the screen of a Freco-EMC
To determine the caracteristics of the screen,
different measurements were done. The radiation
of a LiYCY was measured in a RF-anechoïc
chamber. The braid is designed for optimized
17Transfer impedanceFreco-EMC vs. EVAVB vs. LiYCY
vs. steel tube with braid
Optimized braid !
18Connection of a cable with 4 conductors vs. cable
with 3 conductors
Safety ?Good ! EMC ?Bad ! This comon mode
current loop radiates !
Safety ?Good ! EMC ?Good ! The sum of the
currents in the cable is zero !
19Freco-EMC NBN 30.004 F2
- Fire-retardent acc. to NBN 30.004 F2( IEC
60332-3 Cat. C) - safety
20Freco-EMC IEC 60332-3
- Flame temperature
- Determined by the prescribed propane gas / air
proportions - Test duration
- CAT A (7 l combustible material) 40
- CAT B (3.5 l combustible material) 40
- CAT C (1.5 l combustible material) 20 NBN
30.004 F2 - Conditions
- Burn damage must not extend further then 2.5 m
from lower burner end
21Features BenefitsSummary
Information about Freco-EMC Edgar
Heinrichs Tel. 32/87/59 72 60 Fax. 32/87/59
70 67 E-mail edgar_heinrichs_at_eupen.com
- Kabelwerk Eupen AG
- Malmedyer Strasse 9
- Belgium
- Tel. 32/87/59 70 00
- Fax. 32/87/59 71 00
- http//www.eupen.com