Replacement for Chapter 7 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Replacement for Chapter 7


various circuits built from gates: full adder test for equality. S-L ... 3) Converting data and addresses to binary form is generally not viewed as fun. 24 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Replacement for Chapter 7

Replacement for Chapter 7
  • Low-level Languages for Super Simple CPU (SSC

Ref Lab Manual Laboratories 5 and 7
  • We will skip Chapter 7 in the text and instead
    use the machine from the lab sessions.
  • The instruction set for the machine in Chapter 7
    is just a bit more complicated than we want to
    pursue at this time.
  • Today it is not common to actually program much
    in machine or assembly language, but
    understanding these two types of languages help
    you understand what happens with high level
    languages such as C, C, and Java.

  • The machine we "built" is not the machine you
    "see" when you sit and start typing on the
  • The hardware at the lowest level consists of
  • binary representations
  • data instructions
  • various circuits built from gates
  • full adder test for equality
  • S-L latch decoder
  • multiplexor
  • units built from circuits and buses
  • memory
  • central processor control unit
  • ALU
  • I/0 system
  • secondary storage units

  • Each computer model has its own machine language.
  • The machine instruction format is designed by the
    computer designer.
  • The format chosen for an instruction determines
  • the number of operations directly supported in
  • (called hardwired instructions)
  • and
  • the size of the addressing space i.e. the
    amount of memory that can be supported

Our Computer SSC(As introduced in the lab)
  • It is a 1-address machine.
  • This means each instruction holds only one
    operand for an operation and if another operand
    is needed, it is a register, the accumulator (or
  • Thus an instruction like ADD X obtains one
    operand value from X and one operand value from
  • There are other machines which are 2-address
    machines, 3-address machines, and ones that mix
    all of the different possibilities (called,
    appropriately, variable format machines.)

Examples of Other Formats
  • A 2-address machine would have an instruction
    such as ADD X Y which would add X to Y and store
    the result in X (or possibly Y)
  • A 3-address machine would have an instruction
    such as ADD X Y Z which would X to Y and store
    the result in Z.
  • 1-address machines generally require a few more
    instructions to accomplish an operation as the
    ACC has to be loaded and then stored.
  • Being able to utilize the ACC effectively leads
    to more efficient programs i.e. avoid
    unnecessary loads and stores.

Our Computer(As introduced in the lab)
  • The format chosen for the SSCs instruction is
  • opcode 4 bits
  • operand 12 bits
  • The opcode is the operation code and is a code
    that specifies the instruction being supported.
  • The hardware designer lists the operations to be
    supported and then assigns an opcode to each.
  • The operand usually specifies the location of the
    operand to be used. Consequently, it is normally
    an address. (An exception is immediate mode
  • Naturally, as you saw, all instructions are just
    a sequence of bits.

What Impact Does the Instruction Format Have on
the Architecture?
  • Our computer has only 4 bits for the opcode. So,
    what is the maximum number of instructions it can
  • 24 16 instructions i.e. not too many
  • Our computer has only 12 bits for the address.
    Data is located by addresses so this limits the
    size of our memory. How many bytes can be
    addressed on this machine and, therefore, what is
    the maximum memory size?
  • 212 22210 4K -i.e. not too many
  • Note that addresses are always positive so no
    sign bit is needed.

What Impact Does the Instruction Format Have on
the Architecture?
  • Note that the lab simulator doesnt provide you
    16 instructions nor does it provide you with 4K
    of memory. However,...
  • You will find the 11 instructions and 16 memory
    locations will allow you to to obtain a taste for
    machine language programming.
  • This is much simpler than a real machine, but
    working with the simulator gives you the basic
    idea of how machines operate at the machine
    language level.

Immediate Mode vs Direct Addressing Mode
  • Our computer supports both these modes
  • Immediate mode is when the actual data is stored
    in the instruction instead of the address. (LDI
    load immediate mode)
  • Direct address mode is when the address of the
    actual data is stored in the instruction.
  • Real machines often have other modes which allow
    the operand(s) to be used in various ways.

Opcodes for Our Computer
  • binary mnemonic short explanation____________
  • 0001 ADD add ACC to operand
  • 0010 SUB subtract operand from ACC
  • 0011 LOD load operand into ACC1
  • 0100 LDI load operand immediate into ACC1
  • 0101 STO store ACC into operand1
  • 0110 INP input value and store in ACC
  • 0111 OUT output value from ACC
  • 1000 JMP jump to instruction
  • 1001 JNG jump to instruction if ACC lt 0
  • 1010 JZR jump to instruction if ACC 0
  • 1111 STP stop the computer
  • 1The short explanation is stated a bit
    differently than on pg 59 in your text. All are
    direct mode except for LDI.

Be Sure to Remember For Most of These, the
Operand is an Address Which Must Be Interpreted
  • 0001 ADD add ACC to operand
  • This means to add the value stored in ACC to the
    value stored at the address given by the operand.
  • Example Assume the instruction is
  • 0001 0000 0000 0000 1111
  • the ACC is
  • and address 15 (which is address 1111) is holding
  • Then after the instruction executes, the ACC will

Direct Mode Addressing
  • Each of the following instructions operands act
    like the one for ADD
  • 0001 ADD add ACC to operand
  • 0010 SUB subtract operand from ACC
  • 0011 LOD load operand into ACC
  • 0101 STO store ACC into operand
  • Consequently, the operand is an address where the
    data to be used is stored or an address where the
    data is to be stored.

Immediate Mode Addressing
  • For the instruction
  • 0101 LDI Load immediate into ACC
  • The operand holds the actual number.
  • Example Assume the instruction is
  • 0101 0000 0000 0000 1111
  • Then after the instruction executes, the ACC will
    hold the number shown in the operand, not the
    number at address 15.

Operands for Jump Instructions
  • These hold the address of the next instruction to
    be executed.
  • For our machine, there are 3 jump instructions.
  • One is an unconditional jump, JMP, i.e. the
    jump is always taken.
  • The other two are conditional jumps.
  • JNG - jump if the ACC value is less than 0
  • JZR jump if the ACC value is 0
  • When a conditional jump is encountered, the ALU
    performs the test and sets the condition codes
  • It the condition is satisfied, the PC is reset to
    the value of the operand.

The Remaining Three Instructions
  • STP, INP, and OUT do not use operands.
  • Thus, the number 0 is placed as the operand for
  • Notice that if you wanted to save space on some
    instructions and use a variable length
    instruction, these three would be possible
    candidates for a smaller instruction length.
  • That is why some machines use variable length
    instructions, but you would need some way of
    specifying how long an instruction is.

What is the SSC Machine Missing in Instructions?
  • Note that only integers are represented, not
    floating point numbers, logicals, or characters.
  • Consequently, the add, subtract, input, output,
    and conditional test instructions are only for
    integers. Moreover, there are no multiply nor
    divide instructions.
  • But, if you can add you can multiply and if you
    can subtract you can divide how? (see classroom
  • After representing floating point numbers,
    logicals, and characters, arithmetic operations,
    input, output, and conditional test instructions
    would be needed to handle all these kinds of
  • So, a real machine would need far more than 16
    opcodes and more than 4 bits would be needed for
    the opcode in an instruction.

  • Over time, instruction sets for real machines
    became more and more complex.
  • These CISC (complex instruction set computers)
    such as the IBM 360/370 often had over 200
  • CISCs were acceptable because instruction
    execution was fast and memory access was slow.
  • In 1987, SUN introduced a RISC (reduced
    instruction set computer) with significantly
    fewer instructions and it was found to be faster
    than the CISCs because memory access times had
    been reduced significantly.

Need for More Addresses
  • Clearly we want larger memories than 4K bytes.
  • How do we obtain memory sizes of 1G today?
  • Note that an instruction format that allows 30
    bits for an address can support 230 1G of
  • That is why a specific model of a computer has a
    maximum size of memory that can be supported.
  • An opinion It is always wise to max out the size
    of memory when you buy a machine. An ample amount
    of memory allows many programs to run faster.

Top 10 Instructions Typically Used
Integer Average Total Executed
conditional branch
move register-register
As you can see, these are similar to the ones in
our Super Simple CPU
Machine Language Programming
  • A computer only understands its machine
    language, the instructions built into the
    hardware of a particular machine.
  • The electronics of the CPU embody the instruction
    set in its design.
  • Each machine language instruction does only one
    very low level task.
  • These low level tasks can combined and sequenced
    by a machine language programmer who directs the
    computer what to do to solve a problem by
    designing a machine language program, loading the
    program into the memory of the computer, and
    setting the PC to the address at the start of the
  • Note that SSC assumes the PC is always set to 0

Machine Language Programming
  • Even simple tasks can be fairly complicated in
    machine language. Consider the GCD (greatest
    common divisor) program in your lab

  • Although humans CAN program in a machine
    language, there are some difficulties if we only
    had machine language programming available to us.
  • 1) Writing and reading binary numbers is error
    prone and difficult. (Hexadecimal notation helps,
    but it doesn't eliminate the problems).
  • 2) Remembering opcodes as binary numbers is
    unintuitive, to say the least!
  • 3) Converting data and addresses to binary form
    is generally not viewed as fun.

4) Numeric addresses make it difficult to modify
Note the addresses need to change! 0 LOD 6 1
ADD 5 2 SUB 7 3 STO 6 4 STP 5 4 6 8 7
Example (written in base 10 and using mnemonics
for the opcodes) 0 LOD 5 1 ADD 4 2 STO
6 3 STP 4 4 5 8 6 6
Now we decide to do another operation.
Oops, there is no output! This, at least is an
easy change.
4) Numeric addresses make it difficult to modify
Example (written in base 10 and using mnemonics
for the opcodes) 0 LOD 5 1 ADD 4 2 STO
6 3 STP 4 4 5 8 6 6
Note the addresses need to change! 0 LOD 6 1
ADD 5 2 SUB 7 3 STO 6 out 4 STP 5
4 6 8 7 6
Now we decide to do include a SUBTRACT
Oops, there is no output! This, at least is an
easy change.
Early in the history of computing, machine
language programmers realized that when they
programmed, they would
  • Use mnemonics for the instructions.
  • Use identifying names for the addresses they
  • Tag address locations with a symbolic address
  • Use decimal notation
  • Use some mnemonic such as dat to specify data.
    Note each data has to have a tag so it can be

  • For example, a mnemonic opcode
  • inp
  • add x
  • out
  • stp decimal numbers
  • x dat 8
  • mnemonic signaling data follows
  • tag or label for a symbolic address

Then they would hand translate the shorthand code
they used into machine code
  • inp 0110 0000 0000 0000
  • add x 0001 0000 0000 0100
  • out 0111 0000 0000 0000
  • stp 1111 0000 0000 0000
  • x dat 8 0000 0000 0000 1000
  • Someone finally thought Why should I do all
    this work? Why not write a program (in machine
    language, of course as that was all there was)
    and have the machine do the translation?
  • Thus, assembly language programming was born.
  • The translating program which translates from
    assembly language to machine language is called
    an assembler.

Assembly Language Programming
  • Now some of our objections to machine language
    programming disappear
  • The mnemonics are fairly easy to remember.
  • We dont have to deal with binary numbers.
  • The use of symbolic names for addresses enables
    us to change a program easily.

Assembly Language Programming
  • Still, only low level actions are performed as
    assembly code is just like machine code, but in
    an easier to read form for humans.
  • There is essentially a 1-1 correspondence between
    machine language lines in a program and assembly
    language lines in a program.
  • Like machine language, assembly language is
    unique to a machine model, but technically
    different mnemonics can be used for an
    instruction so more than one assembly language
    can be designed for a machine.
  • i.e. LOAD instead of LOD (or even something
    like PutACC.

Assembly Language Programming
  • Lets write some program segments that could be
    part of a larger program, just to see what types
    of instructions can be built with assembly code.
  • The question we are exploring here is, What kind
    of actions can be performed by a computer?
  • It is important that you understand the next
    slides as they will form the basis for all
    statements about what a computer can do

Now We Can Write And Modify Programs Without
Concern About Binary Numbers and Keeping Track of
Actual Addresses
lod x add y sub z out
sto w ... stp x dat 5 y dat 8 z
dat 4 w dat 0
If we use the symbol ? for store, we are asking
for the computation of w ? 5 8 4 The x, y,
and z are tagging memory locations holding
numbers that are constant i.e. they are the
same every time the program runs.
What kind of actions can a computer perform? 1)
Arithmetic calculations certainly.
Lets compute 5 8 - 4, output the
total, and store it somewhere for use later in
the program.
What kind of actions can a computer perform?
inp sto x inp sto y inp
sto z lod x add y sub z
out sto w ... stp x dat 0 y
dat 0 z dat 0 w dat 0
We are asking for the computation of w ? x y
z The x, y, and z are tagging memory locations
holding numbers that can vary for each program
1) Arithmetic calculations certainly.
To make this more general, lets input 3 numbers,
x, y, and z, compute x y - z, output the total,
and store it somewhere for use later in the
Note That a Program Is Not Unique
  • If we allow Y to be input first, instead of A we
    can use B

inp sto x inp sto y inp
sto z lod x add y sub z
out sto w ... stp x dat 0 y
dat 0 z dat 0 w dat 0
inp sto y inp sto z inp
add y sub z out sto w
... stp y dat 0 z dat 0 w dat 0
What kind of actions can a computer perform?
inp jng then add b
sto b out jmp end then
add five sto a out end
... a dat 0 b dat 6 five
dat 5
2) Selection of different tasks to do by
Input a value for A. If A lt 0, add 5 to it and
output the new value for A. Else, add A to B and
output the new value for B.
We can write this as if a lt 0 then a ? a
5 output a else b ? a b
output b
Another Way to Look at This
if a lt 0 then a ? a 5 output a else
b ? a b output b

Now you can see why this is called a branching
Input A
A ? A 5
A lt 0?
B ? A B
output A
output B
next instruction
Branching Constructs
  • What is accomplished by branching constructs?
  • Based on the truth or falsity of a condition
    expressed as a boolean expression, different
    paths can be taken through the code.
  • Thus, if you were wanting to do some processing
    on the records of all students at Mount Allison
    and the processing was different for each class
    (First year, Second year, etc.) the student was
    in, a branching construct would be useful.
  • if (person is First year) then do procedure
  • else if (person is a Second year) then do
    procedure 2
  • else if (person is a Third year) then do
    procedure 3.

What kind of actions can a computer perform?
There is no JPO jump positive. Note that a gt 0
is false if a lt 0 is true or a 0 is true.
2) Branching constructs
I have been introducing pseudocode, a simple way
to specify a command in English-like language.
Lets continue to use that.
inp jng else
jzr else add five out
jmp end else out end
... five dat 5
What if we want? if a gt 0 then a ? a 5
output a else output a
What kind of actions can a computer perform?
  • Although more work is involved, it should be
    clear that instructions such as
  • if a lt b and c ? d then
  • x ? a b c d
  • output x
  • else
  • x ? -a b c d
  • output x
  • can be coded.
  • Realize
  • x lt y if x y lt 0.
  • x ? y if x y lt 0 or x y

What kind of actions can a computer perform?
Looping One of the advantages of storing
instructions in the memory of the computer is we
can execute loops. A loop is a section of code
that is executed repeatedly until a condition
either becomes true or becomes false. Well look
at only one looping construct here the while
loop. Format while (condition) do code to
execute endwhile
While Loop
while (condition) do body i.e.code to
execute endwhile
When using this construct, the condition must
change inside the body or an infinite loop
executes. Other looping constructs exist in
various computer languages. They all allow code
to be executed repeatedly. Lets see how a while
loop can be built in the SSCs assembly language.
While Loop
What if we change a ? -4 to a ? 1? The loop
never is entered as a lt 0 is false so there is no
output. What if we keep the a ? -4, but change a
? a 1 to a ? a - 1? We then have an
infinite loop i.e. it never stops as a lt 0 is
always true.
What would the output be?
  • b? 0
  • a ? -4
  • while a lt 0 do
  • b ? b a
  • output b
  • a ? a 1
  • output a
  • endwhile

-4 -3 -7 -2 -9 -1 -10 0
When working with while loops, you must avoid
creating infinite loops.
Write the WHILE Loop in Assembly CodeExcept
Input a and b
  • input b inp
  • input a sto b
  • while a gt 0 do inp
  • b ? b a sto a
  • output b loop jng end get out
    if a lt 0
  • a ? a - 1 jzr end /get
    out if a 0
  • output a lod b
  • endwhile add a b ?
    b a
  • out
  • lod a
  • sub one
    a ? a - 1
  • out
  • jmp loop
    go back to test a in ACC
  • end ltnext instructiongt
  • a dat 0
  • b dat 0
  • one dat 1

input b input a
while a gt 0 do b ? b a
output b a ? a - 1
output a
Try writing this with different conditions other
than a gt 0. What if the test condition is a gt 0
and b gt 0 or a gt 0 or b gt0? Should we require
b to change in these cases?
What kind of actions can a computer perform?
  • We have seen it can
  • Perform arithmetic calculations on integers.
    (Although SSC supports only addition and
    subtraction, with some effort multiplication and
    division can be performed.)
  • Store in memory cells the value obtained from a
  • Perform relational operations such as checking if
    numbers are equal, not equal, or in a
    relationship such as lt, gt, ?, or ?.
  • Perform logical operations such as AND, OR, and
  • Characters are just integers so it should be
    clear they can be stored and manipulated. (What
    would a lt b mean?)
  • We have seen how to represent floating point
    numbers. It should be clear, those can also be
    stored an manipulated.
  • The above type of operations are collectively
    called arithmetic/logic operations.

What kind of actions can a computer perform?
  • We have seen it can do
  • Arithmetic/logic operations
  • Branching operations.
  • Looping with a WHILE loop.
  • Input
  • Output
  • Although these seem to be very few operations,
    there is a theorem in theoretical computer that
    proves that these operations are sufficient to
    represent ANY algorithm i.e. to program any set
    of instructions the computer is to perform!

theorem in theoretical computer science (Boehm
Jacopini, (1966), Communications of the ACM
9(366-371) that proves that these 5 operations
are sufficient to represent ANY
algorithm! Algorithms are used to do everything
you see on a computer!
  • Do word processing.
  • Fly probes to the planets.
  • Run the international telephone switching
  • Create CAT scan images.
  • Process your pay checks.
  • Run computer games.
  • Etc. anything you can think of
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