Title: Salt Ponds Coalition
1Salt Ponds Coalition
2Salt Ponds Coalition
- Watershed Council for the Salt Ponds
- Notice rule
- Designated Interested Party
3Salt Ponds Coalition
- Original participant in URI Watershed Watch
- Originally funded by Sea Grant - now self funded
- Active from CT border to Point Judith
- Largely volunteers
- Scientific expertise
4Salt Ponds Coalition
SPC tests close to forty stations all along the
south coast. We have committed to making almost
all of them full-service in 2008
5Salt Ponds Coalition
Testing is a collaborative effort between our
volunteers and URI Watershed Watch
6Salt Ponds Coalition
Testing results are analyzed by our scientist
(PhD retired from USGS) and shared with a number
of organizations including DEM CRMC. Data are
also compiled into public outreach documents
7Salt Ponds Coalition
- SPC uses their testing data and expertise to
advocate on behalf of the salt ponds - Municipalities
- Associations
- State Agencies
- NGOs
- Feds
8Salt Ponds Coalition
SPC gets involved in precedent setting cases
9Salt Ponds Coalition
SPC engages in restoration projects with partners
10Salt Ponds Coalition
SPC engages in restoration projects with partners
11Salt Ponds Coalition
Education of area residents and policy makers is
a critical step in preserving the
ponds. Website and newsletter
12Salt Ponds Coalition
Education of area residents and policy makers is
a critical step in preserving the
ponds. Kayak trips
13Salt Ponds Coalition
Education of area residents and policy makers is
a critical step in preserving the
ponds. Safaris
14Salt Ponds Coalition
Thanks to the the dedication of its members,
board and volunteers, SPC has been awarded honors
for its commitment to the environment.