Title: How to Locate
1How to Locate Army Warrior Training
Tasks, Suppporting Task Summaries, Multimedia
2Login to the ATIA home page at
3Enter your AKO user ID and Password and click
Login to ATIA
4When logged in, your profile information will
appear at the upper left
Rucksack will contain task datayou have placed
5Select PDM / Career Map
6Your Primary MOS Career Map will display. If not
7Use the drop down list to select your MOS click
when highlighted.
8Scroll down to Army Warrior Training
9Select the desired level
10Select a Warrior Task to access supporting tasks
and multimedia lessons
Scroll down for a link to Hands-on Evaluation
Forms(DA Form 5164-R) for all SLTasks
Performance Steps
11Select a task
12Task Summary accessed from Task Number
13Interactive Multimedia Instruction accessed from
Task Title
14Launched multimedia lesson
15Interactive Multimedia Instruction accessed from
Task Title
16File download save to a known location and
extract to play
17Flash-based Courseware Browser Settings
Disable Pop-ups
Allow active content
Set Global Security Access this link and specify
the exact folderfrom which the courseware is to
18Alternate route Go To Reimer Digital Library
and Search for Type Army Warrior Training -
School Any or Keyword AWT Submit
19AWT / Any Search displays AWT materials in
addition to AWT Tasks
Select desired listor material
20Same list accessed from PDM / Career Map AWT
21INTERNALIZE Army Warrior Training
Tasks, Suppporting Task Summaries, Multimedia
Lessons Become ARMY STRONG