Title: Safety Personnel
1Safety Personnel
2Does OSHA require that certain safety personnel
be assigned to construction sites?
3YES, Kind of
- 29 CFR 1926.50
- Medical Personnel the employer shall insure the
availability of medical personnel for advice and
consultation, on matters of occupational health - 29 CFR 1926.32
- (d) Authorized Person
- (f) Competent Person
4Are the Roles and Responsibilities of Foremen and
Superintendents Changed When Full-time Safety
Personnel are on Site?
5Superintendents and Foremen Should View Safety
Personnel as Providing Assistance in the Area of
- Basically Safety Personnel are to be Used as a
Second Pair of Eyes - Safety Personnel serve as a valuable resource on
6- Authorized Person OSHA Contact Person
- Sometimes this person can be labeled as the
superintendent, or as a job-site safety director. - However, regardless of who carries the
authorized person label, the responsibility for
safety of supervisors is not diminished.
7Safety Personnel
- Manage the contractors safety and accident
prevention program. - Keep track of job-site safety performance (near
misses, lost workdays etc.). - Are involved in worker orientation.
- Keep up-to-date on OSHA regulations.
- Planning and JHA.
- Administer safety committees
- Participate in drug testing
8Findings of Study of Large Construction Projects
Conducted in October, 2000
- 34 Respondents
- Avg. Project Size of 254 million
- Avg. Project Duration was 25 months
- Avg. of 339 Workers on Site.
9Findings of Study of Large Construction Projects
Conducted in October, 2000
- Avg. No. of Safety Reps on the Job Site 7
- Over 90 hired full-time safety reps. who were
trained in first aid. - 51.5 had their safety reps report to the
Corporate Safety Director. - 45.5 had their safety reps report to the Project
10Findings of Study of Large Construction Projects
Conducted in October, 2000
- Over 95 gave their safety reps. the authority to
stop work. - Over 70 had a Nurse or EMT on site.
11Based on a Study Conducted in 1980
- Safer firms are those who hired Safety Directors
through the Main Office and NOT through Project
12Does the Company Safety Director Hire the Job
Safety Director?
Lost Workday Injury Rate
13Based on a Study Conducted in 1980
- Safer firms were those who had Safety Directors
for most sizes of jobs, and NOT just for large
14Types of Projects to which a Full-time Safety
Director is Assigned
Lost Workday Injury Rate
15The Person to Whom the Company Safety Director
Lost Workday Injury Rate
16Safety Staffing
- To whom does the project safety representative
17Does the Job-site Safety Director have the
Authority to Stop Unsafe Work?
Lost Workday Injury Rate
18Based on the Study Conducted in October, 2000
19Does the Safety Committee Conduct Regular
Job-Site Safety Inspections?
OSHA Recordable Injury Rate
1999 Study
20Does the Contract Require that at least one
full-time safety representative be assigned to
the Project?
Lost Workday Injury Rate
21Does the Contract require the Contractor to
Submit the Resumes of Key Safety Personnel for
the Owners Approval?
2002 study
22In Summary . . . . .
- Safety Personnel must be given appropriate
authority, to properly execute their duties.