Classroom Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Classroom Assessment


Rooted in good teaching practice (builds on this by making it more systematic, ... Don't make Classroom Assessment into a self-inflicted chore or burden ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Classroom Assessment

Classroom Assessment
  • Do I have to?????

7 Characteristics of Assessment
  • Learner-centered (to improve learning, not
  • Teacher-directed (own own skill, experience)
  • Mutually beneficial (both students faculty)
  • Formative (not for grading or evaluating)
  • Context-specific (discipline)

Characteristics continued
  • Ongoing (creation maintenance of classroom)
  • Rooted in good teaching practice (builds on this
    by making it more systematic, flexible and more

Need for Classroom Assessment
  • Faculty monitor and react to student questions,
    comments, body language and facial expressions
    more subconscious and implicit
  • Rarely check these implicit impressions against
    students impressions or ability to perform

7 Basic Assumptions
  • The quality of student learning is directly,
    although not exclusively, related to the quality
    of teaching. Therefore, one of the most
    promising ways to improve learning is to improve

Assumptions continued
  • To improve their effectiveness, teachers need
    first to make their goals and objectives explicit
    and then to get specific, comprehensible feedback
    on the extent to which they are achieving those
    goals and objectives.

Assumptions continued
  • To improve their learning, students need to
    receive appropriate and focused feedback early
    and often they also need to learn how to assess
    their own learning.

Assumptions continued
  • The type of assessment most likely to improve
    teaching and learning is that conducted by
    faculty to answer questions they themselves have
    formulated in response to issues or problems in
    their own teaching.

Assumptions continued
  • Systematic inquiry and intellectual challenge are
    powerful sources of motivation, growth, and
    renewal for college teachers, and Classroom
    Assessment can provide such challenge.

Assumptions continued
  • Classroom Assessment does not require specialized
    training it can be carried out by dedicated
    teachers from all disciplines.
  • By collaborating with colleagues and actively
    involving students in Classroom Assessment
    efforts, faculty (and students) enhance learning
    and personal satisfaction.

Classroom Assessment Evaluation
  • Classroom Assessment Techniques are NOT meant to
    take the place of more traditional forms of
    classroom evaluation. These formative assessment
    tools are meant to give teachers and students
    information on learning before and between tests
    and other evaluations they supplement and
    complement formal evaluation of learning.

Getting Started
  • Start out Small
  • Try 1 or 2 of the Classroom Assessment Techniques
    that dont require much planning or preparation
    you dont risk your own and your students time
    and energy
  • After trying a couple of these you can assess
    whether this is worth the time and effort

3 Step Getting Started Process
  • Planning
  • Select one and only one of your classes in which
    to try the assessment
  • It is best to use this on a course you are most
    familiar with
  • Decide on the date/time you want to do this

3 Steps continued
  • Implementing
  • Let students know beforehand (at beginning of
    class period) what you are going to do
  • Tell the students why you are asking them for
    the information
  • Assure them that you will be assessing their
    learning in order to help them improve, and NOT
    to grade them
  • Give clear directions, give assessment, collect
  • Read through responses and do your own analysis

3 Steps continued
  • Responding
  • Close the feedback loop by letting the students
    know what you learned from the assessment
    exercise and what difference that information
    will take
  • You might need to go over a point again, create a
    handout, etc.

5 Suggestions for a Successful Start
  • If a Classroom Assessment Technique does not
    appeal to your intuition and professional
    judgment as a teacher, dont use it
  • Dont make Classroom Assessment into a
    self-inflicted chore or burden
  • Dont ask your students to use any Classroom
    Assessment Technique you havent previously tried
    on yourself

Suggestions continued
  • Allow for more time than you think you will need
    to carry out and respond to the assessment
  • Make sure to close the loop. Let students know
    what you learn from their feedback and how you
    and they can use that information to improve

6 Flexible and Adaptable Techniques
  • Focused listening
  • The minute paper
  • The muddiest point
  • The one-sentence summary
  • Directed paraphrasing
  • Applications cards

Focused Listening 1
  • Focuses students attention on a single important
    term, name or concept
  • Purpose tool for quickly determining what
    learners recall as the most important points
    related to a particular topic
  • Can be used before, during or after relevant

Procedure 1
  • Select topic or concept that class has just
    studied or is about to study and describe it in a
    word or brief phrase
  • Write that word or phrase at the top of a sheet
    of paper as heading
  • Set a time limit or a limit on number of items to
    write (2-3 minutes or 5-10 items)

Procedure 1 continued
  • Adhere to limits have students make a list of
    important words and phrases they can recall
    related to heading
  • Collect list and study
  • Compare their list with your own
  • Related, unrelated, etc.
  • Come back to students with information

1 continued
  • Other ideas
  • Give students focus topic along with homework
  • Allow students to work in small groups
  • Give your list out to student for their
  • Have students keep a journal of focused lists

1 continued
  • Pros
  • Simple, flexible
  • See what students recall easily or not
  • If used before instruction, see what students
    already know about a topic
  • Cons
  • Requires only recall
  • May not really understand concept

Minute Paper 2
  • Purpose having students see what most
    significant things they are learning and what
    major questions are for faculty
  • Most useful in lecture/discussion courses
  • Good for courses that present a great deal of new
  • Easy to do and analyze

Procedure 2
  • Decide what to focus on and when to do paper
    (beginning or end homework vs lecture)
  • Write out your question either on a handout,
    transparency or prepare to write it on the board
  • Hand out sheets of paper or handout itself
  • Leave off student names (usually)

Procedure 2
  • Let students know how much time they have to
    write responses to question and when will get
  • Collect and analyze results
  • Come back to students with results and any
    corrections (additional lecture, handouts,
    homework, etc.)

2 continued
  • Other ideas
  • Only have student write 1 important point
  • Close concepts most powerful image, most
    convincing argument, most surprising
    information, most memorable character, most
    disturbing idea
  • Have student discuss what they wrote in small

2 continued
  • Pros
  • Immediate mid-course feedback that allow quick
    response to students
  • Responses can be read, tabulated and analyzed
  • Faculty demonstrate respect for and interest in
    student feedback
  • Allows students to compare their responses to
    class as a whole

2 continued
  • Cons
  • If overused or poorly used, students will begin
    to view technique as a gimmick
  • It is more difficult than it may seem to prepare
    questions that can be immediately and clearly
    comprehended and quickly answered

Muddiest Point 3
  • Simplest technique and very effective
  • Purpose provides feedback on what students find
    least clear or most confusing
  • Helps faculty learn what students are most
    difficult for students to learn
  • Well suited to lower-division and even large

3 Procedure
  • Decide what you want feedback on the entire
    class lecture, one module, discussion,
  • Do this at the end of the class period
  • Pass out slips of paper or index cards
  • Ask students for the muddiest point most
    confusing point, etc.

3 procedure continued
  • Collect responses on the way out
  • Analyze responses
  • Come back to students with corrective action
    maybe a bit more lecture, handouts, etc.

3 continued
  • Other ideas
  • Have this done with a homework assignment at
    beginning of class
  • Ask students to read each others drafts and
    point out muddiest point in draft
  • Let students know that some of your exam
    questions will concern the muddy points you have
    responded to in class

3 continued
  • Pros
  • Quick, simple and easy to do
  • Students will respond if even shy in class
  • Give faculty a snapshot diagnosis of what
    students are finding difficult to learn
  • Faculty can see material through students eyes
  • Students can internalize this and help with

3 continued
  • Cons
  • Focusing only on what students DONT understand
  • Best prepared lecture will be misunderstood
  • Students can have difficulty naming what they
    dont understand

One Sentence Summary 4
  • Challenges students to answer Who does what to
    whom, when, where, how and why
  • Purpose to have students concisely, completely,
    and creatively summarize a large amount of
    information on a given topic
  • Can be used for historical events, plots of
    stories, political processes, chemical reactions,
    and mechanical processes, etc.

4 Procedure
  • Select important topic or work students have
    recently studied and that you expect them to
    learn to summarize
  • Write out yourself the question Who Did/Does
    What to whom, When, Where, How and Why
  • Rewrite this into a grammatical question for

4 procedure continued
  • Pass out question to students allow them more
    time to answer than you did 1 sentence only
  • Collect and analyze separate responses into the
    various questions (who, what, etc.)
  • Do the Zero, check mark or plus when looking at
  • Put into a matrix and see where weaknesses and
    strengths are for students

4 continued
  • Other ideas
  • Work in pairs or small groups to critique and
    improve each others summaries
  • Use to summarize different chapters

4 continued
  • Pros
  • Quick and easy way to assess students ability to
    summarize a topic
  • Powerful technique for helping students grasp
    complex processes
  • Students must organize their thoughts into one
  • Cons
  • Some material cant be easily summarized
  • One sentence can oversimplify the material

Directed Paraphrasing 5
  • Translate complicated, technical material into
    more simplistic language
  • Purpose ability to summarize and restate
    important information in their own words
  • Useful in topics students will be expected to
    later explain to others

5 Procedure
  • Select important theory, concept or argument that
    students have studied in some depth
  • Determine an audience that would be realistic yet
    challenging for a paraphrase of this topic
  • Decide on time limit for what you are asking for

5 procedure continued
  • Give students paper, topic, time limits and who
    intended audience is
  • Collect responses
  • Analyze might do 4 piles confused, minimal,
    adequate, excellent
  • Look for 3 things accuracy of paraphrase,
    suitability for audience, effectiveness in
    fulfilling assigned purpose

5 continued
  • Other ideas
  • Paraphrase for 2 different audiences and explain
    difference in paraphrases
  • Students keep journal as summary of important
    topics in class
  • Have different students paraphrase different
    reading assignments or lectures and share
  • Give handouts with useful paraphrases

5 continued
  • Pros
  • Builds on and up students skills in actively and
    purposefully comprehending and communicating
  • Focuses on wider relevance of the subject
  • Cons
  • Need strict time limits burdensome
  • Qualitative criteria hard to explain to students
  • Need individualized feedback time consuming

Application Cards 6
  • Taking what they learned and coming up with real
    work application
  • Purpose see how students understand the
    possible application of what they learned
  • Used with a variety of classes and class sizes

6 Procedure
  • Identify an important and applicable principle,
    theory, generalization, or procedure
  • Decide how many applications you will ask for and
    time limit (one is often enough no more than 3
    and 3-5 minutes)
  • Hand out index cards or paper, give students what
    they are to respond to tell them to come up with
    new applications

6 procedure continued
  • Collect cards and analyze
  • Might sort into great, acceptable, marginal or
    not acceptable
  • Share with class some of each so they can see
    valid applications

6 continued
  • Other ideas
  • Work in small groups
  • Complete as part of homework assignment
  • Keep applications journal

6 continued
  • Pros
  • Very simple and quick to see how students think
    about potential uses of learning
  • Tie theory to real work applications
  • Students can hear best examples from feedback
  • Cons
  • Shift from theory to application
  • Some are not interested in application
  • Students in introductory courses may have trouble

  • Classroom Assessment Techniques
  • Thomas A. Angelo K. Patricia Cross
  • 2nd edition
  • Jossey-Bass
  • ISBN 1-55542-500-3
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