Title: Chapter 2 Important Ideas Leu Dr. McNierney
1Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Navigating Internet With Critical Eye
- Review Five new literacies that help students to
be successful when using the Internet. - To Identify important questionsTo Navigate
complex information on networksTo Critically
Evaluate informationTo Synthesize informationTo
Communicate solutions to others
2Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Manage Internet Browsers in CR
- Create startup page on CR computer
- Replace commercial links with education links
- Organize bookmarks in folders for CR use
- Download plug-ins for audio and video
- Save webpages to hard drive
3Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Search Tools Navigation Strategies in CR
- Locate information with central directory -
portal Teaching Learning
http//www.proteacher.com Education World
http//www.education-world.com - Locate search engines - for adults
Dogpile Webcrawler Alta Vista
All the web
4Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Child Safety on the Internet
- To insure safety do the following
- Discuss risks benefits
- Develop AUPs (Acceptable Use Policy)
- Use filters
- Students get Internet Drivers License
- Use search engines for children
5Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Child Safety on the Internet
- Sites for information
- getnetwise.org
- cybercitizenship.org
- netsmartz.org
- cyperpatrol.com (for parents)
- netnanny.com (for parents)
6Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Have search engines appropriate for age level
- Ages 7 - 12 yahooligans.com kidsclick.org ajk
7Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Child Safety on the Internet
- To insure safety do this
- discuss risks benefits
- develop AUPs (acceptable use policy)
- use filters - Federal law, The Childrens
Internet Protection Act of 2003- requires
schools to have filters - get Internet Drivers license
8Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Have search engines appropriate for age level
- Ages 7 - 12 yahooligans.com kidsclick.org ajk
9Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
Instructional Strategies to Help Student Develop
Navigation Skills and Critical Thinking Planning
Three elements to include in planning
lessons a. making meaning of hyperlinks, scroll
bars, animated images-- need to make inferences,
analyze authors meaning b. efficiency to
navigate well on Internet, make decisions,
inferences, focus on relevant information c. use
technical skills to use tool bars, threaded
discussion, menus
10Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
Organize teaching time (one computer
CR?) 1.teach one strategy a week 2. work in
small groups 3. have a group teach another 4.
work in partners
11Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- Instructional strategies increase navigation
skills and critical thinking (how?) - 1. know difference between searching
browsing select keywords2. make sense of search
results understand URLs
12Chapter 2 Important Ideas(Leu)Dr. McNierney
- New Search Engines
- kartoo - interactive interface, visual
multi-layered - teoma ( now Ask.com)