Title: Epidemiology
- Improve health of populations
- frequencies of diseases health states (trends)
- factors that cause
- predicting occurrence distribution
- factors that prevent, prolong life, improve health
- Identify / Explain causal factors (exposures)
- epidemics
- epi - above/around
- dem - people
- Distribution and determinants
- disease, injury, or dysfunction
- Exposures ? risk (causal) factors
- lifestyle
- occupational hazards
- environmental influences
- interventions
- Descriptive
- distributions / patterns
- Analytic
- cause and effect
- make inferences
Cause and Effect
Describe Populations
Identify Relationships
Clinical Trials
Cohort/Case-Control Studies
8Descriptive Epidemiology
9Descriptive Epidemiology - Research Designs
- Case report/series
- Correlational studies
- Cross-sectional surveys
- NO Causality
10Measures of Disease Frequency
- Prevalence
- Point Prevalence
11Point Prevalence
- 1,000 therapists in NYS during 1999 had LBP
- 10,000 therapists in NYS
- P 1000/10,000 10
12Measures of Disease Frequency
- Incidence
- Cumulative Incidence
13Cumulative Incidence
- 500 therapists in NYS developed LBP in 1999
- 10,000 total therapists
- CI 500/10,000 5
14Measures of Disease Frequency
15Incident Rate
- Of the 10,000 therapists in 1999 - 2,000 worked
for only six months - 8,000 therapists contributed 8,000 person-years
- 2,000 therapists contributed 1,000 person-years
- IR 500/9,000 5.6
16Descriptive EpidemiologyVital Statistics
- Birth rate
- Mortality rate
- total mortality - all causes
- crude mortality - total mortality / avg. midyear
17Descriptive EpidemiologyVital Statistics
- Mortality rate
- cause-specific - specific disease / avg.
midyear population (AIDS, CAD, etc.) - case-fatality - deaths / individuals with
disease - Age-specific rates
18Analytic Epidemiology
- Observational Studies
- Case-Control
- Cohort
- Clinical Trials
- Intervention Study
19Observational Analytic Designs
- Objective
- Test hypotheses about association/relationship of
risk factors and disease
20Case-Control Studies
- Case Definition
- Case Selection
- population-based general population of those w/
disorder - hospital-based patients in medical institution
21Case-Control Studies
- Analysis Issues
- Selection bias
- Misclassified
- Observation/Interviewer bias
- Extraneous variables
22Cohort (follow-up) Studies
- Cohort group of individuals followed over time
- Temporal component
- Limited use w/ rare disorders
23Cohort Studies
- Prospective
- Control and monitor data collection
- Subjects readily available
- Retrospective
- Inexpensive and faster
- Incomplete/inadequate data
24Cohort Studies
- representative sample ? generalize
- group identification
- internal comparison
- external comparison
25Cohort Studies
- Analysis Issues
- Misclassification -
- Attrition -
26Clinical Trials (RCT)
- Intervention Study
- Causality
- Rigorous - Gold standard
- Prospective - intervention vs. control
27Clinical Trials
- Therapeutic
- Effect of rx or intervention
- Preventative
- Agent/procedure reduce risk of developing a
28Clinical Trials
- Subject Selection
- Target/Reference
- Experimental/accessible population
29Clinical Trials
- Validity
- sample size
- achievable
- attrition
30Clinical Trials
- Analysis
- randomization
- blinding
- bias
- ethics
31Clinical Trials
- Analysis
- tests of statistical significance (difference)
- t-tests, ANOVA, etc.
- causality
- inferences about the population
32Measures of Association - Observational Studies
- Test Hypotheses
- Relationships
- Association ? Exposure represents a risk factor
33Measures of Association
- Relative Effect
- ExposedUnexposed
- Absolute Effect
- Disease Rateexposed - Disease Rateunexposed
34Relative Risk
a b
c d
b d
a c
35Relative Risk
- Cumulative Incidence Estimate Exposed (CIE)
- Unexposed (CIO)
36Relative Risk
a b
c d
a c
b d
37Relative Risk
- CIE 50/83 0.602
- CIO 19/278 0.068
- RR 0.602/0.068 8.9
38Relative Risk
(50)(259) / (33)(19) 20.6
39Attributable Risk
- Risk Difference AR IE - EO
AR 0.602 - 0.068 0.534 AR 534/1,000
40Attributable Proportion
AR 0.534/(50/83) 88.7
41Attributable Proportion
For case-control (Odds Ratio)
AR 19.6/20.6 95.1
- Extraneous (interfering) variable
- associated w/ exposure
- considered a risk factor - independently of the
exposure - NOT part of the causal link
- Inherent to interventional research but not
observation research ? subject to interpretation - Time sequence
- Strength of association
- Biologic credibility
- Consistency
- Dose-Response
44Other Research Approaches
- Historical
- Evaluation
- Methodological
- Secondary Analysis
45Historical Research
- To determine
- how present conditions evolved
- anticipate future events
46Historical Research
- Incorporates
- judgements
- analyses
- inferences
- Establish relationships thru
- organizing
- synthesizing
47Historical Research
- Critical Review of
- events
- documents
- literature
- other
48Sources of Historical Data
- Primary
- original documents
- letters, videotapes, photographs, minutes
- eyewitness accounts
49Sources of Historical Data
- Secondary
- biographies
- textbooks
- encyclopedias
- literature reviews
- newspaper
- summaries
50Historical Research
- Reliability and Validity
- External Criticism
- authenticity
- Internal Criticism
- content within context of question
51Historical Research
- After data is collected
- establish relationships
- no cause and effect
52Evaluation Research
- Systematic approach to evaluating programs
- clinical
- academic
- Effectiveness
53Evaluation Research
- Establish questions/hypotheses
- Choosing variables
- sensitive
- Methodology and design
54Evaluation Research
- Data Collection and analysis
- Evaluations
- Formative performed as part of program planning
or during implementation - Summative assesses outcomes after program is
55Evaluation Research
- Evaluation of Program Objectives (measurable)
- Quantitative
- Qualitative/Behavioral
56Evaluation Research
- Goal-Free Evaluation
- evaluating predetermined goals vs.
- overall effect of program
57Evaluation Research
- Limitations
- Bias
- Complex
- Long term
- Usefulness
58Methodological Research
- Development and testing of new instruments/measure
ment tools - Reliability and Validity
- applications to various patient populations
- sensitivity
- conditions
- gold standard
59Methodological Research
60Secondary Analysis
- Analyzing previously collected data
- subsets of original data
- new statistical techniques
- test different hypotheses
61Secondary Analysis
- Advantages
- Low cost
- Little wait for data
- Learn from predecessors
- Disadvantages
- Lack of control of data collection