Title: EGD: Indications 20002001
1New US CRC Guidelines Prevention vs. Early
Detection C5 Summit New York June 5, 2008
David Lieberman MD Chief, Division of
Gastroenterology Oregon Health Sciences
University Portland VAMC
2Risk Factors for CRC
Sporadic/ Average Risk 75
3Colorectal Cancer
Normal Colon
5-6 Lifetime Risk
4Guideline Process
- Prior guidelines from multiple organizations
- Consensus guideline included
- American Cancer Society
- Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer
- GI organizations and American College of
Physicians - American College of Radiology
- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
5Guideline Process
- Rules of evidence
- Where evidence was lacking
- Expert opinion
- Areas for research noted
- Emphasis on Quality in each program
6Lifestyle and Diet
Lieberman JAMA 2003 Vogelaar, Cancer 2006
7New CRC Guideline Key Principles
- Distinguish between
- Early cancer detection tests
- Cancer prevention tests
- Establish minimum standard for early cancer
detection tests - Emphasis on quality
8Raising the bar
9Average-Risk CRC Screening
Levin B, Lieberman D, McFarland B et al 2008 CRC
Tests which detect both cancer and adenomas
Tests which primarily detect early cancer
10Fecal Occult Blood Test FOBT
11FOBT- One-time testing
of patients with cancer who have () test
of patients with serious Polyps who have () test
Lieberman et alNEJM 2001345555-60 Imperiale et
al NEJM 20043512704-14 Collins, Lieberman et
al Ann Intern Med 2005 14281-5
Imperiale et al NEJM 20043512704-14 Young et
al Am J Med 2002 97 2499-2507 Morikawa et al
Gastroenterology 2005 129 422-8 Levi et al Ann
Intern Med 2007 146244-55
12Stool Genetic Tests - Issues
Imperiale et al NEJM 20043512704-14 Itzkowitz
et al Clin Gastro Hep 2007 5 111-7
- One-time test can detect more than 50 of
cancers - Evolving
- Costly
13FOBT Mortality Reduction
Potential Mortality Reduction
Adherence at Every level 100
14Early Cancer Detection Tests
- Requires programmaticadherence with () and (-)
tests - Programmatic performance
- Unlikely to result in much cancer prevention
15Adenoma and Cancer Detection Tests
Sigmoidoscopy Evidence Case-Control
Studies Efficacy Mortality reduction left
colon No benefit right
colon Program performance under study
PLCO, UK, Italy
16CT Colonography
NEJM 2003 349 2191 JAMA 2004 2911713-9
Rockey Lancet 2005365 305-11
17CT Colonography Who should be referred for
Colonoscopy ?
NEJM 2003 349 2191 JAMA 2004 2911713-9
Lancet 2005365 305-11Levin B, Lieberman D,
McFarland B et al 2008 CRC Screening Guideline
If largest polyp is 1-5mm ??????
18CT Colonography Issues
- Inter-observer variability
- Detection of flat polyps
- Bowel Prep
- Radiation
- Extracolonic findings
- Intervals uncertain
- After negative exam
- After exam with small polyps
19Adenoma and Cancer Detection Tests
Colonoscopy Evidence Cohort Studies Efficacy
Uncertain, but extrapolated from
FOBT and Sig studies Quality in practice
unknown Program performance unknown National
colonoscopy study (Winawer)
20Colonoscopy Screening Studies (n 1000)
- Studies 2000-2004
- VA Cooperative Study NEJM 2000 343 162-8 (n
3121) - Indiana Study NEJM 2000 343 169-74 (n 1994)
- CT Colonography studies (n 2447) (Pickhardt,
Rockey, Cotton) - Fecal DNA Study NEJM 2004 351 2704-14 (n
4404) - Spain, Am J Gastroenterol 2003 98 2648-54 (n
2210) - Studies 2005-2006
- Women (Schoenfeld) NEJM 2005 352 2061-8 (n
1463) - Taiwan Gastrointest Endosc 2005 61 547-53 (n
1708) - Japan, Gastroenterology 2005 129 422-8 (n
21,805 with iFOBT) - Seattle, JAMA 2006 295 2357-65 (N 1244)
- Poland, NEJM 2006 355 1863-72 (n 50,148)
- Germany (n 1.14M)
Depends on
- Appropriate utilization
- High-quality exam to cecum
- Low rate of missed lesions
- Low rate of incompletely removed lesions
- Low rate of adverse events
23Colonoscopy Issues
- Bowel Prep
- Quality Issues
- Missed lesions
- Safety
24Obstacles to ScreeningPerceptions
- Patient educationScreening works !!!
25Obstacles to ScreeningPerceptions
- It is not fun
- It is not effective
- It is not clear what test to use
- It costs too much
26Cost of not screening
Cost of Cancer Care Emotional Costs Missed
opportunity for prevention
27Overcoming Obstacles
- Patient Education
- Provider Education
- Understanding obstaclesto compliance
28Colon Screening in USA
Rate of - FOBT, - Flexible Sigmoidoscopy -
29CRC Age-adjusted incidence rates/100,000210,452
white Americans 21 yrs
SEER data Rabeneck et al. Am J Gastroenterol
2003 98 1400
FOBT/Flex sig
Right Colon No Change
Lieberman et al NEJM 2000 343 162-8 Imperiale
et al NEJM 2000 343 169-74
30Summary of 2008 CRC Screening Guideline
- Distinguishes
- Tests which detect early cancer vs
- Tests which detect both adenomas and cancer
- Adherence to programmatic testing is a problem
- Therefore any one-time test should detect more
than 50 of cancers - Emphasis on Quality
Stool-Based Tests
Colonoscopy or CT Colonography
31Raising the bar
Colon Cancer Detection