Collaborate with Physician Associations for Systems Change

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Collaborate with Physician Associations for Systems Change


PAFP staff met with the American Heart Association staff of the Great Rivers Affiliate (PA, DE) ... Endorsed by the American Heart Association ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Collaborate with Physician Associations for Systems Change

  • Collaborate with Physician Associations for
    Systems Change

What is the PAFP Foundation?
  • The PA Academy of Family Physicians (501C6) is
    the professional association for family
    physicians in Pennsylvania.
  • Since 1948
  • 2,800 fully licensed physicians (MDs and DOs, 700
    residents and 600 medical students 80 market
    share in PA
  • Largest sole specialty physician org in PA
  • Unified with the American Academy of Family
    Physicians, of which the PAFP is the 3rd largest
    state chapter
  • No. 1 for membership is advocacy No. 2 is CME
  • The PAFP Foundation (501C3) manages CME programs
    and public health grants, partnerships and

Overview of Our Discussion
  • Define systems change
  • Ways to achieve long-term changes in physician
  • What is _at_HEART?
  • Stakeholders
  • Deliverables
  • Budget
  • _at_HEART progress
  • Successes
  • Barriers
  • Adaptations
  • Whats next

What is Systems Change?
  • Interventions create change
  • Systematic change calls for interventions that
    consider and make change beyond individuals
    behavior systems change changes processes
  • Not isolated
  • Cyclical process of planning, measurement,
    feedback and revision (i.e. PDSA cycles)
  • Important to monitor process change reliability
    to ensure sustainability and effectiveness
  • Time intensive

How do we change behavior in a physician
  • Each practice is its own system
  • Not a lot of research
  • No one intervention works in all instances
  • Lectures (live, teleconf, webinars, webcasts)
  • Academic detailing
  • Interactive case studies
  • Audit/Feedback
  • Increased payment
  • Guidelines
  • Model for Improvement

How did we selectthe interventions for _at_HEART?
  • Grant requirements
  • Partner preferences
  • Budget limitations
  • Experience

The Initial Meeting
  • PAFP staff met with the American Heart
    Association staff of the Great Rivers Affiliate
    (PA, DE).
  • NCQA Heart/Stroke Physician Recognition Program
  • Audit/feedback intervention
  • Benefits
  • Nationally agreed upon measures
  • Endorsed by the American Heart Association
  • Physician NCQA is "a respected body whose
    recommendations are worth following"
  • Helps to ID problems in office systems
  • Challenges
  • Expensive (380/physician)
  • Chart review can be onerous with or without EHR
  • Little/no ROI for the physicians
  • Not part of most payer reward programs in PA
  • Small part of a couple of payer reward programs
    in PA
  • Ask will the PAFP Foundation promote the NCQA
    HSRP to members?

The Negotiation
  • PAFP suggested AHA underwrite a pilot program of
    the HSRP
  • Cover the expense
  • Test the interest
  • Collect feedback to then help market the program
  • AHA replied that they sometimes facilitate
    projects via the Department of Health and they
    would float this idea
  • DOH offered a sole-source grant to cover the
    expenses of the NCQA HSRP for 100 PAFP members

The Counter Offer
  • Couple the NCQA program with the American Academy
    of Family Physicians METRIC Coronary Artery
    Disease (CAD) module
  • Based on Plan, Do, Study, Act model
  • Challenges
  • Unknown to the American Heart Association and DOH
  • Benefits
  • Similar measures to NCQA HSRP
  • 20 hours of CME
  • Helps diplomates of the American Board of Family
    Medicine to fulfill Part IV of the ABFMs
    Maintenance of Certification
  • Includes improvement component
  • Inexpensive (25 total/physician)
  • Known to PAFP members (because theyre also AAFP

The Final Product
  • When PAFP members register for _at_HEART, the PAFP
    Foundation pays the registration fees for the
    NCQA Heart/Stroke Recognition Program and the
    AAFP METRIC CAD module a 405 value.
  • Our goal was to register 75 PAFP members into the
    _at_HEART program.

Additional Collaborations
  • PMSLIC Insurance Co. agreed to include _at_HEART in
    its Loss Prevention Program.
  • _at_HEART enrollees who were PMSLIC insureds were
    eligible for a 5 premium discount
  • Feature _at_HEART on the PMSLIC website and created
    a flier about the program to explain the discount
  • Engaged Highmark to enroll _at_HEART members in its
    pilot program that also covered NCQA physician
    recognition program fees but also paid an
    incentive bonus
  • 5 _at_HEART enrollees (3 practices) were accepted
    into the program
  • Small project so those practices represented 50
    of family medicine practices enrolled in the
  • Want to partner again if theres opportunity

  • Physicians register at
  • The PAFP Foundation sends the registration form
    to NCQA and METRIC, who keep track of _at_HEART
    registrants in their programs.
  • NCQA bills a PAFP corporate credit card.
  • METRIC sends an invoice.
  • The PAFP Foundation invoices the DOH for those
    fees monthly.

Communicating _at_HEART to Physicians
  • Message development was critical
  • Detailed promotional plan
  • Created a project-specific area on our website
  • Kick-off at popular CME event
  • Support cardiac and quality improvement CME at
    those events
  • Articles and ads in member physician magazine
  • Direct mail
  • Project-specific emails and faxes
  • Blurbs in email/fax newsletter
  • Displays for METRIC and NCQA at major CME events
  • Materials and endorsement at regional member

_at_HEART Year 1 (06-07) Results
  • 54 physicians had registered by Dec. 31 and we
    registered the target number of 75 physicians by
    April 16
  • Conservatively, those 75 physicians treat more
    than 40,000 patients with CVD. More than half of
    those patients reside in high-risk counties.
  • Greater challenge was in helping registrants
    participate fully in each program
  • Physicians werent non-compliant
  • NCQA process full of landmines
  • All feedback was provided to NCQA and they were
  • Unexpected physician support severely taxed the
  • Applied for and received supplemental funding
  • Based on registration data provided by

_at_HEART Year 2 (07-08)
  • Started off with a waiting list
  • Continued aggressive promotional campaign
  • mailed brochures
  • e-mail
  • newsletters
  • magazine ads and articles
  • live CME
  • METRIC and NCQA displays at meetings
  • lead physicians to to enroll

Closing Out _at_HEART
  • Hesitant to continue _at_HEART in its original form
  • Budgetary and programming barriers
  • Time-intensive for staff
  • NCQA
  • Expensive (biggest line item in budget)
  • Email process of document distribution was
  • Unclear instructions
  • Chart pulls (35 charts vs. 10 for METRIC)
  • Once the (NCQA) requirements were made known
    (the workbook, chart review and reporting) I
    found them too cumbersome to complete.
  • Only 25 registrants as of April 21
  • Submitted a request to alter the program for the
    remaining months
  • Remove NCQA requirement
  • Offer live webinar which could be taped and
    archived online to extend the life of the program
  • _at_HEART will sunset June 30, 2008

  • _at_HEART grant funds re-channeled to IPIP
  • Improving Performance In Practice
  • A national program of the American Board of
    Medical Specialties funded by the Robert Wood
    Johnson Foundation.
  • Managed in PA by the PAFP Foundation, PA Chapter
    of the American College of Physicians (general
    internists), the PA Chapter of the American
    Academy of Pediatrics (primary care
  • PA is one of four pilot IPIP states
  • Tied to the PA governors Chronic Care Commission
    and implementation of the Chronic Care Model in

IPIP Basics
  • Redesign care delivery by giving primary care
    physician-led practices the tools and support
    they need to provide high quality care to all
    patients all the time.
  • Continuously tracking, sharing and improving
  • 3-year commitment
  • Learning collaboratives
  • Regional
  • Regular learning sessions
  • Supported by quality improvement coaches

Elements of IPIP
  • National Quality Measures and Goals
  • diabetes or asthma and then other conditions and
  • Include specifications (details on how patients
    are classified i.e. denominators, numerators)
  • Reporting
  • Analysis of monthly data reports provides
    practices with feedback on how they perform
    compared to national goals and other IPIP
    practices (statewide and nationally)
  • Change Package
  • Registry, which leads to population management
  • Protocols
  • Self-management support (patient education)

Other Features Part of Rollout
  • Governors Office of Health Care Reform
  • Patient-centered medical home
  • Use NCQA patient-centered medical home program as
    the assessment tool
  • Enhanced payment incentives
  • Patient Education
  • Collaborating with organizations like the
    American Lung Assoc., American Cancer Society,
    American Heart Assoc. to connect practices with
    community services

QI Coaches
  • Free support for the practices
  • Vital when every practice is its own system
  • Dedicated to helping the practices implement all
    IPIP elements
  • Building and using a registry system for visit
    planning and patient outreach
  • Understanding and reporting the performance
  • Analyzing and using the monthly performance
    reports to direct their improvement efforts

IPIP and Reform in PA
  • Simultaneous events
  • IPIP grant awarded to Pennsylvania
  • Continuous quality improvement within primary
    care physician-led practices
  • Formation of the Chronic Care Commission within
    the Governors Office of Health Care Reform
  • Dissemination of the Chronic Care Model Plan
    through learning collaboratives, practice
    coaches, patient registries, data collection on
    key measures, alignment with health plans and
    patient self-management
  • Health plans in southeast PA
  • Independence Blue Cross and Aetna began primary
    care-based medical home pilot project
  • As a result - under the auspices of the GOHCR -
    IPIP, the GOHCR and health plans are working
    together to roll out primary-care-based reform
    across Pennsylvania
  • For 08-10, funds previously used for _at_HEART will
    be used to support the CVD component of the
    overall effort.

Review of Our Discussion
  • Systems change
  • Has to impact the process in practices
  • Cyclical with reliability monitoring
  • Can take a long time to implement
  • Achieve long-term change in physician behavior
  • Use a mix of interventions
  • Work with physician organizations to find out
    what works best for the physician population
    youre targeting
  • _at_HEART IPIP
  • Successful first-time collaboration among
    American Heart Association, PAFP Foundation and
    the PA Dept. of Health
  • Evolving statewide CVD system change from a
    program based on individual physician review and
    intervention (_at_HEART) to one of regionally based
    quality improvement with many primary care
    practices working together to implement
    evidence-based interventions for sustainable
  • What physician organizations can contribute
  • Third-party endorsement to your program/project
  • Existing, trusted channels of communication
  • Credibility

Contact Information
  • Angie Halaja-HenriquesDirector of Public Health
    InitiativesPA Academy of Family PhysiciansSuite
    A 2704 Commerce DriveHarrisburg, PA17110
    (direct)FAX 717-564-4235
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