1ANNUAL REPORT Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001
National Conference
Justina Mikals Kathy Duncan Firestone Industrial
Products Co. Arcadis, Geraghty Miller
Chicago Section Professional Development Conferen
Amanda Bauner Kathy Duncan Greeley and Hansen En
gineers LLP Arcadis, Geraghty Miller
Amy Smitley Shelley De Wys Malcolm Pirnie, Inc
. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Heather Landis Melis
sa Stump Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Fink, Roberts Pe
trie, Inc.
Science Fair Campership Program
Amy Samuelson Julie Hanson Shelley De Wys
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Greeley and Hansen
Engineers LLP Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Kathy Duncan Justina Mikals Dianne Davidson A
rcadis, Geraghy Miller Firestone Industrial
Products Cutler-Hammer Francine Gomes Sylvia R
obledo Swest Division NAVFACENGCOM IUPUI
Science Club
Angie Steiner Kathy Thomas Shelley De Wys
Donohue Associates Arcadis, Geraghy
Miller Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Heather Cheslek Ai
mee Vessel Melissa Moran Camp, Dresser McKee
Camp, Dresser McKee Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Kim Cottrell Julie Hanson Lara Daly IDEM Gre
eley and Hansen Engineers LLP City of
Indianapolis DPW Wileatha Horton Catherine Pal
lotta Julie Grim Camp, Dresser McKee Malcolm P
irnie, Inc. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Heidi Beyer Amy Smitley Amanda Grose IDEM Ma
lcolm Pirnie, Inc. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Elizabeth White
Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day
Catherine Pallotta Kellie Campbell Amanda
Grose Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. National Starch and C
hemical Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Justina Mikals Sh
elley De Wys Lisa Hickman Lause
Firestone Industrial Products Co. Malcolm
Pirnie, Inc. IUPUI Teresa Grashorn Sharon Wol
lam Zina Ben Miled National Starch and Chemical
Firestone Industrial Products IUPUI
Denise Curtis Lara Daly Julie Grim National S
tarch and Chemical City of Indianpolis
DPW Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Lori Weiss Jenny Lanc
e Amy Smitley City of Indianapolis DPW National
Starch and Chemical Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Emily Newlin Firestone Industrial Products
Angela DeWees Diane Davidson Jane Labby
The Schneider Corporation Cutler-Hammer IDEM
Julie Grim Catherine Pallotta Angela DeWees
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. The
Schneider Corp. Lauri Belluci Janet Snodgrass
Angie Steiner Paul I. Cripe, Inc. Indianapolis
Power Light Donohue Associates
Melissa Moran Amy Smitley Amanda Grose Malcol
m Pirnie, Inc. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Malcolm
Pirnie, Inc. Amanda Bauner Jeannette Morrow G
reeley and Hansen Engineers LLP Raytheons
Technical Services Co.
Melissa Moran Shelley De Wys Lauri Belluci
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Paul
I. Cripe, Inc.
Society of Women Engineers Central Indiana Sectio
Julie Hanson Amanda Grose Greeley and Hansen Eng
ineers LLP Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Directors...
. President s Message.... Career Gu
idance Science Fair Campership Program. Int
roduce a Girl to Enginerring Day
Science Club... MathCounts..
.. Continuing Development.. Treasur
e s Notes.. Section Rep s Notes Nat
ional Conference. Chicago Section Confe
rence.. Website. CSR Meeting
.. Volunteers
1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 8
Serving as the Section Representative involves
attending Council of Section Representative (CSR,
now called Council of Representative or COR)
meetings and voting based on the values of the
Section on issues relevant to the Society. Many
changes were introduced at the COR meeting held
at the National Convention this year. The
process by which issues are brought to the floor
of the Society is in the process of changing. A
proposed process for future operation was
presented, called Knowledge-Based Strategic
Governance. This process focuses on the
strengths of the Society its members, and
provides an opportunity for involvement in the
development of new or changed policy for the
Society. Key issues presented and voted on at t
he council meeting included 1.) The Continuing
Development Standing Committee is now called
Professional Development. 2.) A student member
is no longer required to be enrolled in an
engineering related curriculum at a recognized
college or university. (Which means that
students pursuing engineering related degrees at
junior or community colleges can form a section.)
3.) The Council of Section Representatives (CSR)
is now called the Council of Representatives
(COR) 4.) The next Council of Representatives
meeting will be held on March 9, 2002 in Chicago.
PRESIDENT Amanda Bauner Greeley an
d Hansen Engineers LLP VICE PRESIDENT A
ngela DeWees The Schneider Corporation SE
CRETARY Angie Steiner Donohue Asso
ciates TREASURER Samantha McGuire
Morgan Technology Partners, Inc.
Arcadis, Geraghy, Miller
SWE-CI launched a website this year which will
serve as a resource for members concerning whats
going on in Central Indiana with SWE. The web
address is http//www.swe.org/SWE/RegionH/Sectio
ns/SWE_CI/swe_ci.htm. The SWE-CI page contains
useful information including facts about the
national SWE organization, our local chapter,
upcoming SWE-CI events, a list of officers and
their contact information, a page where
newsletters from the year can be accessed,
Executive Council meetings minutes, membership
information, as well as a list of our local
section sponsors and links to their web pages.
The page also provides highlights of exciting
projects going on in our section. (This page is
in its preliminary stage of development and will
be continuously updated and improved, so keep an
eye on it!!) The page is also linked to the
National page via the Region H home page.
MEMBERSHIP Amy Smitley Malcolm Pir
nie, Inc. CAREER GUIDANCE Dianne Davidso
Julie Grim Malcolm Pirnie,
Melissa Moran Malcolm Pirnie,
The Society of Women Engineers stimulates women
to achieve full potential in careers as engineers
and leaders, expands the image of the engineering
profession as a positive force in improving the
quality of life, and demonstrates the value of
To inform young women, their parents, counselors,
and the public in general of the qualifications
and achievements of women engineers and the
opportunities open to them, to assist women
engineers in readying themselves for a return to
active work after temporary retirement, to serve
as a center of information on women in
engineering, and to encourage women engineers to
attain high levels of educational and
professional achievement.
NEWSLETTER (Indy Innovator) Amanda Rickard
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Julie Hanson
Greeley and Hansen Engineers LLP
This year the Society of Women Engineers teamed
up with the Womens Fund of Central Indiana
(WFCI) to assist minority women in the
Indianapolis Public Schools to successfully
complete science fair projects. The purpose of
the program was to mentor minority women and to
encourage them to consider careers in engineering
and science. The WFCI provided funding to
purchase quality science fair materials for the
programs participants. The WFCI was so excited
about the science fair mentorship program that
they not only granted the thousand dollars that
had been requested but offered SWE an additional
two thousand five hundred dollars, if it could be
used! The additional money was used to increase
the number of girls in the program and to offer a
local scholarship. At a program kick-off meetin
g, the girls were introduced to their SWE
mentors, and other SWE volunteers discussed ideas
for science fair projects. Eight girls from
three different schools participated in the
program. After the initial meeting, the girls
and their mentors worked one-on-one on their
science fair projects. All but one participant
successfully completed a science fair project,
and one of the participants moved on to compete
in the Regional Science Fair. At the end of the
program, the girls were treated to a celebration
dinner at the Hard Rock Café where they watched a
video about careers in engineering. The results
of a before-and-after survey taken of the girls
and their parents indicate that, in general, the
program helped them to better define what career
choices interest them and why they are interested
in them. Each girl who successfully completed a
science fair project was eligible to compete for
a scholarship sponsored by SWE National to attend
Space Camp for one week in Huntsville, Alabama.
Space Camp scholarship funding was provided by a
grant from the Hewlett-Packard Company and was
awarded through the SWE Science Fair Campership
Program. Four of the girls in the mentoring
program submitted applications, and four other
girls, who did not participate in the mentoring
portion of the program, were also nominated by
the Central Indiana section for the Space Camp
scholarship. Three of the applicants received a
scholarship from SWE National to attend Space
Camp! Winners were Helena Torres (8th grade at
Merle Sidener Middle School), Sierra Long (8th
grade at Harshman Middle School), and Renise
Shobe (11th grade at Arlington High School).
Through funding provided by the WFCI, a
scholarship to attend Space Camp was also offered
by the Central Indiana section. The winner of
the local scholarship was LaTessa Black (8th
grade at Harshman Middle School). The four
winners will attend Space Camp August 5-10, 2001.
Sciene Fair Samantha McGuire (SWE volunteer)
discussing science fair projects at the kick-off
Science Fair Tiffany (Harshman Middle School)
and Fran Gomes (SWE mentor) prepare an
unreinforced wood structure for earthquake
Science Fair LaTessa and Tiffany (Harshman
Middle School) evaluate the results of an
earthquake test.
Greeley and Hansen Engineers LLP
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
C.M. Buck Associates
Eleven Indianapolis Public School 6th and 7th
grade girls spent an afternoon with women
engineers at the City of Indianapolis Department
of Capital Asset Management, Firestone Industrial
Products, IUPUI Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department, and National Starch and
Chemical Company. In a hands-on environment the
girls were able to catch a glimpse of what
engineers really do. They toured offices, plants,
and laboratories learned about the many fields
of engineering dissembled broken computers
learned design sequencing and troubleshooting
used geographic information systems (GIS) to
locate their homes visited a flood-control
project construction site viewed their
fingertips under high magnification and more!
Science Fair Dianne Davidson (SWE mentor) and
Sierra (Harshman Middle School) at the Project
Completion Celebration.
This past year has been a very exciting and
rewarding one for the SWE Central Indiana
Section, as we continue to grow both in numbers
and activities. The details of our
accomplishments are given in this report, but I
want to highlight a few of these successes.
We had excellent meetings this year, starting wi
th a terrific turnout at our Open House with
keynote speaker Lt. Gov. Joe Kernan. Many SWE
and non-SWE members enjoyed the womens health
seminar, roller skating, and the Eli Lilly Tour.
The meeting about women and investment
opportunities was extremely popular!
The SWE Central Indiana Section now has a websit
e! Please visit this new, ever-changing website
for up-to-date information about SWE-CI
e_ci.htm). The SWE Science Club completed its t
hird and fourth successful semesters at Girls
Inc. with the help of both veteran and newer
volunteers. Also, the Math Counts competition
benefited from some SWE-CI volunteers.
SWE-CI members participated in the SWE Science F
air Campership Program, thanks to a grant from
the Womens Fund of Central Indiana. SWE members
mentored IPS students, helping them with their
science projects, and then acting as their SWE
representative for the students space camp
nominations. In addition, other students outside
of the program were also nominated for Space
Camp, thanks to SWE volunteers. It was a
rewarding activity, since four students nominated
by SWE-CI members are now going to Space Camp!
SWE-CI is making its presence more well-known at
the regional and national level as well. Two
SWE members attended the Chicago Sections
seminar this past year, and two SWE members
recently returned from the National SWE
Convention in Denver. Not only has SWE-CIs mem
bership grown, but our percentage of participants
continues to grow. We have several new faces
that are taking on different roles in our
organization, including some of the leaders for
the 2001-2002 fiscal year. Thank you for a trul
y wonderful year. I am proud to be a part of the
SWE Central Indiana Section, and I look forward
to bigger and better things to come!
2001 "A SWE Odyssey" National Conference - July
26-30, 2001 - Denver, CO SWE-CI was represented
at the 2001 A SWE Odyssey National Conference,
June 26-30, 2001, in Denver, CO by FY02 Section
President, Justina Mikals, and Section
Representative, Kathy Duncan. SWE is in the
process of major transitions, including
relocating headquarters from New York to Chicago,
rescheduling the national conference from June to
October, and living up to the ideals of a new
strategic plan. With these changes come the
excitement and anticipation of new opportunities,
which conveyed the spirit of the conference.
Attending the national SWE conference was a grea
t way to meet a diverse group of role models and
to encourage engineering students as they pursue
a professional career. Valuable workshops were
available including mentoring, reinforcement-based
leadership, and recruitment and retention.
Several tours were also offered, including Coors
Brewing Company, Fort Collins Water Treatment
Facility, and Clear Creek Rafting. The best part
was reuniting with old SWE friends from over the
Justina Mikals (left) and Kathy Duncan (right) at
National Conference.
Amanda Bauner
On March 24, 2001, the SWE-Chicago Regional
Section hosted its Professional Development
Conference. SWE-CI was represented by President,
Amanda Bauner, and Section Representative, Kathy
Duncan. The day included a continental breakfast
for the approximately 200 attendees, followed by
a keynote address. Kathy and Amanda each
attended three seminars, with topics such as
Creating Your Life Collage and Market Yourself
for Career Enhancement and Advancement, as well
as a luncheon that doubled as a fashion show.
The conference was a great opportunity to meet S
WE members from Region H Indiana, Iowa,
Detroit, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Kathy and
Amanda also attended the Region H meeting at the
end of the conference, at which, useful
information concerning the status of the Council
of Section Representative Transition Team and
Region activities was presented. Kathy was
nominated as the Region Nominating Committee
Chair, which includes the responsibility of
identifying potential new officer candidates for
the Region.
Amanda Bauner