Title: Census 2000 Summary File 3
1Census 2000 Summary File 3
2Census 2000Short Form and Long Form
Short form
Long form
3Census 2000 Sampling Pattern
For the U.S. as a whole, about one in six
households received the long-form questionnaire.
4Census 2000 Short Form Questionnaire
- 7 Questions
- Name
- Sex
- Age
- Relationship
- Hispanic Origin
- Race
- Owner/Renter Status
5Census 2000 Long Form Questionnaire
- 34 Subjects
- Social Characteristics
- Economic Characteristics
- Housing Characteristics
6Summary File 3Whats In It?
- Data tabulated from Census 2000 Long Form (Sample
data) - Data on ancestry, income, education, housing
units, etc. - Selected population and housing characteristics
down to the block group or census tract level
7Data Tables Population
- 484 Population Tables
- 288 P Tables Summarized to Block Group Level
- Includes 16 Sets of P Tables Repeated 9 times by
Race/Hispanic, labeled P145(A-I) to P160(A-I)
8Data Tables Population
- 484 Population Tables (cont.)
- 196 PCT Tables Summarized to Census Tract Level
- Includes 15 Sets of PCT Tables Repeated 9 times
by Race/Hispanic, labeled PCT62(A-I) to PCT76(A-I)
9 Example of SF 3
Race/Hispanic Repeated Tables Labeled (A-I)
10Data Tables Housing
- 329 Housing Tables
- 121 H Tables Summarized to Block Group Level
- H1 Housing Units to H121 Imputation of
Mortgage Status and Selected Monthly Owner Costs
for all Owner-Occupied Housing Units
11Data Tables Housing
- 329 Housing Tables (cont.)
- 208 HCT Tables Summarized to Census Tract Level
- Includes 20 Sets of HCT Tables Repeated 9 times
by Race/Hispanic, labeled HCT29(A-I) to HCT48(A-I)
12Population SubjectsSummarized to Block Group
- Basic Population
- Disability
- Employment Status
- Households Families
- Income
- Occupation
- Commuting
- Language Spoken
- Marital Status
- Migration
- Birthplace, Year of Entry, Citizenship
- Place of Work
- Poverty
- School Enrollment Educ. Attainment
- Veteran Status
13Population SubjectsSummarized to Block Group
- Iterated by Race/Hispanic
- Basic Population Totals
- Employment Status
- Households and Families
- Income
- (Family, Household, Individual)
- Poverty Status
- School Enrollment Educational Attainment
14Population SubjectsSummarized to Census Tract
- Ancestry
- Disability
- Employment Status
- Grandparents as Caregivers
- Households and Families
- Income (Family, Nonfamily, Indiv)
- Language Spoken
- Marital Status
- Migration
- Birthplace, Year of Entry, Citizenship
- Poverty Status
- School Enrollment and Educational Attainment
15Population SubjectsSummarized to Census Tract
- Iterated by Race/Hispanic
- Disability
- Employment Status
- Income (Households, Individuals)
- Commuting
- Language and Ability to Speak English
- Migration
- Birthplace, Citizenship Status, Year of Entry
- Poverty (Individuals)
- Veteran Status
- Revised Question
- Vision or hearing impairment
- Mobility limitation
- Condition that limits
- Learning or remembering
- Getting around house
- Getting around outside
- Working
- Tables P41-P42 PCT26-PCT34
17Employment Status
- At work
- Laid off or absent
- Looking for work
- Tables P43-P48 P150(A-I) PCT35
- 8 Sources
- Wages and salary
- Self employment
- Interest, dividends and rental income
- Social security and railroad retirement
- Supplemental security income
- Public assistance or welfare
- Retirement, survivor or disability pension
- Child support, alimony, unemployment, etc.
- Total Income
- Tabulation Groupings
- Family and Nonfamily
- Tables P76-P81 P154(A-I)-P156(A-I) PCT36-PCT43
- Household
- Tables P52-P75 P151(A-I)-P153(A-I) PCT72(A-I)
- Individual
- Tables P82-P86 P157(A-I)-P158(A-I)
PCT44-PCT48 PCT73(A-I)-PCT74(A-I)
20Income Poverty
- Poverty status derived from answers to income
questions - Tabulation Groupings
- Family and Nonfamily
- Tables P90-P91 P154(A-I)-P156(A-I) PCT36-PCT43
- Household
- Tables P92-P93 P151(A-I)-P153(A-I) PCT72(A-I)
- Individuals
- Tables P87-89 P157(A-I)-P158(A-I) PCT44-PCT48
21Occupation, Industry and Class of Worker
- Kind of Business or Industry
- Occupation
- Year last worked
- Class of worker
- Private for profit, Private not-for profit,
- Local, state or federal government employee
- Self employed incorporated/not incorporated
- Working without pay
- Tables P49-P51
22Place of Work Journey to Work
- Location of work last week
- Mode of transportation to work
- Vehicle occupancy, if car truck or van
- Time left for work
- Travel time to work
- Tables P26-P35 PCT65(A-I)
23Language Spoken at Home
- Language spoken at home
- Ability to speak English
- Tables P19-P20 PCT10-PCT14 PCT62(A-I)
24Marital Status
- Married
- Widowed
- Divorced
- Separated
- Never married
- Tables P18 PCT70
- Where did this person live 5 years ago?
- Foreign country
- Town, county, state, and ZIP Code
- Tables P24-P25 PCT21-PCT22 PCT64(A-I)
26Place of Birth, Citizenship Year of Entry
- Place of birth state or foreign country
- Citizenship born in U.S., U.S. territory, of
American parents, naturalized, or not a citizen
- Year entered the U.S. to live
- Tables P21-P23 PCT19-PCT20 PCT63(A-I)
27School Enrollment and Educational Attainment
- Enrollment public or private school
- Grade or level attending
- Highest degree or level of school completed
- Tables P36-P38 P147(A-I)P149(A-I)
- PCT23-PCT25
28Veteran Status
- Active duty
- Period of service
- Total years of active-duty military service
- Tables P39-P40 PCT66(A-I)
- Write-in, self identification question
- Possibility of two entries
- Tabulations of Alone and Alone or in
Combination - Over 110 ancestries in tabulations
- Tabulated at census tract level
- Tables PCT15-PCT18
30Grandparents as Caregivers
- New Question
- Presence of grandchildren
- Responsibility for basic needs
- How long responsible for needs
- Tabulated at census tract level
- Tables PCT8-PCT9
31Housing Subjects
- Units in Structure
- Year Built
- Rooms
- Year Householder Moved In
- Rent/Value
- House Heating Fuel
- Vehicles Available
- Mortgage Status and Monthly Costs
- Plumbing and Kitchen Facilities
- Telephone Service
- Occupants Per Room
32Tenure and Vacancy Status
- Owner/Renter status
- Occupied/ Vacant units
- Many housing tables cross-tabulated by tenure
33Units in Structure
- Type of housing unit (detached house, townhouse,
apartment, mobile home, etc.) - Tables H30-H33, H72, H79 HCT3, HCT4, HCT6,
HCT8, HCT14, HCT30(A-I)
34Year Structure Built
- Age of housing units
- Tables H34-H37 HCT5, HCT6, HCT15, HCT23
35Number of RoomsNumber of Bedrooms
- Number of rooms and bedrooms
- Excludes bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers,
halls, or half-rooms - Tables H23-H29,
- H41, H42, H67
36Occupants Per Room
- Derived from persons in household and number of
rooms - Tables H2-H22 HCT22, HCT29(A-I)
37Year Moved into Residence
- Aids in determining migration and growth patterns
- Tables H38, H39 HCT7-HCT9,
- HCT16, HCT31(A-I)
38Housing Value or Monthly Rent
- Value How much do you think this house and lot,
apartment , or mobile home and lot would sell
for? - Tables H74-H79, H81-H89 HCT17,
- HCT41(A-I)-HCT43(A-I)
- Rent What is the monthly rent? Also asks if
rent includes meals. - Tables H53-H73 HCT18, HCT36(A-I)-HCT40(A-I)
39Heating Fuel
- Types of fuels to heat housing unit
- Gas from pipes, bottle, tank, or LP (Liquified
Petroleum) - Electricity
- Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
- Coal, coke or Wood
- Solar energy
- Other fuel or No fuel used
- Tables H40 HCT10
40Vehicles Available
- Any vehicles under one-ton capacity for use by
members of household - Tables H44-H46 HCT33(A-I)
41Mortgage Status and Selected Monthly Owner Costs
- Cost of
- Utilities
- First and second mortgage
- Taxes insurance
- Fuel costs
- Tables H80, H83,
- H90-H98 HCT13,
- HCT44(A-I)-HCT48(A-I)
42Households by Income, by Householder Age, by Size
- Different ways to categorize households
- Income Tables H69-H73 HCT11-HCT18, HCT25,
HCT26, HCT39(A-I)-HCT40(A-I) - Age Tables H14, H53, H71, H78 HCT4, HCT5, HCT7,
HCT14-HCT16, HCT24 - Size Tables H16-H18 HCT2, HCT3
43Kitchen and Plumbing Facilities
- Complete kitchen facilities
- Sink with piped water
- Range or stove
- Refrigerator
- Tables H50-H52 HCT35(A-I)
- Complete plumbing facilities
- Hot and cold piped water
- Flush toilet
- Bathtub or shower
- Tables H47-H49 HCT22, HCT34(A-I)
44Telephone Service
- Ability to make and receive calls
- Tables H43 HCT27(A-I), HCT32(A-I)
45Where to AccessSummary File 3
- Online www.census.gov through American
FactFinder - Data released on a state by state flow basis from
August through September 2002 - Data on CD-Rom/DVD beginning Fall 2002
46(No Transcript)
47American FactFinder
48Geographic LevelsState Files
- Nation
- States
- Counties
- County subdivisions
- Places
- Census tracts
- Block groups (for selected
tables) -
49Geographic Levels - continued
- Congressional districts (106th Congress)
- Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs)
- Hawaiian home lands
- State parts of American Indian/Alaska
Native areas - State parts of metropolitan areas
- Urban areas (urbanized areas and urban
50Contact the Census Bureau
- Webmaster_at_census.gov
- 301-763-INFO (4636)
- OPEN Mon-Fri 830am to 430pm ET
- www.census.gov
- Call or Visit
- 12 Census Bureau Regional Offices
- 1,800 state, local, regional, and community data
centers - 1,300 public and academic depository libraries