Title: CASA POster Template
1Detection of Hazardous Weather Phenomena Using
Data Assimilation Techniques
Robert Fritchie, Kelvin Droegemeier, Mingjing
Tong School of Meteorology and Center for
Analysis and Prediction of Storms
Overview The automated detection of tornadoes
and other hazardous weather events involves using
algorithms to identify patterns in raw Doppler
radar reflectivity and velocity data. One such
algorithm-based system is the NSSL Warning
Decision Support System Integrated
Information (WDSS-II) One major limitation is
that new detection algorithms must be created, or
existing ones adapted, each time a new
observation system is deployed. A tornado/parent
mesocyclone will look very different when viewed
by a WSR-88D with a gate size of 1km, as supposed
to a Mobile doppler radar with a gate size of
50m. Another major limitation is that such
algorithms operate principally on data directly
measured by the radar (radial velocity and
reflectivity) and thus do not make use of other
important fields that are potentially available
to them (e.g., pressure and temperature). An
alternative approach involves using advanced data
assimilation and retrieval techniques, applied to
all available observations especially those
collected at fine scales by Doppler radar to
generate dynamically consistent, 3D gridded
analyses of all key observed and unobserved
meteorological quantities to which data mining
tools can be applied. The potential advantages
include the ability to interrogate quantities not
available from raw data and the use of
geometrically simple 3D grids. The most important
advantage, however, is that the mining algorithms
do not depend upon the data sources and do not
have to be changed when new data sources are
added (e.g., new types of radars).
- Research Objectives
- Examine tradeoffs of hazardous weather detection
between conventional sensor-based algorithms and
gridded data sets. - Prove the ease of adding new instrumentation to
detection algorithms that are based on the
assimilated data only. - Explore the computational requirements of data
assimilation on a variety of scales and grid
spacing combinations. - Examine the physical signatures of various
hazardous weather phenomena, particularly
tornadoes, at various scales and grid spacings
and compare to the detections with WDSS-II as
well as ground truth. - Investigate the value added to data sets through
use of mobile or dynamic sensing platforms such
as mobile radars or CASA radars.
- Tools and Methodology
- Compare detections produced by automated
algorithms to features in assimilated analyses
that are generated using ensemble Kalman
filtering for an observed tornadic storm that
occurred on 29 May 2004 and that was observed at
reasonably close range by NEXRAD radar. - Examine sensitivities to a variety of variable
factors including, in WDSS-II, adaptable
parameters and in ensemble Kalman filtering, grid
spacing, data frequency, ensemble size, and
quantities assimilated. - Comparison between detected features, both
through WDSS-II and Data Assimilation, and
surveyed ground truth data will allow for a good
assessment of relative skill of hazardous weather
phenomena detection. - Compute analyses with various resolutions and
domains to compare their relative detections
versus their computational requirements
This work is supported primarily by the National
Science Foundation under the following
cooperative agreements ATM03-31574, 31578,
31579, 31480, 31586, 31587, 31591, and 31594. Any
opinions, findings, conclusions, or
recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect those of the National Science Foundation.
2Detection of Hazardous Weather Phenomena Using
Data Assimilation Techniques
Robert Fritchie, Kelvin Droegemeier, Mingjing
Tong School of Meteorology and Center for
Analysis and Prediction of Storms
Early Results
- 40-member ensemble of a square-root Kalman
filter - The filter uses observations from the KTLX radar
of the May 29th case - Assimilation was performed every 5 minutes (each
volume scan) for a 1 hour period - Built the storm to a physically consistent
gridded set that closely resembles the actual
storm itself - The analysis grid, depicted in figure X, is a
180km x 120km x 16km block, with horizontal grid
spacing of 1 kilometer and stretched vertical
grid spacing with a minimum of 100 meters. - The analysis ends at 0100UTC, or 8pm CDT.
Shortly after that time, an anticyclonic tornado
formed north of Calumet, OK.
- On the afternoon of May 29th, 2004, a long-lived
supercell formed in Western Oklahoma and tracked
through Central Oklahoma, north of Oklahoma City,
through Northeast Oklahoma, including Tulsa, and
finally dissipated west of the Arkansas state
line. Throughout its approximately 9 hour
lifetime, the storm produced at least 16
confirmed tornadoes. - well organized cyclic supercell
- long-lived
- contained a variety of weather hazards
- produced a wide range of tornado intensities
- was very well-observed by mobile radars
- passed within close range of the WSR-88D
located at Twin Lakes, Oklahoma. - For these reasons and more, it is apparent that
this would be a great case to utilize in testing
dynamic data assimilation concepts.
- Figures 4 through 7 illustrate just a few fields
that are available from having a dynamically
consistent gridded data set produced by a Kalman
filter. A Kalman filter provides the same fields
as a numerical model, but are based on combining
current observations from the radar with model
physics in an optimal fashion. Highlighted
results - Reflectivity derived from the assimilation
closely resembles that displayed in WDSS-II. - Several areas of intense vorticity maxima and
minima exist, but only one is associated with a
strong updraft. - A relative minimum in pressure also indicates a
rotating updraft. - Baroclinic zones, associated with mini-fronts
generated by the storm, also help to identify the
greatest risk of high winds and tornadoes at
their intersection.
- Future Work
- Additional real-life case studies
- Perform assimilations at different resolutions
- Change domain coverages
- More quantitative comparisons between WDSS-II
detections and phenomena indicated in assimilated
data sets.
Figure 4 Cross-section of radar reflectivity
derived from the assimilated data. Note the
structure as compared to that displayed in figure
3. Time is 0100 UTC.
Figure 6 Low-level cross-section of pressure
with. Placement of the local minimum in pressure
is in agreement with placement of the main
anticyclonic updraft. Time is 0100 UTC.
Figure 5 Low-level cross-section of vertical
vorticity with overlaid contours of strong
positive vertical velocities (updrafts). Note the
strong updraft is associated with negative
vorticity, indicating a anti-cyclone. Several
minutes later a anticyclonic tornado touched
down. Time is 0100 UTC.
Figure 7 Cross-section of surface temperature
with overlaid contours of vertical vorticity.
Note that the intersection of the strong
temperature gradients (mini-fronts) is associated
with the strong negative vorticity area. Time is
0100 UTC.
This work is supported primarily by the National
Science Foundation under the following
cooperative agreements ATM03-31574, 31578,
31579, 31480, 31586, 31587, 31591, and 31594. Any
opinions, findings, conclusions, or
recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect those of the National Science Foundation.