Title: Separation of Powers in Administrative Law
1Separation of Powers in Administrative Law
2Two views of separation of powers Separate
Categorize function Minimize overlap Formalist
3Two views of separation of powers overlapping
Functions overlapdeal with it Protect core
functions Functionalist interpretation
4Which approach produces more checks and balances,
5Delegating legislative power
- Legislature hands over power to Executive
- Moral hazard (blaming the other branch)
- Undermines judicial review
- Risk that Executive may be captured or get
6Private delegations and the contracting-out
- Hoovers Associational State
- Great Depressions Blue Eagle codes
- Advisory committees
- Professional self-regulation (Medicare PROs,
occupational licensing) - Welfare state
- Privatized prisons
7The dark side of nondelegation
- Wipes out a regulatory program that may be
necessary (can a political consensus be generated
again?) - May cut a broad swath through other regulatory
programs (copycat legislation) - Gives courts a roving commission to zap
8How much is too much?
- Brig Aurora named contingency
- Naming contingencies is discretionary
- Rulemaking not an if-then situation
- JW Hampton intelligible principle
- Is be fair or be safe really intelligible?
- Procedures rather than standards
- How effective are procedures without standards?
9- Mistretta is it impossible to tell whether the
will of Congress is being obeyed - Is it ever impossible to say that some
hypothesized action is not beyond the scope of
the delegation? - Lockout/Tagout, Benzene, Cotton Dust agency or
court interpret statute to create a standard (but
cf. American Trucking)
10Having a vague, rarely used nondelegation
doctrine as a club in the closet may be the
best we can do, for now.
11Delegations of Judicial Power
- Crowell v. Benson, Schor v. CFTC can you take
adjudicative decisions wholly out of Article III
courts? - Private common-law rights the most concern
- Core functions, functionalist approach
- Problems may grow with popularity of ADR
12Levels of oversight
- Constituent Problem
- Buck slip/forwarded e-mail
- Phone call
- Formal inquiry
- Oversight hearing
- Systemic Problem
- Oversight hearing
- Appropriations hearing
- Appropriations Rider
- Legislative amendment
13Legislative Oversight and the One-House Veto
14How Congress acts
- Legislation (be it enacted)both houses vote,
present to President for signature or veto - Concurrent resolution (be it resolved)
--both houses vote, present to President for
signature or veto - Joint resolution (be it resolved)both houses
vote, no presentment - One house veto (either house pass a resolution of
disapproval), no presentment
15Life after Chadha
- One-house vetoes are clearly unconstitutional,
and most probably so are two-house vetoes without
presentment - Report and wait with an option to override
legislatively is still viable - Corrections Day and appropriations riders are
common legislative tools