Secure Routing for Structured PeertoPeer Overlay Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Secure Routing for Structured PeertoPeer Overlay Networks


Tapestry, Chord, CAN. Tapestry. Neighboring nodes are not aware of each other ... network proximity information for efficient routing (as in Pastry and Tapestry) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Secure Routing for Structured PeertoPeer Overlay Networks

Secure Routing for Structured Peer-to-Peer
Overlay Networks
  • M. Castro, P. Druschel, A. Ganesh, A. Rowstron
    and D. S. Wallach
  • Proc. Of the 5th Usenix Symposium on Operating
    Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA,
    Dec. 2002

Sai Rama Krishna Kona Bhavik Mehta
  • Background of P2P overlay networks
  • Routing Overlay model
  • System model
  • Secure routing
  • Secure nodeId assignment
  • Secure Routing table maintenance
  • Secure message forwarding
  • Conclusion

Structured P2P Overlays
  • Provide a powerful platform for decentralized
    services network storage, content distribution,
    and application-level multicast.
  • Examples CAN, Chord, Pastry and Tapestry

Routing overlay model
  • An abstract model of a structured p2p routing
  • nodeIds, uniform random identifiers from a large
    id space
  • keys, unique identifiers selected from the id
    space used for assigning nodeIds
  • key is mapped to a unique live node, called root
  • routing table, maintained by each node
  • neighbor set, a random sample
  • replica function, maps a key to replica keys.

Pastry Node State
  • NodeIds, Keys sequence of digits in base 2b
  • A nodes routing table has 128/2b rows and 2b
  • Each node maintains a neighbor set (leaf set)
  • Includes a set of l nodes with nodeIds that are
    numerically closest to the present nodes nodeId
  • l/2 larger and l/2 smaller nodeIds than the
    current nodes id
  • l is constant for all nodes
  • A typical value is 8log2bN
  • Ensures reliable message delivery
  • Used to store replicas

Routing table of a Pastry node with nodeId 65a1x,
b4. Digits are in base 16, x represents an
arbitrary suffix
Message routing in Pastry
Routing a message from node 65a1fc with key
d46a1c. The dots depict live nodes in Pastrys
circular namespace.
Tapestry, Chord, CAN
  • Tapestry
  • Neighboring nodes are not aware of each other
  • Uses Surrogate routing
  • Log2N, expected number of routing hops
  • Chord
  • Forwards messages only in clockwise direction
  • (1/2)Log2N, expected number of routing hops
  • CAN
  • Routes messages in d-dimensional space
  • Routing table, O(d) entries, does not grow with
    n/w size
  • (d/4)(N1/d), routing hops on average
  • CAN Chord Proximity routing is harder but
    protects from certain attacks

System model
  • Assumptions
  • N size of the overlay network
  • f 0lt f lt 1, fraction of faulty nodes
  • Constrained-collusion Byzantine failure model for
  • c 1/N lt c lt f most damage case cf
  • Each node has a static IP address
  • Network level Overlay level
  • A message is delivered within time D with
    probability PD (with no faulty nodes)

Secure Routing
  • Routing primitives implemented by Pastry etc.,
    not suitable for developing secure applications
  • Secure routing primitive ensures that when a
    non-faulty node sends a message to a key k, the
    message reaches all non-faulty members in the set
    of replica roots Rk with very high probability.
  • Implementation requires
  • Securely assigning nodeIds to nodes
  • Securely maintaining the routing tables
  • Securely forwarding messages

Secure nodeId assignment
  • Goal
  • ensure that uniform random distribution of
    nodeIds cannot be controlled by an attacker
  • Attacks
  • By carefully choosing nodeIds, attack a victim
    nodes routing table
  • Control access to target objects by choosing
    closest nodeIds to all replica keys.
  • Obtain a large number of legitimate nodeIds,
    Sybil attack
  • Solution
  • Centralized - Certified nodeId
  • A set of trusted certification authorities (CAs)
    to assign nodeIds and to sign nodeId
  • The nodeId certificate binds a random nodeId to
    the public key and IP address
  • Nodes with valid certificates can join the
    overlay network
  • CAs are not involved in the overlay network

Secure nodeId assignment (contd)
  • Measures to counter Sybil attacks
  • Charge a fee
  • Identity-based CA
  • Decentralized
  • Require prospective node to solve crypto puzzle
    to gain a nodeId.
  • The cost to solving a crypto puzzle must be
    acceptable to legitimate node but hard enough to
    slow down attackers
  • Simple approach using crypto puzzle
  • Each node generates a key pair public key and
    private key
  • SHA-1(I, K) has the first p bits zero
  • Iinitialization vector or MD5
  • K public key
  • The expected number of operations required to
    generate such a key pair is 2p.
  • NodeId SHA-1(I, K)
  • Periodically invalidate nodeIds

Secure routing table maintenance
  • Goal
  • Ensure that the fraction of faulty nodes that
    appears in the routing tables of correct nodes
    does not exceed f. (Damage Control, anyone??)
  • Attacks
  • Attackers fake proximity to increase the fraction
    of bad routing table entries
  • A correct node p sends a probe to estimate delay
    to a faulty node.
  • An attacker intercepts the probe and have the
    faulty node closest to p reply to the probe.

Good Old Honest Routing
Closest Node
Source Node
Honesty is not always the best policy !!
Closest Node
Source Node
Secure Routing Table-Attacks
  • Point to faulty or non existent nodes
  • Lie about next hop
  • Supply incorrect routing updates while nodes join
    the overlay network.
  • Causes fraction of bad routing table
    increase. Probability that a routing table entry
    is faulty after an update is (1-f)f f1 2f
    f2 gt f ( remember f lt1 )

Secure routing table maintenance
  • Solutions constrained routing table
  • One routing table that maintains network
    proximity information for efficient routing (as
    in Pastry and Tapestry)
  • The other routing table constraints routing
    entries as in Chord needs to be the closest node
    id at some point in ID space bringing probability
    down to f.
  • Normal operation the 1st table is used for
    efficiency purposes. If routing fails use the 2nd

Secure Routing tables
  • Use two routing tables PastryChord
  • First normal locality-aware Pastry routing table
    Slot(l,d) share first l digits, has value d in
    l1 digit
  • Second Constrained Pastry routing table
    Slot(l,d) closest nodeId to a point p
  • p share first l digits, has value d in l1
    digit, and has the same remaining digits as l
  • First is efficient, second is for backup

Secure routing table maintenance (cont)
Constraint routing table of a Pastry node with
nodeId 65a1x, b4. Digits are in base 16, x
represents an arbitrary suffix
Secure routing table initialization
  • Bootstrap Nodes
  • - Use a diverse set of bootstrap nodes
  • - Big enough to ensure one is correct
  • Procedure
  • Pick a set of bootstrap nodes and ask them to
    route using node id as key
  • No-faulty bootstrap node uses secure forwarding
  • Collects all the proposed neighbor set from each
    of bootstrap nodes, pick the closest as its
  • Pick the route entry with minimal delay as the
    locality-aware routing table
  • Initialize each entry of constrained routing
    table as the live nodeId closest to the desired
    point p in the id space (secure forwarding)
  • Alternative way to initialize constraint routing
  • Use secure forwarding to get live nodeId for each
    entry p for ns constraint routing table too
  • n request its neighbor sets constraint routing
  • Side Effect - Neighbours also know about new

Secure message forwarding(1)
  • Goal
  • Ensures that at lease one copy of a message sent
    to a key reaches each correct replica root for
    the key with high probability.

  • Attacks
  • Faulty nodes can drop message
  • route message to the wrong place
  • Pretend to be the keys root.
  • The root node itself may be faulty
  • The probably of routing successfully to a correct
    replica node is (1-f)h (h is the average
    routing hops)

b 4
Secure message forwarding(2)
  • Solution
  • Detect faults and redundant routes
  • Routes a message to the keys root using
    locality-aware routing table
  • Collect the prospective set of replica roots from
    the prospective root node
  • Apply failure test to the set of replica roots.
  • If the test is negative, accept the prospective
    replica roots as the correct ones.
  • Otherwise, message copies are sent over diverse
    routes toward the various replica roots

Secure message forwarding(3)
  • Routing failure test(Based on the observation
    the average density of nodeIds per unit of
    volume in the id space is greater than the
    average density of faulty nodeIds).
  • Input a key x and a set of prospective replica
    roots for the key x rn id0,, idl1
  • Output negative or positive
  • p calculate the average numerical distance Up
    between consecutive nodesIds in its neighbor set.
  • P checks
  • All nodeIds in rn have a valid nodeId
    certificate, the closest nodeId to the key is the
    middle one, and the nodeIds satisfy the
    definition of a neighbor set.
  • The average numerical distance Urn in rn
    satisfies Urn lt Up ?

Urn average numerical distance between
consecutive nodeIds in rn
Urn lt Up ?
Secure message forwarding(4)
  • Other attacks
  • Collect old nodeId certificates
  • Include both nodeIds of nodes it controls and
    nodeId of correct nodes in a prospective root
    neighbor set.
  • nodeId suppression attack
  • Suppress nodeId close to sender, increase ß(false
  • Suppress nodeId in root neighbor set , which
    increase a(false positive)

Redundant Routing
  • While failure test is positive, send message to
    each replica root via multiple routes.
  • In Pastry, they send message from the source node
    to all of its neighbors in the p2p overlay.
  • Because nodeIds are random, the neighbors should
    represent a random, geographically diverse,
    sampling of the nodes in the p2p overlay. From
    there, each neighbor node forwards the message
    toward the target node. If at least one of the
    neighbors can achieve a successful route, then
    the message is considered successfully delivered.

Redundant route
  • Neighbor set anycast
  • 1) p sends r messages to the destination key x
    with a nonce.
  • 2) Any correct node that receives the message and
    has xs root in its neighbor set returns its
    nodeId certificate and the nonce, signed by its
    private key.
  • 3) p collects in a set N the l/21 nodeId
    certificates closest to x on the left and l/21
    nodeId certificates closest to x on the right,
    marked pending.
  • 4) After timeout or r replies are received, p
    sends a list of nodeIds in N to each node in N.
    and mark as done.
  • 5) Any correct node that receives the list
    forwards ps original message to the nodes in its
    neighbor set that are not in the list or returns
    a confirmation if no such nodes exist.
  • 6) P receives r confirmation or step 4 was
    executed three times. it computes the set of
    replica roots for x from N.

Simulation results
Model and simulation results for the
probability of reaching all correct replica roots
using redundant routing with neighbor set anycast.
Secure Routing
  • Prevents attacks at join time secure nodeID
    assignment and bootstrapping
  • Ensure that when a correct node sends a message
    for a particular key, the message reaches all
    correct replica roots for the key with very high
  • For data, we need other mechanisms, for example
    self-certifying data

Self Certifying Data
  • Client can check data and only needs to rely on
    routing when certification check fails.
  • Reduces the reliance on the redundant, secure
    routing primitive (you still need secure
    forwarding otherwise there is no data to verify
    in the first place)
  • Uses concepts like proactive signature sharing or
    group keys/signatures.
  • Self-certifying data can eliminate the overhead
    of secure routing in common cases

Related Work
  • Dinglidiene and Doucers work addresses spoofing
    attacks. Goal is to prevent malicious nodes using
    reputation or micro-cash.
  • Bellovin works with Gnutella and Napster
  • Sit and Morris discuss security attack, Cover
    various node lookups, routing table maintenance,
    network partitioning, Denial of Service Attacks,
    file storage etc

  • Presented the design and analysis of techniques
    for secure node joining, routing table
    maintenance and message forwarding in p2p overlay
  • Based on modeling and corroborated with
    simulations, they have measured that this
    operation can be successful with a 99.9
    probability, as long as flt 30.

Questions ?
Since nodeIds are assumed to be uniformly
distributed, the routing failure test is based on
the observation that if faulty nodes try to
suppress the existance of some correct nodes, the
density of nodeIds in the id space would be much
lower than the average. The test works by
comparing the density of nodeIds in the neighbor
set of the sender with the density of nodeIds
close to the replica roots of the destination
key. If the density is suspiciously low, the
secure routing is repeated with a different set
of routes. Specically, let the nodeId density
around the responding node be d and the local
nodeId density be a. We accept the responding
node only if dlt ag , where g is a parameter
chosen for minimizing false positives and false
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