Title: My Class
1IE 419 Work Design Productivity and
Safety Dr. Andris Freivalds Class 14
2Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST, pp.
- Developed by Zandin in 1967
- At SAAB-Scania in Sweden
- Published in 1980 through H.B. Maynard
- Basically simplified MTM (same TMU)
- Faster than MTM-1 and MTM-2
- Has many diverse tool applications
- Has computer program!!
3MOST Comparison with MTM
4Versions of MOST
- Maxi MOST
- For rare operations (lt150/week)
- For long cycles (minutes to hours)
- Very quick, but less accurate
- Basic MOST
- Between 150 and 1,500 operations/week
- Typical cycle times 0.5 3 minutes
- Mini MOST
- More than 1,500 operations/week
- Cycle times lt 0.5 min
- Most detailed and time consuming
5Basics of Basic MOST - 1
- Only three activity sequences
- General Move
- Movement of object freely through space
- ½ of all work sequences
- Controlled Move
- Movement of object attached to another or in
contact with a surface - ? of all work sequences
- Tool/Equipment Use
- 1/6 of all work sequences
6General Move - Basics
- Has 4 subactivities
- A Action distance (horizontal)
- B Body motion (vertical)
- G Gain control (i.e. GET cases A, B, C)
- P Placement (i.e. PUT cases A, B, C)
- Grouped into 3 phases
- Get reach and gain control of object
- Put move object to new location
- Return distance walked back to workstation, not
for hands
7General Move Typical Steps
- Reach some distance with hands for object,
perhaps with body motion or steps - Gain manual control of object
- Move object some distance, perhaps with body
motion or steps - Place the object at specified location
- Return to workplace (if needed)
8General Move
A Action distance B Body motion G Gain
control P Placement
- Obtain Index Values based on characteristics
- Sum Index Values, multiply by 10 ? TMUs
9MOST - General Move
10Ex 1 - General Move
Walk 3 steps to pick up a bolt from the floor,
arise, place bolt in a bolt hole.
A6 Walk 3 steps to object B6 Bend and
arise G1 Gain control of light object A1 Move
object a distance within reach B0 No body
motion P3 Place and adjust object A0 No return
?IV 66113 17 17x10 170 TMUs
11General Move - Parameter IndexingAction Distance
- A0 2 in
- A1 within reach
- A3 1 - 2 steps
- A6 3 - 4 steps
- A10 5 - 7 steps
- A16 8 -10 steps
- Extended values
12General Move - Parameter IndexingBody Motion (B)
- B0 no body motion
- B3 sit/stand no adj.
- B3 bend/arise 50
- B6 bend and arise
- B10 sit/stand with adj.
- B16 variety
- Bend and sit
- Stand and bend
- Climb on or off
13General Move - Parameter IndexingBody Motion (B)
- B16 passing through door (steps before and after
are included in value) - A16 B16 G1 A1 B6 P1 A0 410 TMU
14General Move - Parameter IndexingGain Control (G)
- G0 no gain control, hold
- G1 light object (simo)
- G3 variety
- Light objects (non simo)
- Heavy or bulky
- Blind or obstructed
- Disengage (force)
- Interlocked
- Collect several
15General Move - Parameter IndexingPlacement (P)
- P0 no placement, toss
- P1 lay aside, loose fit
- P3 loose fit blind
- Place with adjustment
- Double placement
- Place with light pressure
- P6 heavy pressure
- With care or precision
- Blind or obstructed
- Intermediate moves
16General Move - Parameter Indexing
- Return last A for time for operator to walk
back to normal workstation - Return not meant for returning hands
- Placement with insertion two lines
- Repeat cycles - handful of washers on 6 bolts
A1 B0 G3 (A1 B0 P1) A0 (6) (13)
6(11) 0 x 10 160 TMU
17Controlled Move Typical Steps
- Reach some distance with hands for object,
perhaps with body motion or steps - Gain manual control of object
- Move object over a controlled path, perhaps with
body motion or steps - Allow time for control (a process) to occur
- Align object at end of process time
- Return to workplace (if needed)
18Controlled Move - Basics
- Has 3 new subactivities
- M Move controlled (path is controlled)
- X Process Time (controlled by mechanical
devices, not manual actions) - I Alignment (conclusion of process to achieve
alignment of objects) - Grouped into 3 phases
- Get and 3) Return as before
- Move over controlled path or actuate device
19Controlled Move
A Action distance B Body motion G Gain
control M Move controlled X Process Time I
20MOST - Controlled Move
21Ex 2 - Controlled Move
Engage a feed lever on a milling machine.
A1 Reach to lever (within reach) B0 No body
motion G1 Gain control of lever M1 Move lever
(lt 12 in.) to engage X10 Process time of 3.5
sec I0 No alignment A0 No return
?IV 11110 13, 13x10 130 TMUs
22Controlled Move - Parameter IndexingMove
Controlled (M)
- M6 two stages gt 12 in
- or with 1-2 steps
- M10 3-4 stages
- or 3-4 steps
- M16 6-9 steps
- Extended values
- M1 one stage 12 in
- or press button/switch/knob
- M3 one stage gt 12 in
- or push/pull with resistance
- or seat/unseat
- or high control
- two stages 12 in
Note Applies to feet also, Ex. Push pedal gt 12
in ? M3
23Move Controlled - Crank
- Crank
- move fingers, wrist, forearm
- in circular path
- more than ½ revolution
- lt ½ rev ? push/pull/pivot
- M3 1 rev
- M6 2-3 rev
- M10 4-6 rev
- M16 7-11 rev
24Controlled Move Process Time