Title: MOM4: the Ocean Model for CFSRR
1MOM4 the Ocean Model for CFSRR
- Jiande Wang Xingren Wu
- David Behringer and Hua-Lu Pan
- Main feature of MOM4
- What we did and doing on MOM4
- Preliminary results from coupled run
3Whats MOM4
- The Modular Ocean Model (MOM4) is a numerical
representation of the oceans - hydrostatic primitive equations developed by
GFDL. It is designed primarily as a tool for
studying the ocean climate system.
4Release Version of MOM4
- Jan, 2004 MOM4p0a
- Mar, 2004 MOM4p0b
- Aug, 2004 MOM4p0c
- Dec, 2004 MOM4cDec10
- Jun, 2005 MOM4d
- Final version MOM4p0
- this is what we are using now
5Main Feature
- Coded in Fortran90, units are KMS
- Re-engineered Parallel infrastructure (MPI)
- All I/O is handled via NetCDF, will support IEEE
format output in the future. - Only contains one cpp-preprocessor option
(ifdefs), (MOM3 has 300-400 ifdefs). - Upside clean up the logic in the separate
modules, code more readable, short compiling
time. - Downside increase code maintenance. System
structure becomes complicated (80 directories). - 2D horizontal domain decomposition. No memory
windows or slabs. Increase computation efficiency.
6Numerical/dynamic characteristics
- Generalized orthogonal horizontal coordinator.
Support both standard spherical coordinator and
tripolar grid (no polar filter required, full
Arctic Ocean). - Z-coordinator vertically. Only support B-grid
currently. - Partical cell for bottom topography
- Non-Boussinesq explicit free surface (Greatbatch
et al. 2002). - explicit fresh water flux
- McDougall et al. (2003) equation of state with in
situ density a function of local potential
temperature, salinity and hydrostatic pressure. - Various kind of tracer advection schemes.
- KPP vertical mixing (Large et al. 1994)
- Chlorophyll based shortwave penetration (Morel
and Antoine, 1994) - runoff process
7SeaWiFS Chlorophyll (Sweeney et al. 2005)
Note the large value near coasts and equatorial
pacific and Atlantic which are associated with
high level of biological activity
8Impact of runoff from Amazon on sea surface
Including of runoff process revealed detail
structure of salinity near the river mouth
9Model configuration
- Horizontal resolution
- (1). 1 degree zonally, 1/3 degree in tropics,
gradually increasing meridionally to 1 degree 30N
and 30S. - (2). 0.5 degree zonally, 1/4 degree in tropics,
gradually increasing meridionally to 0.5 degree
30N and 30S - Vertical resolution
- 40 layers, 10 meters depth in the up 200
10What we did and doing with MOM4
- Simple test (platform compatibility and
reproductively) - Ocean only forced by R2
- OceanIce forced by R2
- Ocean data assimilation (Dave Behringer)
- OceanIceGFS coupled model
11Results from coupled run SST
Less than 1 degree of SST bias in most of
tropical region
12Seasonal cycle of SST
Small temperature bias in equatorial Pacific
14(No Transcript)
- MOM4 has been tested in EMC climate group as a
component for the coupled system with encouraging