ECMWF cloud scheme: Validation and Direction Adrian Tompkins - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ECMWF cloud scheme: Validation and Direction Adrian Tompkins


The MP Question: 'What have ECMWF ever done for us' ... Ice sedimentation now a pure advection term. Ice-to-Snow autoconversion added to model ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ECMWF cloud scheme: Validation and Direction Adrian Tompkins

ECMWF cloud scheme Validation and
DirectionAdrian Tompkins
  • The MP Question What have ECMWF ever done for
  • ECMWFs minor role in Cloudnet To provide data
    and await feedback?
  • Due to my lack of time, this puts the data in the
    slow feedback loop

Model parametrization
2. Validation
1. Development
  • Example Validation of model versus Meteosat
    Brightness Temperatures
  • Expensive (human resources) validation for a
    fixed period
  • But what if t (validation) gtgt t (model cycle
    updates) ?
  • i.e. When results arrive they refer to old

Courtesy of F. Chevallier
Uses of ARM
  • ARM data has been used as a validation tool
  • Cloud cover, Cloud ice retrievals from radar
  • Simulated Z (Morcrette)
  • Surface radiative fluxes and liquid water paths
  • 2D-Var assimilation of radar data to test future
    cloudsat use (Bennedetti and Lopez)
  • SGP data used to validate new turbulence model
    (Neggers and Koehler)
  • Cases studies and one-offs, no routine use in
    model cycle development

  • Development can mean using the data to derive /
    develop / tune a parametrization
  • e.g. Tompkins and Di Giuseppe use cloudnet data
    to tune and test a new SW cloud overlap
    parametrization for solar zenith angle effects on
    cloud geometry

ECMWF SW albedo error with respect to a TIPA
benchmark calculation using over 100 cloud scenes
taken over Chilbolton
  • Hogan Length-scale tuned to give correct Cloud
    Cover over Chilbolton, then used for 600
    Palaiseau scenes as independent test
  • Experience Data extremely easy to use
  • Reprocessing of ARM site data extremely welcome!!!

ECMWF SW albedo error with respect to a benchmark
calculation using over 600 cloud scenes taken
over Palaiseau
  • Can also mean a validation tool fast and
    efficient enough to be included in
    parametrization tests
  • ECMWF T799 L91 medium-range scores
  • RMS, AC of Z,T,U
  • Parametrization Group climate suite
  • 3 member 13 month atmosphere only T159L91
  • Validation seasons against MODIS, ISCCP,
    Quikscat, SSMI, TRMM, GPCP, Xie-Arkin, Da-Silva,
  • For parameters of LWP, TCWV, TCC, 10m winds,
    rainfall, TOA radn fluxes, surface heat fluxes

Example ISCCP Total cloud cover model cycle
29r1operational early 2005
Issue Cloudnet in slower feedback loop, but
independent and comprehensive validation (also
over points) extremely important
Validation and tuning
Model parametrization
Fast validation tuned metric
Slow validation Independent source
Data error
ECMWF Validation needs Ice!
  • Information from cloudnet regarding glaciated
    clouds is useful
  • e.g. First comparison of ice water content
    comparison with microwave limb sounder (Frank Li
    et al.)

ECMWF validation needs Higher order moments
  • Information on subgridscale variability of ice,
    liquid and water vapour is paramount to
    developments of statistical cloud cover schemes
  • Much emphasis has been placed on this, and the
    Cloudnet results will be central to efforts at

ECMWF Directions, Short term
  • Numerics have been revised to reduce sensitivity
    to vertical resolution (moving from T511L60 to
    T799L91 soon)
  • Ice sedimentation now a pure advection term
  • Ice-to-Snow autoconversion added to model
  • Simple diagnostic parametrization to allow
    supersaturation with respect to ice
  • Final testing for implementation early 2006

ECMWF Directions, Medium term
  • Prognostic ice mass mixing ratio
  • Prognostic ice number concentration
  • Prognostic moments of total water, with cloud
    cover derived from a statistical cloud scheme
  • Interaction between aerosols and microphysics
  • Attention to numerics

Reduction in ice water path in response to 3x
dust aerosols over Africa
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