Title: Simulating Fluids in CG
1Simulating Fluids in CG
2Last Time
- The equations of fluids
- Pressure
- Hydrostatic equilibrium
- Differential operators Gradient, divergence
- Incompressible Euler Equations
- Gauss Theorems
3This Lecture
- HOW do we solve the Incompressible Euler
equations - Numerical methods
- Time integration
- Splitting
- Finite differences
- The MAC grid
- Advection algorithms
- Adding forces
5Time Integration I
- We are dealing with equations of the form
- Given an initial condition we want to
solve this by computing at discrete times
with - The time step is the length of time between these
discrete times
6Time Integration II
- The simplest thing to do is to assume that is
constant during the entire time step - This is called forward Euler integration
- Only first-order accurate
7Time Step Size
- Stability
- Many time integration schemes are only
conditionally stable - If ?t is chosen too large, the computed solution
blows up exponentially even though the exact
solution stays bounded - Convergence
- A large ?t can give us the wrong solution (this
is less critical in CG, as long as it looks good)
8Splitting I
- Consider the simple ordinary differential
equation - The solution is but lets try splitting it
using forward Euler
9Splitting II
- Lets generalize
- And split
- F and G are specialized integrators
10Splitting the Euler Equations
(advection / transport)
(body forces)
(pressure / incompressibility)
11Body forces
- Forces accelerate the fluid. In the model we
consider it is the only way to initiate and
control the movement of the fluid.
We are solving the equation
Like this
12Basic fluid algorithm
- Start with initial, divergence-free velocity
field v0 - For time n 0, 1, 2,
- Determine time step ?t from time tn to time tn1
- vA advect(vn, ?t, vn) (advection)
- vB vA ?t f (body forces)
- vn1 project(?t, vB) (incompressibility)
- We need to develop an algorithm advect to solve
the equation
14Discretizing the Differential Operators
Question We have just considered the
differential operators in R3, but how do we apply
these operators in the discrete simulation space?
Answer Finite difference approximations based on
Taylor series.
15Taylor Series
16Finite Differences I
The Taylor series
Can be re-arranged into
If we assume that ?x is the grid spacing (always
positive) we can form Finite differences like
17Finite Differences II
- Assume we have a function of two variables
- We can find finite difference approximations to
mixed partial derivatives
18Finite Differences III
- The collection of discrete points that we use to
compute the finite differences is called the
19The MAC Grid I
- In a standard grid we sample pressure and
velocities in the cell centers
20The MAC Grid II
- The staggered/MAC moves the components of the
velocities to the cell faces
21The MAC Grid III
22Back to Advection
- Lets try applying finite differences
- Unconditionally unstable!
- It will always blow up
- High-frequency components do not get advected as
fast as low-frequency components - Artifacts such as oscillations and wiggles
24Semi-Lagrangian Advection I
- Recall the Lagrangian framework
- Advection is trivial in this view
- Simply moving the particles solves the equation
- And to get the new value of a quantity q at
position x, one could just find the particle that
ends up at x and look at its value of q.
25Semi-Lagrangian Advection II
To find the value of a given voxel at time t?t,
we trace the velocity field backwards in time to
time t, and take the value from there.
The Velocity Field
26Semi-Lagrangian Advection III
So we will trace the velocity backwards.
We consider two ways of doing this
1 A first order accurate backwards Euler
2 A second order accurate backwards Runge Kutta
To find the value of a given voxel at time t?t,
we trace the velocity field backwards in time to
time t, and take the value from there.
27Trilinear Interpolation
Note that the back-traced position may not lie
exactly at the center of a cell or on a face, so
we need to Interpolate surrounding values. If the
back-traced position ends up outside the grid, we
just assume the value is zero.
We look up the values at the eight closest cell
centers/faces and interpolate linearly in each
dimension hence the name tri-linear
interpolation in 3D.
The interpolation simplifies to the
following formula where (x,y,z) is the offset
(measured in cells, ie x,y and z is between zero
and one) from q000
28Numerical Dissipation
- With each advection step, tri-linear
interpolation performs an averaging (i.e.
blurring) operation - Blurring every time step gets bad!
- Analyzing the effect, shows us that we are in
fact introducing an additional viscosity-like
term to the equation were solving!
29Higher-order Interpolation
- Cubic Hermite spline (in 1D)
- Derivatives are approximated by central finite
30Stability concern
31Advection Loop
- Procedure advect ()
- for (each voxel in grid at time t?t)
- Back-trace voxel-position to time t using current
velocity. - Lookup values in grid at time t at neighboring
voxels of back-traced voxel-position. - Do some interpolation between these neighboring
values. - Assign the result of the interpolation to the
current voxel at time t?t. - end
- end
32Smoke densities
- Advection of velocity field components v and
smoke densities d is done in essentially the same
33Loop For Moving Smoke Densities
- Keep two density grids in memory. Needed for
storing intermediate results. Remember to swap
the density grids. - For (number of simulation iterations)
- addDensitySource()
- advectDensity()
- End
34Additional Resources
- Book Mathematical Methods for Physicists
- Web www.mathworld.com and http//en.wikipedia.org
35Next Time
- Solving for incompressibility
- Exercises in advection