Find a voucher (or advert for a business) in the local newspaper or yellow pages ... essential information' held in all the adverts? What makes a good advert? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Today we will learn how to use Microsoft Word (or Microsoft publisher) to produce a discount voucher.
We will compare the success criteria for the voucher with our finished work.
Our finished voucher should encourage children to buy GO-Snax (or your own brand of snacks).
2 Purpose and Audience
The purpose is to persuade people to buy GO-Snax by giving a discount voucher away in magazines and newspapers.
The audience will mainly be children.
3 Essential Information
Name of snack (GO-Snax)
Amount of discount (e.g. 10p off)
Date the voucher is valid up to.
Address for the shopkeeper to send the vouchers to so they can get their money back.
4 Criteria for success
Good vouchers will meet these criteria
Contain the essential information.
Use the snacks logo or graphic.
Will be clear to read and understand by children.
Will be attractive and gain attention.
Be small enough to be held in a purse or wallet easily.
5 (No Transcript) 6 Create your own voucher.
Use the help sheet if needed.
Legibility - concentrate on clear writing and instructions.
Remember the purpose (to persuade) and the audience (children).
The voucher should be around 10cm wide and 5 cm high to fit in a wallet.
We will assume the address and details for the shop keeper will be on the back of the sheet.
7 Creating packaging
For the next part of this lesson you will be
using a Desktop Publishing (DTP) package
e.g. Microsoft Publisher.
You may wish to search and save an image from
the Internet for this part of the project click here
For help with Publisher for page setup
and editing WordArt click here
For help with creating graphics/logo for
packaging or voucher click here
8 Creating a voucher
For the next part of this lesson you will be using a Desktop Publishing (DTP) package e.g. Microsoft Publisher.
Demonstration tutorial
9 Voucher example 10 Offering choices
Graphic designers will usually offer more than one version of their designs for the client to choose from.
Copy and paste the whole of your voucher so you have at least 2 copies.
Alter the copies to show how different colours, fonts etc could be used.
11 Colour ways 12 Evaluating using ourCriteria for success
Good vouchers will meet these criteria
Contain the essential information.
Use the snacks logo or graphic.
Will be clear to read and understand by children.
Will be attractive and gain attention.
Be small enough to be held in a purse or wallet easily.
How well do our designs meet these?
13 Important points
We need to always consider the PURPOSE of the work and the AUDIENCE it is aimed at.
CRITERIA for success can be outlined and used to evaluate our finished products.
14 Homework
Annotate your printout to show the techniques you have used when making the voucher.
Find a voucher (or advert for a business) in the local newspaper or yellow pages and compare your voucher with it. Explain the good points of your vouchers and some things that could be improved.
15 Homework
Use the yellow pages, a local newspaper or similar to find three small advertisements for businesses.
Cut them out and stick them on a sheet of paper.
What is the essential information held in all the adverts?