Title: Alberta Agriculture and Food Field Crop Development Centre
1Alberta Agriculture and FoodField Crop
Development Centre
- The barley breeding program started in 1973 as
part of a feed grain breeding program - The purpose of the program was to develop and
evaluate barley, triticale, and winter wheat
cultivars for Alberta. - The primary interest of this program has been the
production of high yielding, high quality feed
barley and triticale.
- In 1978 the program was moved to Lacombe
- Approximately 250 acres of barley land
- In 1993, with the consolidation of federal and
provincial barley breeding at Lacombe, the
two-row malting barley program began
4Field Crop Development Centre
- Currently owns approximately 390 acres of land at
Lacombe - Leases another 200 acres of land
- Leases 4 off-site locations in Calmar, Olds,
Trochu and Morrin
5Where are we?
6Downtown Office
- The office building is in the town of Lacombe
- Facilities include
- seed quality laboratory (NIRS), cold seed storage
facilities, storage facilities and offices
7Research Farm
- Located just south of Lacombe
- Facilities include
- field service center, seed dryers, seed cleaning
facilities, field laboratory and seed storage,
equipment storage and growth facilities.
- J.H. Helm Cereal Research Centre
9Feed Grain Development
- Breeding varieties of Barley and Triticale for
feed grain and forage (silage and grazing). - We concentrate on Yield, disease resistance and
nutritional quality.
10Barley Program
- Breeding/Variety Development Specific Objectives
- Higher yielding cultivars
- Quality
- Disease Resistant Cultivars
- Early maturing cultivars
- Post harvest
- Special purpose barley cultivars
- Maintenance and improvement of a diverse
germplasm collection for cultivar improvement
11Triticale Program
- Breeding/Variety Development Specific Objectives
- Higher yielding cultivars
- Reduce plant height
- Earlier maturity cultivars
- High protein content and quality
- Higher annual forage yielding cultivars
- Awnless cultivars for green feed production
- Post-harvest sprouting resistant cultivars
- High test weight, winter hardiness (winter
triticale) - Maintenance and improvement in disease
resistance, drought tolerance, lodging resistance - Maintenance and improvement of germplasm
12Winter Wheat Program
- Breeding/Variety Development Specific Objectives
- Improved winter hardiness
- Higher yielding cultivars
- Semi-dwarf cultivars
- Snow mold resistant cultivars
- Good milling quality (red or white)
- Resistance to leaf diseases
- Earlier maturing cultivars
- Sprouting resistance similar to spring wheat
- Improved drought tolerance
- Maintenance and development of germplasm
13Breeding Methodology
Spreading Scald Infected Straw
- Modified bulk breeding program
- Pressure put on bulks to move them in desired
direction - Selections made in F5-F7
- Headrows to yield trials
Head selections in California
- Introductions
- Assessments-agronomics, quality, disease
resistance - Identification of parental material
- Introduction to breeding program
15Bulks and Headrows
16Yield Trials
17Multi-site Yield Agronomic Testing
18Stress Assessment
20Seed Cleaning Weighing
21California Winter Nursery
22Traditional Plant Biotechnology
- Selective breeding of plants
- Genetic markers
- Double haploid production
- Mutagenesis and selection
23Quality / NIR System
- Whole Grain Samples
- All samples from breeding program (headrows
advanced yield trials) analyzed for quality - 40,000 samples can be analyzed in 4 months
24Alberta Agriculture and Food Groups
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Alberta Barley Commission
Funding Agencies ACIDF WGRF
Field Crop Development Centre Research
Producer Groups C.S.G.A SeCan etc.
Industry Rahr Malting CWB CIGI
Other Governments British Columbia
25Varieties Developed At FCDC
26(No Transcript)
27FCDC -Staff
Elaine Lacroix, Centre Administrator Susan
Lajeunesse, Barley Program Laura Leggott,
Germplasm Shan Lohr, Doubled Haploid Lab Don
Morehouse, Growth Facility Joseph Nyachiro,
Barley Breeder Lori Oatway, Quality Lab Mike Oro,
Breeder Seed/Barley Program Don Salmon,
Triticale Breeder Bev Smith, Barley Program Mary
Lou Swift, Feed Quality Research Scientist Carla
Weidner, Barley Program Donna Westling, Barley
Program Mandy Wilson, Pathology Program Kequan
Xi, Pathologist Shiming Xue, Biotechnology
Program Jennifer Zantinge, Molecular Biologist
Susan Albers, Triticale Program Monica Ban Matei,
Biotech Program Colin Bergen, Triticale
Program John Bowness, Barley Program Robyne
Bowness, Pulse Program John Brown, Branch
Head Kan-Fa Chang, Pulse Pathologist Trina
Dubitz, Pulse Program Tim Duggan, Data
Management Donna Hand, Centre Administration Stan
Hand, Research Farm Operations Christine
Hanrahan, Computer Lab Zhanna Hartman,
Biotechnology Program Jim Helm, Head of
Research Mark Howe, Research Farm Operations Pat
Juskiw, Barley Breeder Yadeta Kabeta, Research
Scientist Krishan Kumar, Pathology Program