Title: Fitness
1Fitness Cognitive Training Influence on
Neuropsychological Brain Function Art
Kramer Beckman Institute University of Illinois
2- An illustration of the specificity of cognitive
training effects from the largest randomized
trial of cognitive training programs.
Ball et al (2002)
Some transfer to self-reported IADLs after 5
years (reasoning group)
3- Prospective observational studies suggest that
intellectual engagement (another form of
cognitive training and ) has a relatively
strong relationship to maintained cognition
reduced risk of Alzheimers.
- e.g. Karp et al (2006)
- a study of 776 gt 75 year olds over the course
of 6 years - activities at time 1, dementia at
time 2.
4A Brief Summary of the Current State of Knowledge
- Fitness training has positive effects on
cognition for both normal elderly and those
with early varieties of - dementia (Colcombe Kramer, 2003 Etnier et al.,
2006 Heyn et al, 2004)
5- Unlike cognitive training, fitness training has
both broad and specific effects on cognition.
Colcombe Kramer (2003)
6- There is an increasing body of literature on
mechanisms underlying fitness training ( other
lifestyle factors)
Brown et al, 2003
- increases in neurotrophins (e.g. BDNF,
IGF1, etc) - enhanced synaptogenesis
- enhanced angiogenesis
- increased production of various
neurotransmitters - reduced beta amyloid protein in mouse knock
out models
7- And some interesting effects of fitness
training on human brains.
Colcombe et al (2006)
Pereira et al (2007)
8And some additional effects of fitness training
on brain function
Flanker / Selective Attention Task
Sternberg Memory Search Task
Slope change (percent)
- Need to know much more about the parameters of
exercise intellectual engagement (e.g. when,
how much, what types ) which maximize benefits
for healthy human minds brains
Neeper et al (1995)
10- How different lifestyle choices (i.e. good
bad) trade off with regard to different
behavioral brain outcomes.
- Molteni et al (2004)
- diet exercise
11- Multimodal interventions - how best to combine
exercise, intellectual engagement, social
activities, diet, etc .
- Fried, Carlson, Rebok et al
- Experience Corps
12- Behavioral interventions meet molecular
genetics - Can we customize interventions based
on our genome?
Schuit et al (2001)
13 Keep on exercising ! after all ....
what do you have to lose ... other than a few
joints that are replaceable
anyway ....
The End !
He who limps is still walking. - Stanislaw J. Lec