Title: Nationwide Surface Transportation Weather Observing System
1Commonality Of Metadata For Environmental Sensor
Clarus Initiative 4th Annual Initiative
Coordinating Committee Meeting August 8,
2006 Pat Kennedy ITS Specialist, Road Weather
Management FHWA, Washington, D.C.
2What is Metadata?
- Metadata is defined as data about data
- Metadata is a necessary component for
observations to be accepted in data collecting
networks (such as Clarus) - Metadata can assist in determining if the data
collected are representative and appropriate for
widespread use or are only of local significance
3Benefit to the Community
- Many public and private communities (such as
weather, energy, commercial vehicle operators,
agriculture, emergency management) can use ESS
metadata to determine if the observations - are representative for their task
- have appropriate exposure
- have a robust maintenance policy
- have an established climate record
4What is Metadata used for?
- Metadata can be used to describe almost any
quality about an observation. Some examples
include - Platform location elevation
- The types makes of sensors
- Calibration records
- Maintenance history
- Site exposure (terrain, obscurations, vegetation,
proximity to structures or roads)
5So, Why Strive for Commonality?
- Current lack of nationally accepted metadata
model - Corresponding lack of consistency
- Resulting in a limited usefulness of existing ESS
The FHWAs Road Weather Management Team believes
that all three of these items are significant
shortfalls that need to be addressed by striving
for commonality of ESS metadata.
6Environmental Sensor Station (ESS) Sites Across
7Metadata Comparisons
- Eight examples of established metadata sets were
used to compare fields associated with ESS
surface observations. These included - Utah DOT
- Meridian
- Washington State DOT
- ESS Siting Guidelines
- Alaska DOT PF
- CMML 2.0
- Clarus
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
8Metadata Characteristics
- This comparison identified at least 105 distinct
fields that described eight general categories of
metadata elements including - ESS platform identification and location
- Site ownership
- Instrumentation
- Video/Camera information
- Communications
- Site layout
- Maintenance
FHWA Road Weather Management
9Ranking Metadata
- Only four metadata fields were common among the
eight data sets that were compared - Platform ID/Site Number
- Plain Text Location Description
- Latitude/Longitude Position (of tower base)
- Site Elevation (of tower base)
10Metadata Ranking 2nd Level
- Metadata fields that were common among 6 of the 8
data sets included - Highway Milepost Marker
- Thermometer Model
- Anemometer Model
- Site Representativeness
- Description of Obstructions
- Landscape Features (terrain)
Hardware Location Attributes
Physical Features Describing the Surroundings
11Metadata Ranking 3rd Level
- Metadata fields that were common among 5 of the 8
(gt50) data sets included - City/County Name
- RPU Make
- Rain Gauge Model
- Barometer Model
- Road Sensor Model
- Sub-grade Probe Model
- Number of Road Sensors
- Units of Measure
- Sensor Manufacturer
- Text Comments for Sensors
- Obs Collection Frequency
- Text Description of Site
- ESS Base Height wrt Road
- Lane Position of Sensor
12Food For Thought
- You have been provided two spreadsheets
describing the comparison of eight existing
metadata sets by category and ranking. - You have also been provided two other
spreadsheets - One of which includes a list of metadata elements
that are being proposed as a common set of
standard metadata elements - And another one that includes comments that have
been made on this proposed list
13Comments And Recommendations
- As we get ready to enter into our discussion on
metadata, please try to think big picture, as
in nationwide - Is the proposed list of elements a viable
template for all states to use as a standard set
of common elements? - Please join in this discussion and offer us your
comments and recommendations!
14Contact Information
- For information, contact
- Pat Kennedy, FHWA HQ
- Pat.Kennedy_at_dot.gov, 202-366-9498
- Road Weather Management Team Leader
- Paul Pisano, FHWA HQ
- Paul.Pisano_at_dot.gov, 202-366-1301
- FHWA RWM Web Page
- www.fhwa.dot.gov/weather/