CS556: Distributed Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS556: Distributed Systems


... and a nominal 'perfect clock' per unit of time measured by the reference ... Astronomical Time: ... rarely deleted, to keep in step with Astronomical Time ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CS556: Distributed Systems

CS-556 Distributed Systems
Synchronization (I)
  • Manolis Marazakis
  • maraz_at_csd.uoc.gr

The issue of Time in distributed systems
  • A quantity that we often have to measure
  • necessary to synchronize a nodes clock with an
    authoritative external source of time
  • Eg timestamps for electronic transactions
  • both at merchants banks computers
  • auditing
  • An important theoretical construct in
    understanding how distributed executions unfold
  • Algorithms for several problems depend upon clock
  • timestamp-based serialization of transactions for
    consistent updates of distributed data
  • Kerberos authentication protocol
  • elimination of duplicate updates

Clock Synchronization
  • When each machine has its own clock, an event
    that occurred after another event may
    nevertheless be assigned an earlier time.

Fundamental limits
The notion of physical time is problematic in
distributed systems - limitations in our
ability to timestamp events at different nodes
sufficiently accurately to know the order in
which any pair of events occurred, or whether
they occurred simultaneously.
History of Process pi
  • e i e
  • total ordering of events at process
  • Assuming that process executes on a single
  • history(pi) hi ltei0, ei1, ei2, ... gt
  • series of events that take place within pi
  • Hi(t) hardware clock value (by oscillator)
  • Ci(t) software clock value (generated by OS)
  • Ci(t) a Hi(t) b
  • Eg nsecs elapsed at time t since a reference
  • clock resolution period bet. updates of Ci(t)
  • limit on determining order of events

Clock skew drift
  • Skew instantaneous difference bet. readings
  • Drift different rates of counting time
  • physical variations of underlying oscillators
  • variance with temperature
  • Even extremely small differences accumulate over
    a large number of oscillations
  • leading to observable difference in the counters
  • drift rate difference in reading bet. a clock
    and a nominal perfect clock per unit of time
    measured by the reference clock
  • 10-6 seconds/sec for quartz crystals
  • 10-7 - 10-8 seconds/sec for high precision quartz

UTC Coordinated Universal Time
  • Atomic oscillators
  • drift rate 10-13 seconds/second
  • International Atomic Time (since 1967)
  • 1 standard sec 9,192,631,770 periods of
    transition for Cs133
  • Astronomical Time years, seconds, ...
  • UTC 1 leap sec is occasionally inserted, or more
    rarely deleted, to keep in step with Astronomical
  • time signals broadcasted from land-based radio
    stations (WWV) and satelites (GPS)
  • accuracy 0.1-10 millisec (land-based), 1
    microsec (GPS)

Synchronization of physical clocks
  • D synchronization bound
  • S source of UTC time, t I
  • External synchronization
  • S(t) - Ci(t) lt D
  • Clocks are accurate within the bound D
  • Internal synchronization
  • Ci(t) - Cj(t) lt D
  • Clocks agree within the bound D
  • external sync internal sync

Correctness of clocks
  • Hardware correctness
  • (1 - p)(t - t) H(t) - H(t) (1 p)(t -
  • There can be no jumps in the value of H/W clocks
  • Monotonicity
  • t gt t C(t) gt C(t)
  • A clock only ever advances
  • Even if a clock is running fast, we only need to
    change at which updates are made to the time
    given to apps
  • can be achieved in software Ci(t) a Hi(t) b
  • Hybrid
  • monotonicity drift rate bounded bet. sync.
    points (where clock value can jump ahead)

Synchronous systems
  • P1 sends its local clock value t to P2
  • P2 can set its clock value to (t Ttransmit)
  • Ttransmit can be variable or unknown
  • resource competition bet. processes
  • network congestion
  • u (max - min)
  • uncertainty in Ttransmit
  • obtained if P2 sets its clock to (t min) or (t
  • If P2 sets its clock value to t (maxmin)/2,
    then skew lt u/2
  • Optimal bound for N processes u (1 - )

In asynchronous systems Ttransmit min x,
where x 0 Only the distribution of x may be
measurable, for a given installation
Clock Synchronization Algorithms
  • The relation between clock time and UTC when
    clocks tick at different rates.

Time servers Christians algorithm
Receiver of UTC signals
Tround total round-trip time t time value
in message mt estimate (t Tround /2)
Cristian's Algorithm
  • Getting the current time from a time server.

Limitations of Cristians algorithm
  • Variability in estimate of Tround
  • can be reduced by repeated requests to S taking
    the minimum value of Tround
  • Single point of failure
  • group of synchronized time servers
  • multicast request use only 1st reply obtained
  • Faulty clocks
  • f faulty clocks, N servers
  • N gt 3f, for the correct clocks to achieve
  • Malicious interference
  • Protection by authentication techniques

The Berkeley algorithm (I)
  • Gusella Zatti (1989)
  • Co-ordinator (master) periodically polls slaves
  • estimates each slaves local clock (based on RTT)
  • averages the values obtained (incl. its own clock
  • ignores any occasional readings with RTT higher
    than max
  • Slaves are notified of the adjustment required
  • This amount can be positive or negative
  • Sending the updated current time would introduce
    further uncertainty, due to message transmit
  • Elimination of faulty clocks
  • averaging over clocks that do not differ from one
    another more than a specified amount
  • Election of new master, in case of failure
  • no guarantee for election to complete in bounded

The Berkeley Algorithm (II)
  • The time daemon asks all the other machines for
    their clock values
  • The machines answer
  • The time daemon tells everyone how to adjust
    their clock

Averaging algorithms
  • Divide time into fixed-length re-synchronization
    intervals T0 iR, T0 (i1)R
  • At the beginning of an interval, each machine
    broadcasts the current time according to its
  • and starts a local timer to collect all
    incoming broadcasts during a time interval S
  • When the broadcasts have been received, a new
    time value is computed
  • Average
  • Average after discarding the m lowest and the m
    highest values
  • tolerate up to m faulty machines
  • May also correct each value based on estimate of
    propagation time from the source machine

NTP An Internet-scale time protocol
  • Statistical filtering of timing data
  • discrimination based on quality of data from
    different servers
  • Re-configurable inter-server connections
  • logical hierarchy
  • Scalable for both clients servers
  • Clients can re-sync. frequently to offset drift
  • Authentication of trusted servers
  • and also validation of return addresses

Sync. Accuracy 10s of milliseconds over
Internet paths 1 millisecond on LANs
NTP Synchronization Subnets
Primary servers
High stratum ? server more liable to be less
Node ? root RTT as a quality criterion
  • 3 modes of synchronization
  • multicast acceptable for high-speed LAN
  • procedure-call similar to Cristians algorithm
  • symmetric between a pair of servers
  • All modes rely on UDP messages.

Message pairs bet. NTP peers (I)
  • Each message contains the local times when the
  • message was sent received, and the local time
    when the
  • current message was sent.
  • There can be a non-negligible delay bet. the
    arrival of one
  • message the dispatch of the next.
  • Messages may be lost

Offset oi estimate of the actual offset bet.
two clocks, as computed from a pair of
messages Delay di total transmission time for
the message pair
Message pairs bet. NTP peers (II)
T i-2 T i - 3 t o, where o is the true
T i T i - 1 t - o
di t t T i-2 - T i - 3 Ti - T i - 1
o oi (t - t)/2
oi (T i-2 - T i - 3 - Ti T i - 1 ) / 2
oi - di / 2 o oi di /2
Delay di is a measure of the accuracy of the
estimate of offset
NTP data filtering peer selection
  • Retain 8 most recent ltoi, di gt pairs
  • compute filter dispersion metric
  • higher values ? less reliable data
  • The estimate of offset with min. delay is chosen
  • Examine values from several peers
  • look for relatively unreliable values
  • May switch the peer used primarily for sync.
  • Peers with low stratum are more favored
  • closer to primary time sources
  • Also favored are peers with lowest sync.
  • sum of filter dispersions bet. peer root of
    sync. subnet
  • May modify local clock update frequency wrt
    observed drift rate

Lamports notion of logical time
  • For many purposes, it is sufficient that all
    machines agree on the same time
  • Emphasis on internal consistency
  • If two processes do not interact, lack of
    synchronization will not be observable
  • and thus will not cause problems
  • Ordering of events is needed to avoid ambiguities

Lamport Timestamps
  • 3 processes, each with its own clock. The clocks
    run at different rates.
  • Lamport's algorithm corrects the clocks.

Space-Time diagram representation of a
distributed computation
The happened-before relation
  • We cannot synchronize clocks perfectly across a
    distributed system
  • cannot use physical time to find out event order
  • Lamport, 1978 happened-before partial order
  • (potential) causal ordering
  • e i e, for process Pi e e
  • send(m) receive(m), for any message m
  • e e and e e e e
  • concurrent events a // b
  • occur at different processes chain of
    messages intervening between them

Totally-Ordered Multicasting
  • Updating a replicated database leaving it in an
    inconsistent state.
  • Solution via multicast
  • Each msg is multicast, with timestamp current
    (logical) time
  • Recipient ACKs each message (via multicast)
  • Each process puts received messages in its local
    queue, sorted
  • according to the timestamp
  • A process only delivers a msg when it is at the
    head and
  • it has been ACKed by all processes

Lamports Logical Clocks (I)
  • Per-process monotonically increasing counters
  • Li Li 1, before each event is recorded at Pi
  • Clock value, t, is piggy-backed with messages
  • Upon receiving ltm ,tgt, Pj updates its clock
  • Lj max Lj, t, Lj Lj 1
  • Total order by taking into account process ID
  • (Ti, i) lt (Tj, j) iff (Ti lt Tj or (Ti Tj and i
    lt j) )

Lamports Logical Clocks (II)
L(b) gt L(e), but b // e
FIFO delivery causal delivery
Hidden channels
The relation captures the flow of data
intervening bet. events Data can flow in ways
other than message passing !
a pipe rapture, detected by sensor 1 b
pressure drop, detected by sensor 2
The pipe acts as comm. channel
Controller (P3) increases heat (to increase
pressure), then receives notification of rapture.
Vector Clocks
  • Mattern, 1989 Fidge, 1991
  • clock vector of N numbers (one per process)
  • Vi i Vi i 1, before Pi timestamps an
  • Clock vector is piggybacked with messages
  • When Pi receives ltm ,tgt
  • Vi j max tj, Vi j , for j1, , N
  • Vi j, j i events that have occurred at Pj
    and has a (potential) effect on Pi
  • Vi i events that Pi has timestamped

e e V(e) lt V(e)
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