Title: Results from the Reflex experiment
1Results from the Reflex experiment
- Mathew Williams, Andrew Fox and the Reflex team
2Reflex Objectives
- To compare the strengths and weaknesses of
various model-data fusion techniques for
estimating carbon model parameters and predicting
carbon fluxes. - To quantify errors and biases introduced when
extrapolating fluxes (and related measurements)
made at flux tower sites in both space and time,
using earth observation data and models
constrained by model-data fusion methods.
- Inputs
- Daily meteorological drivers
- Initial C stocks
- Daily NEE (gaps) and LAI (sparse)
- Some synthetic, some observed
- A simple C model
- Outputs
- Full C flux and stock estimates with uncertainty
- Parameter estimates with uncertainty
5Identifying sources of error
- Synthetic experiment - deals with observational
and algorithmic error (and user error). - Real experiment adds model error.
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8Algorithm mean cumulative NEE
9Flux estimation - synthetic
Uncertainty on retrieval of cumulative/integrated
C dynamics. Time series of monthly means (shows
uncertainty between algorithms from range of
means) for deciduous (top) and evergreen (bottom)
synthetic experments.
10Flux estimation - uncertainty
Range of confidence intervals on retrieval of
cumulative/integrated C dynamics. Time series for
deciduous (top) and evergreen (bottom) synthetic
11Flux estimation - observed
12Flux estimation
13Other analyses
- Identification of parameter correlations from
parameter error covariance matrices - Eigenvector analysis
- Taylor diagrams (bias, phase, variability)
- Test C state dynamics with CLs
- Compare with gap-filled, use CLs
- Can parameters and their uncertainties be
effectively determined? - We show different levels of uncertainty (DC)
- Parameter figures, eigenvectors, CM (CT MvW)
- Synthetic v true comparison (ET)
- Can the full C cycle be described and forecast?
- CLs on predictions for all years, fluxes, stocks
(ZL, AF) - Taylor diagrams, Chi-squared test on years 1, 2,
3 (TQ, DR) - Gap filled estimates (AR)
- Cumulative uncertainty on NEE predictions (MW)
- GPP, Re, NEE predictions and uncertainty (AR)
- What is the relative contribution to errors from
observations, algorithms and model structure?
15Lessons for LSM calibration
- Synthetic studies can show how data density and
error can contribute information - A variety of DA methods show promise
- Best constrained parameters are not intuitive
- Difficult to identify model structural errors