Title: The Next Step in Real Time Centers
1The Next Step in Real Time Centers
- Douwe Franssens
- Sr. Product Manager
- Real Time Decision SupportHalliburton
2My definition of Real Time?
Just in time to influence a currently ongoing
3Whats a Real Time Center (RTC)?
- Physical facility that enables the real-time
collaboration to model, measure and optimize
assets. - Being there no longer means having to be there
- A key enabler of the Digital Asset
- Collaboration for real-time decision making with
right-time data - Located away from the well-site
4Whats Real Time Operations (RTO)?
- Continuously moving data from the well site to
remotely model, measure and optimize the asset. - Can be performed in an RTC or without one through
real-time apps - Infrastructure for data flow and IT
5Whats a Remote Operations Center (ROC)?
- Internal RTC built by Halliburton used to deliver
superior service quality and operational
excellence. - Can support one or more PSLs
- Is branded as Halliburton ROC
- All PSLs use ROC as the name for their internal
6Digital Asset Components
More efficient, effective business
Application Interoperability,
Cross-Disciplinary Workflows
Domain-Specific Tools, Applications,
Data Management, Networking and
7State of Real Time Services
- Basic infrastructures are well understood today
- Basic frameworks not readily in place in most
- Standards are maturing
- Webservices
- Interoperability improving
Courtesy of Energistics
8Future of Real Time Services
- Less reliant on internal data structures
- Focus will shift from infrastructure to answers
- Service companies internally will drive
technology available for the Operators
9Future of Real Time Services
- Service cos already see business cases to allow
them to deploy Real Time Centers for their own
use - More remote control .. More remoter control
- Currently lot of services are still provided
onshore close to the operations base, in the
future this will be more centralized
10Halliburton RTC - Sperry ROC (for ARAMCO)
- 30 jobs run in ROC by 2010
- Find innovative ways to provide our most
experience resources on more then one well - Improve service quality for customer reducing
Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) - Improve safe and effective well delivery from
start to finish - Work on more wells with the same resources
- Establish a Halliburton Real Time Center in
Dhahran, Eastern Province - Staffed with engineers from all Sperry
disciplines, DD, LWD, SDL and Petrophysics - Provide senior support, predictive modeling and
24/7 monitoring services
- 2007 vs. 2006
- 67 improvement in LWD field human errors
- 15 improvement in tool turn around time
- 40 improvement in time taken for GeoTap testing
- 32 increase in operating time for 2007 against
- Real Time is here to stay
- It is key to how both operators and service
companies are doing their business - We will see more independent real time software
and service providers - Operators can pick and choose
- Service companies will develop extremely
sophisticated integrated systems for their own
use - Planning, Operations and Analysis will come
closer and closer