Title: Sampling Large Databases for Association Rules
1Sampling Large Databases for Association Rules
- Jingting Zeng
- CIS 664 Presentation
- March 13, 2007
2Association Rules Outline
- Association Rules Problem Overview
- Association Rules Definitions
- Previous Work on Association Rules
- Toivonens Algorithm
- Experiments Result
- Conclusion
- Purpose
- If people tend to buy A and B together, then a
buyer of A is a good target for an advertisement
for B.
4The Market-Basket Example
- Items frequently purchased together
- Bread ?PeanutButter
- Uses
- Placement
- Advertising
- Sales
- Coupons
- Objective increase sales and reduce costs
5Other Example
- The same technology has other uses
- University course enrollment data has been
analyzed to find combinations of courses taken by
the same students
6Scale of Problem
- WalMart sells 100,000 items and can store
hundreds of millions of baskets. - The Web has 100,000,000 words and several billion
7Association Rule Definitions
- Set of items II1,I2,,Im
- Transactions Dt1,t2, , tn, tj? I
- Support of an itemset Percentage of transactions
which contain that itemset. - Frequent itemset Itemset whose number of
occurrences is above a threshold.
8Association Rule Definitions
- Association Rule (AR) implication X ? Y where
X,Y ? I and X ? Y - Support of AR (s) X ? Y Percentage of
transactions that contain X ?Y - Confidence of AR (a) X ? Y Ratio of number of
transactions that contain X ? Y to the number
that contain X
- B1 m, c, b B2 m, p, j
- B3 m, b B4 c, j
- B5 m, p, b B6 m, c, b, j
- B7 c, b, j B8 b, c
- Association Rule
- m, b ? c
- Support 2/8 25
- Confidence 2/4 50
10Association Rule Problem
- Given a set of items II1,I2,,Im and a
database of transactions Dt1,t2, , tn where
tiIi1,Ii2, , Iik and Iij ? I, the Association
Rule Problem is to identify all association rules
X ? Y with a minimum support and confidence
11Association Rule Techniques
- Find all frequent itemsets
- Generate strong association rules from the
frequent itemsets
12APriori Algorithm
- A two-pass approach called a-priori limits the
need for main memory. - Key idea monotonicity if a set of items
appears at least s times, so does every subset. - Converse for pairs if item i does not appear in
s baskets, then no pair including i can appear
in s baskets.
13APriori Algorithm (contd.)
- Pass 1 Read baskets and count in main memory the
occurrences of each item. - Requires only memory proportional to items.
- Pass 2 Read baskets again and count in main
memory only those pairs both of which were found
in Pass 1 to have occurred at least s times. - Requires memory proportional to square of
frequent items only.
- Divide database into partitions D1,D2,,Dp
- Apply Apriori to each partition
- Any large itemset must be large in at least one
15Partitioning Algorithm
- Divide D into partitions D1,D2,,Dp
- For I 1 to p do
- Li Apriori(Di)
- C L1 ? ? Lp
- Count C on D to generate L
- Large databases
- Sample the database and apply Apriori to the
sample. - Potentially Frequent Itemsets (PL) Large
itemsets from sample - Negative Border (BD - )
- Generalization of Apriori-Gen applied to itemsets
of varying sizes. - Minimal set of itemsets which are not in PL, but
whose subsets are all in PL.
17Negative Border Example
- Let Items A,,F and there are
- itemsets
- A, B, C, F, A,B, A,C, A,F,
C,F, A,C,F - The whole negative border is
- B,C, B,F, D, E
18Toivonens Algorithm
- Start as in the simple algorithm, but lower the
threshold slightly for the sample. - Example if the sample is 1 of the baskets, use
0.008 as the support threshold rather than 0.01
. - Goal is to avoid missing any itemset that is
frequent in the full set of baskets.
19Toivonens Algorithm (contd.)
- Add to the itemsets that are frequent in the
sample the negative border of these itemsets. - An itemset is in the negative border if it is not
deemed frequent in the sample, but all its
immediate subsets are. - Example ABCD is in the negative border if and
only if it is not frequent, but all of ABC , BCD
, ACD , and ABD are.
20Toivonens Algorithm (contd.)
- In a second pass, count all candidate frequent
itemsets from the first pass, and also count the
negative border. - If no itemset from the negative border turns out
to be frequent, then the candidates found to be
frequent in the whole data are exactly the
frequent itemsets.
21Toivonens Algorithm (contd.)
- What if we find something in the negative border
is actually frequent? - We must start over again!
- But by choosing the support threshold for the
sample wisely, we can make the probability of
failure low, while still keeping the number of
itemsets checked on the second pass low enough
for main-memory.
- Synthetic data set characteristics (T row
size on average, I size of maximal frequent
sets on average)
23Experiment (contd.)
Lowered frequency thresholds () for probability
of missing any given frequent set is less than d
24Number of trials with misses
- Advantages
- Reduced failure probability, while keeping
candidate-count low enough for memory - Disadvantages
- Potentially large number of candidates
- in second pass