Title: TNUoS Charges Onshore Methodology Potential application offshore
1TNUoS Charges- Onshore Methodology- Potential
application offshore
- A guide to the governance, principles and
mechanics behind Transmission Use of System
charging - National Grids Transmission Licence obligations
- Overview of TNUoS tariffs onshore
- Principles
- Locational element
- Residual element
- Design Variation Discount proposal
- Calculation of illustrative example of tariffs
3Transmission Licence conditions
- The Transmission Licence places legal obligations
upon the licence holders - C5 - TNUoS charges must meet the relevant
licence objectives - Facilitating competition
- Reflect costs incurred
- Take account of developments in the transmission
business - Methodology modification process
- C7 - Prohibits discrimination between classes of
User - CUSC 3.9 - Requires Users to pay TNUoS charges in
accordance with the Statement of Use of System
4Principles of TNUoS Charges
- Method of recovering cost of building, operating
and maintaining the electricity transmission
network - Allowed revenue determined by Transmission Owner
price controls every five years - Efficient, economic signals are provided to Users
when services are priced to reflect the
incremental cost of supplying them - Charges reflect the impact users at different
locations have on TO costs from a unit increase/
decrease in their network use - System is designed to comply with the System
Security and Quality of Supply Standard - Based upon peak demand
5Charging Objectives
- In addition to Licence Condition C5, further
objectives of the charging methodology include
the provision of - Transparency
- Simplicity
- Predictability
- Stability
- Reproducibility
6Transport Model
- TNUoS tariff has two elements
- Locationally varying element
- derived from ICRP DCLF
- Non locationally varying element
- residual revenue recovery
- ICRP DCLF Investment Cost Related Pricing DC
Load Flow model
8DCLF ICRP Transport Model
- Calculates marginal costs of investment in the
transmission system which would be required as a
consequence of an increase in demand or
generation at each node - Measures investment costs in terms of MWkm,
i.e. if 1 MW was injected on the system at a node
what would be the net change in units of
transmission system kilometres
9Transport Model Inputs
- Demand is modelled at winter peak values
(consistent with SQSS and therefore investment) - Contracted generation is scaled to match demand
- Transmission circuit data
- Type (OHL/ Cable)
- Voltage
- Length
- Impedance and reactance
- Expansion factors
10Expansion Factors
- A voltage and cable/OHL specific coefficient
representing relative costs of all conductor
mediums as compared to 400kV OHL - Offshore Expansion Factors yet to be defined
- Typically based on averaged on historic data and
a broad range of projects dont exist for
offshore - E.g. England Wales
- 400kV OHL - 1.00
- 275kV OHL - 1.74
- 132kv Cable - 27.85
11DCLF Transport Model Output
- Marginal cost for each node is found by running a
DC Load Flow model and the total MWkm of GB
transmission system (winter peak) is found - 1MW is added at each node, and removed from the
slack node - The differential in total MWkm is found
- Can be both positive and negative
12Tariff Model
13Demand Generation Zones
- Demand zones represent the boundaries of the DNO
networks - Generation zoned following the criteria
- Maximum tariff spread of /- 1/kW
- Geographically and electrically proximate
- Minimum number of zones possible
- Reviewed at price control other than in
exceptional circumstances - Where possible, minimal zonal boundary changes
should be made - For each demand and generation zone, the
flow-weighted average for marginal kms is found
14Tariff calculation
- Zonal marginal km converted to an initial tariff
by multiplying by Expansion Constant and
Locational Security Factor - The Expansion Constant is the annuitised value of
the infrastructure required to transport 1MW over
1km - Derived from the projected cost of 400kV OHL at
the beginning of each price control - Using manufacturers budgetary prices, contracts
let, lead tenders - Uses a range of OHL types, weighted by recent
usage - Maintenance
- Inflated annually by RPI (10.07 2006/07)
15Global Locational Security Factor
- A network compliant with SQSS security standards
is secure against all feasible double and single
circuit faults - A copy of the DCLF transport model is used that,
in addition, simulates all such faults - The worse case fault is found for each node to
determine the maximum increase in marginal cost - The Locational Security Factor is the best fit
ratio of total secured marginal kms and unsecured
marginal kms - Reviewed at each price control
- Currently 1.8 (2001 2006)
16Calculation of Locational Security Factor
17Tariff Calculations Re-referencing
- To ensure that the correct ratio of recovery is
made from generation and demand, all zones are
adjusted or re-referenced - The Authority has determined this as 7327
(demand generation) - A single additive constant is calculated which is
then added to all zonal marginal km - Differentials between zones are maintained
18Tariff Calculations Residual tariff
- To ensure that the correct total permitted TNUoS
revenue is recovered a residual tariff is added
to all demand and generation zones (7327 ratio) - Demand 12.463/kW
- Generation 3.531/kW
- Whilst this adjusts the total revenue recovered
from demand and generation, the cost-reflective
differentials between zones are maintained
19TNUoS Methodology Modification Proposal
SQSS design variations amendment
20GB SQSS and Current TNUoS Methodology
- GB SQSS includes criteria for variations to
connection designs higher or lower than the
specified standard - Providing this does not
- reduce the security of the MITS below the minimum
planning criteria specified in the standard - impact on other customers in terms of investment,
operational costs or security and quality of
supply - compromise Transmission Licence obligations
- Customers must accept uncompensated access
restrictions in order to avoid additional
operational costs to other customers - Current TNUoS charging methodology does not
provide a mechanism by which investment savings
are passed through
21Modification Proposal
- Consists of both
- Substation discount
- Locational discount
- Conclusions report submitted 18th November
- Impact assessment initiated by Authority
- Responses by 26th Jan
- Decision by Feb 16th
- For implementation with 2007/08 tariffs
22Substation Discount
- To reflect the savings associated with the
reduced substation asset requirements for on
shore single circuit connection design - Propose the following discounts to the residual
23Circuit Discount
- Provides an economic signal equal to the cost
saving of an entire second circuit - Circuit discount (/kW)
- Circuit marginal length (km) Exp constant
(/MWkm) 1000
24Tariff Illustrative Examples
25Indicative tariff examples
- Indicative charges for 3 offshore locations with
2 connection options each - The Wash
- Lincolnshire
- Thames Estuary
- All connected by a 60km, 132kV AC submarine cable
- Assumptions
- Proposed offshore SQSS accepted
- Charging methodology onshore is applied offshore
- No onshore connection circuits
- SQSS Design Variation Amendment non-veto and
applied to offshore generation connections - 2007/08 tariff levels
26Determining Expansion Factors
- Physical characteristics of typical (BEMA
figures) - 132kV, 800mm2, 203MW, 60km
- 500k/km (310k supply 190k lay and bury)
- Unit cost 500k/203 2460/MWkm
- Using an 8.43 annuity factor 207.6/MWkm /yr
- 400kV OHL Expansion Constant 10.07
- Expansion Factor 207.6/10.07 20.6
27Determining Design Variation Discount
- Substation Discount
- 132kV 1.05/kW
- Circuit Discount
- Circuit marginal length expansion constant /
1000 - (20.6 60) 10.07 / 1000
- 12.45/kW
- Total Discount
- 12.45 1.05 13.50/kW