Title: Buffalo Waterfront Projects
1Buffalo Waterfront Projects
Project Summary and Update October 2007
2Historical Context
- Convergence of 4 waterways
- Lake Erie
- Niagara River
- Buffalo River
- Erie Canal
- Focus of economic activity for over 200 Years
- Canal Era Maritime Commerce Mercantile
- Railroad era Transshipment
- Industrial era Grain, Autos and Steel
- Modern era Work, live and play
- Waterfront redevelopment is like Home remodeling
- On-going transformations
- Freight terminals to luxury housing
- Steel mills to business parks
- Trash dumps to nature preserves
3Waterfront Geography
- 72 Miles of shoreline
- Niagara River the Black Rock Canal
- Buffalo River the Inner Harbor
- Lake Erie the Outer Harbor
- Room for a broad diversity of uses
- Marine industrial
- Housing
- Boating and recreation
- Parks and nature preserves
- Creating an Emerald Necklace
4Buffalo Waterfront Where weve been
- Erie Basin Marina
- Tifft Nature Preserve
- Riverwalk
- Waterfront Village
- Bird Island Pier
- Ontario Street boat launch improvements
- Broderick Park Improvements
- Scajaquada Pathway, Phases I and II
- Tow Path Park, Phase I at the foot of Hertel
Avenue - DEC Buffalo River Hand Launch site
- Smith Street Park on the Buffalo River
- Wilkinson Plaza and Buffalo River promenade at
the DLW - LaSalle Park improvements Phases I- III
- Squaw Island Park
- Erie Canal Harbor Phase I Veterans Park
Heroes Walk - Old Bailey Woods
- Times Beach
- Scajaquada Pathway, Phase III
5Buffalo Waterfront Ready to launch
- Over 150 million in public investments recently
completed, under construction or planned start
construction in next 2 years. - Additional 300 to 500 million proposed.
6Buffalo Waterfront Projects
- Scajaquada Pathway Phase III
- Squaw Island Park
- Tow Path Park
- Cotter Point Development
- Erie Canal Harbor
- Inner Harbor Parking Facility
- Erie Canal Great Lakes Museum
- Bass Pro Outdoor World Store
- Times Beach Nature Preserve
- Boat Harbor
- Port-Outer Harbor Trail
- Buffalo River Fest Park
- RiverWright Ethanol Plant
- Outer Harbor Greenbelt
- Buffalo Lakefront Development
- Tifft Street Trail
- Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park
- Southtowns Connector
- Seneca Bluffs
Prepared by
- Project Summary
- Completion of three (3) critical gaps along the
pathway from Delaware Park to the
Riverwalk-Niagara River - Scajaquada Expressway on/off-ramp to pedestrian
bridge along Nottingham Terrace - Grant Street underpass
- Niagara Street from Forest Avenue to USACE
parking lot and I-190 pedestrian bridge. - Project Cost
- Engineering/Design 150,000
- Construction Support 100,000
- Railroad Force Account 50,000
- Construction 1,400,000
- Total Cost 1,700,000
- Project Budget
- Federal TEP 1,360,000
- Local Share (20) 340,000
- TOTAL 1,700,000
Project Contact Paul Gareis, P.E.
City Engineer
- Project Schedule
- Design Environmental Completed
- Bid Contracts Completed
- Construction Completed
- Status of Project
- Completed
- Completed.
Project Contact Paul Gareis, P.E..
City Engineer
9Squaw Island Park
Project Summary Squaw Island Park is located at
the north end of Squaw Island, between the
Niagara River and the Black Rock Locks. The Park
is being created by converting a 60-acre
municipal landfill with an innovative closure
concept approved by the NYSDEC and the heavy use
of new plant massing and wildflower mixtures.
The southern portion of the site will be used for
a combination of passive and active recreation.
The northern portion of the site will be used for
more passive recreational uses, such as hiking
and fishing. The Park is linked to the regional
shoreline trail system through the Riverwalk.
Project Budget / Cost Costs Site closure and
remediation 7 million Park Improvements 4.5
million Entrance Improvements 100,000 TOTAL
12.6 million
Project Contact Steven Stepniak, Com.
10Squaw Island Park
Status / Schedule of Project Closure/remediation
Completed Phase I Park Improvements Completed Ent
rance Improvements Completed Phase II Park
Improvements Contingent on funding
- Phase I Park Improvements and closure completed
- Entrance improvements completed.
11Tow Path Park Phase II
Project Summary Tow Path Park is located along
the Niagara River at the foot of Hertel Avenue in
the City of Buffalo. It is linked to the
Riverwalk and has been absorbed by the County
Park system. Phase I improvements included basic
re-grading, seeding, walkway amenities and park
furniture. Phase II improvements are intended to
enhance the recreation experience by integrating
historic and natural resource interpretive
opportunities as active playground features. It
will include conventional biking, lighted
parkways, parking (24-48 spaces), fishing access
and more extensive landscaping.
Project Budget / Cost Costs Design 100,000
Construction 726,000 TOTAL 826,000 F
unding Sources State Env. Restoration
Grant 300,000 County of Erie 526,000 TOTAL
12Tow Path Park Phase II
Status / Schedule of Project Phase
I Completed Design, Phase II On-hold Design,
Completion TBD Bidding TBD Phase II
Construction, Start TBD Phase II
Completion TBD
- Phase II Design concepts completed
- Final Design on hold pending funding real
estate issues
Erie County Department of Environment and
Planning Project Contact Thomas Dearing
13Cotter Point Development
Project Summary Cotter Point occupies 10 acres
of prime waterfront land along the Black Rock
Canal north of Porter Avenue. The Cotter Point
Development Plan is a 30 million master plan
that includes the expansion of Buffalo State
Colleges Great Lakes Research Center, a new
Eco-Lab and Teaching Pavilion for elementary
school education, a Community Boat Building
Center and Museum of Historic Watercraft and
Frank Lloyd Wrights Yahara Boathouse.
Project Budget / Cost Teaching Pavilion
230,000 Yahara Boathouse 5 million Great
Lakes Research Inst. 12.5
million Ecolab 2.0 million Community
Maritime Center 3.5 million TOTAL 23.2
Buffalo State College Great Lakes Maritime
Center Dr. Gordon Frazer, Exec. Dir.
14Cotter Point Development
Status / Schedule of Project Master
Plan Completed Teaching Pavilion Completed Wri
ght Yahara Boathouse Completed Ecolab TBD Comm
unity Maritime Center TBD Great Lakes Research
Inst. TBD
- Dick Smith Teaching Pavilion completed and
dedicated - FLW- Fontana Boathouse Completed
- Funding and location for relocation of Army
National Guard Center secured.
15Waterfront Place
Project Summary Waterfront Place is Buffalo's
newest luxury condominium and townhouse
community. Located in Waterfront Village in
downtown Buffalo, Waterfront Place includes The
Townhomes at Waterfront Place 15 three-story
townhomes and The Pasquale an 11-story
high-rise condominium with 49 luxury residences.
The total cost of the project is approximately
32 million.
16Waterfront Place
- Status
- Condominium Under construction
- Townhomes Under Construction
17Erie Canal Harbor Project
Project Summary Waterfront infrastructure
project which includes reconstruction and
restoration of historic and cultural features, a
transit plaza, waterfront esplanade, maritime
facilities, access infrastructure and a new Naval
and Servicesmans Park.
Project Budget / Cost Federal Authorizations
14,323,832 NYS Thruway 11,700,000 NY
State 10,000,000 County of Erie
6,000,000 U.S. Army Corps 2,100,000
Buffalo Sewer Authority 2,000,000 FHWA
(TIP/City of Buffalo) 3,500,000 City of
Buffalo 300,000 TOTAL 49,923,832
Empire State Development Corporation Project
Contact Tom Blanchard
18Erie Canal Harbor Project
- Schedule
- Naval Basin/Veterans Park (Phase I) Completed
- Draft SEIS Completed
- Final Master Plan Completed
- Supplemental EIS Completion Completed
- Record of Decision (ROD) Completed
- Final Design Completed
- Start Construction Underway
- Completion Phase II Spring 2008
- Status of Project
- Commercial Slip under construction
- Super Yard construction under construction
- Museum Building and balance of site under
- Naval Yard and building completed.
- Commercial Slip walls completed
- Naval Museum building completed.
- Commercial Street completed
- Interpretive element installation underway.
Empire State Development Corporation Project
Contact Tom Blanchard, Florine Luhr, Mary
19Inner Harbor Parking Facility
Project Summary Development of a public parking
facility to serve the Inner Harbor Redevelopment
Project, including the Erie Canal Harbor, Aud
Redevelopment (Bass Pro), Erie Canal Great
Lakes Museum, Riverwalk Greenway Trail fringe
parking for Central Business District, and
associated downtown waterfront development
projects. The Donovan Building site is the
preferred location.
Project Budget / Cost Federal (FHWA) 13 .3
million Local Share (City of Buffalo) 3
million TOTAL 16 .3 million
Project Contact Joseph Giambra,
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. Project
Contact Charles Rosenow
20Inner Harbor Parking Facility
Schedule Donovan Bldg. vacated Completed
Donovan Bldg. demolition Fall 2007 Final
Design Fall 2007 Construction Start Spring
2008 Completion of Project Spring 2009
- Status of Project
- Preliminary Design and final Environmental Review
are underway. - Master planning for area in progress.
- Building vacated
- Donovan asbestos abatement consultant under
contract. - Draft Master Plan Canal-Side completed
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. Project
Contact Charles Rosenow
21Erie Canal Great Lakes Museum
Project Summary An interpretive and visitors
center that will showcase the historic
development and geographical significance of
Buffalos waterways as transportation systems.
It will highlight the significance of the Erie
Canal and Great Lakes to Buffalo and the nations
development and serve as a major attraction to
the Erie Canal Harbor and downtown waterfront. A
site on the Erie Canal Harbor project site is
anticipated with an approximate size of 25,000 to
30,000 sf.
Project Budget / Cost Federal Authorizations
11,841,000 State Match 1,480,249 Local
Match 1,480,249 TOTAL 14,802,488
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. Project
Contact Charles Rosenow
22Erie Canal Great Lakes Museum
- Schedule
- Select Design Team Spring 2007
- Complete Design Fall 20067
- Start Construction Winter 2007
- Completion Fall 2008
- Status of Project
- Funding eligibility and grantee status under
review by FTA. - Decision on NEPA review requirements under
consideration by FTA. - Final site decision pending Master Plan process.
- FTA determinations pending
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. Project
Contact Charles Rosenow
23Canal Side
Project Summary Bass Pro is proposing
development of a destination retail center
featuring 100,000 sf of interactive sporting and
outdoors displays. Bass Pro will be the anchor
for a 275 million destination retail and
entertainment project that will also include
redevelopment of the to-be-demolished Aud site,
Donovan site and Webster block.
Project Budget / Cost Bass Pro Shops 60
million Balance of Canal Side 245
million TOTAL 305 million
Project Contact Charles Rosenow, Erie Canal
Harbor Development Corporation
24Canal Side
- Schedule
- Master Plan Completed
- NEPA/SEQRA Review Winter 2007-08
- Aud Donovan Demolition 2008
- Bass Pro Store Design 2008
- Start Store Construction Spring 2009
- Completion Opening Fall 2009
- Status of Project
- Pre-development agreement executed.
- Draft master Plan completed
- Benderson designated preferred developer for
Canal Side
- Preliminary Master Plan completed.
- Pre-Development Agreement with Bass Pro and
Benderson executed
Project Contact Charles Rosenow, Erie Canal
Harbor Development Corporation
25Foot of Main Street Master Plan
Project Summary In order to prepare for future
development expected to be catalyzed by the Erie
Canal Harbor, Bass Pro, Seneca Buffalo Creek
Casino and related projects, the Erie Canal
Harbor Development Corporation is developing a
Master Plan for the downtown waterfront. The
master plan will include a vision for future
development, strategies to achieve that vision
and a set of development regulations and
guidelines governing the downtown waterfront need
to be updated. The Waterfront Urban Renewal Plan
was originally created in 1963 and has been
amended several times since, with the most recent
amendment to accommodate the Erie Canal Harbor
Project. This effort will focus on the
commercial area from Erie Street to Columbia
and expansions if appropriate to ensure that
compatible development is encouraged. Erie Canal
Harbor Development Corporation has engaged
Ehrenkrantz, Eckstut Kuhn to prepare the Master
Project Contact Charles Rosenow, ECHDC
26Foot of Main Street Master Plan
Schedule Analysis Completed Planning
Charette Completed Draft Master
Plan Completed Urban Design Winter 2007 URP
Amendment Spring 2008 SEQRA Review Spring 2008
- Status
- URP Site designation completed
- Draft Master Plan completed.
- Final plans in progress
- Recent Progress
- Draft Master Plan completed.
Project Contact Charles Rosenow, ECHDC
The City, ECHDC, BUDC and BNE have begun to
identify and market development sites for private
investments in the downtown waterfront and inner
harbor areas, leveraging Bass Pro as the anchor
for an urban entertainment district.
28Times Beach
Project Summary The project is intended to
address ecosystem restoration and public access
improvements. Erie County has assumed the lead
responsibility for the public access component of
the project with the intent that upfront
construction of public access can be credited
towards the Federal project. The USACE is
presently studying ecosystem restoration
measures. Long-term repairs of the confined
disposal facility (dike) also need to be
Project Budget / Cost Public Access Erie
County 415,000 City of Buffalo 100,000
Federal/State 350,000 Eco-Restoration
Feasibility 50,000 Plans
Specs TBD Construction TBD
Erie County Department of Environment and
Planning Project Contact Michael Raab
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Project Contact
Michael Greer
29Times Beach
Status / Schedule of Project Public Access
Component (Erie County) Phase I Completed Desig
n, Phase II Completed Phase II Construction,
start Completed Ecosystem Restoration (Army
Corps.) On-hold pending Federal funding and
- Completed.
30Buffalo Boat Harbor Project Phase 1 2(a.k.a
Gallagher Beach)
Project Summary The overall project includes the
construction of a boardwalk which extends the
length of Gallagher Beach, a protruding fishing
pier, a separate parking and launching area just
for windsurfers and jet skiers, and a small
marina with wooden docks. Public observation
areas and a continuous public path and driveway
will extend throughout the entire project
area. Phase 1 Construction of a boardwalk,
shore erosion control, small boat/pwc launch,
beach access for windsurfers/kayakers, public
parking, and a separate bikeway. Phase 2
Create a park setting on a portion of the Dike
Area. Park to include extensive bikeways, site
amenities (i.e. park benches, lighting),
landscaped lawn areas, and additional public
Phase 1
Project Budget / Cost Phase 1 Cost -
1,447,000 Phase 2 Cost - 1,000,000 State
Parks Capital Program 1.2 million
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Project
Contact Lawrence Meckler,
Executive Director
31Buffalo Boat Harbor Project Phase 1 2(a.k.a
Gallagher Beach)
- Schedule
- PHASE 1 (Beach Boardwalk)
- Construction was completed in Fall of 2001 and
open for full use in Spring 2002. - PHASE 2 (Diked area) Completed - 2004.
- State Parks Takeover Cancelled
Status Phase 1 COMPLETED (11/2001) Phase 2
Phase 2
Niagara Frontier Transportation
Authority Project Contact Lawrence Meckler,
Executive Director
32Greenway Trail Project
Project Summary The Greenway Trail Project is a
pedestrian-bicycle trail connecting the downtown
waterfront from the NFTAs DLW facility to the
Outer Harbor, via Ohio St., and providing a 2.5
mile trail along Fuhrmann Blvd. from the
northern point of the Outer Harbor at the Coast
Guard base to the existing Gallagher Beach
bicycle/ pedestrian path at the NFTA Boat Harbor.
The trail will entail constructing a 12 bicycle/
pedestrian path traversing the west side of
Fuhrmann Boulevard and the southern boundary,
median, and northern boundary of the NFTA Outer
Harbor property. The proposed project connects
the recently completed NFTA Beach Access
Improvements to the regional Riverwalk system.
Further, the project provides the next phase of
access improvements to the DLW Facility.
Project Cost Design, inspection
382,500 Land (NFTA) 430,000 Phase I
Construction 731,302 Phase II
Construction 1.2 million TOTAL 2.7
million Project Budget Federal Transit
Administration 980,000 Erie County
367,500 NFTA In-kind land 430,000 CMAQ-TIP 1
.2 million TOTAL 2.7 million
Project Contact Lawrence Meckler,
Executive Director Joseph
Giambra, City of Buffalo
33Greenway Trail Project
Schedule Phase I (Fuhrmann Blvd.) Completed Pha
se II Design Completion Fall 2006 Phase II
Construction Start Fall 2006 Phase II Completion
Phase I Fall 2007
- Status of Project
- Phase I Completed.
- Phase II Ohio St. portion
- Final alignment approved.
- Final design 90 completed
- Construction start in late Fall 2006 pending ROW
- City has assumed management of Phase II
- Additional federal funding secured.
- 90 Final design completed
Project Contact Lawrence Meckler,
NFTA Executive Director Joseph
Giambra, Commissioner, COB Dept. of Public Works
34Buffalo River Fest Park
Project Summary Buffalo River Fest Park will be
developed by the Valley Community Association as
a linear park along the Buffalo River and Ohio
Street, just east and upriver from the Michigan
Avenue bridge. The project will restore the
historic wharfs along the shoreline to allow
public access to the river, from the land and
Project Cost 2 million
- Valley Community Association has purchased land
- Assemblyman Mark Schroeder has secured 500,000
in State funding
Project Contact Peg Overdorf Valley Community
35RiverWright Ethanol Plant
Project Description RiverWright Energy will
construct a 110 million gallon per year ethanol
production facility on the Buffalo River,
utilizing four (4) abandoned grain elevators and
associated mill buildings. The plant will employ
65 people and purchase 40 million bushels of corn
annually for the ethanol production. RiverWright
Energy is a joint venture between local
entrepreneurs Rick Smith III and Kevin Townsell
and KL Process Design of South Dakota
specialists in the refit of properties for
ethanol production. The estimated cost of the
project is 80 million.
Schedule Purchase Completed Start
Construction Fall 2007 Begin Production 2009
Project Contact Rick Smith III RiverWright Energy
- 18 acres of waterfront land purchased
- Corn shipments delivered stored
36Outer Harbor Greenbelt
Project Summary The Outer Harbor Greenbelt
project area forms the western edge of the NFTAs
overall 110-acre Outer Harbor site. This
Brownfield remediation project is focused on a
20.3 acre land area along the Lake Erie Shoreline
beginning at the Pier Restaurant heading south
and including the area on the south side of the
Bell Slip. An additional request has been made
to the NYSDEC to extend the Greenbelt south 900
feet from the Bell Slip to the Terminal B
building and extending out to include the
proposed shore protection acreage. The project
is to include approximately 35 to 75 feet of
shoreline protection for the waterfront areas as
determined by property slope approximately 75 to
100 feet of green space approximately 4,250 feet
of lakefront access approximately 2,300 feet of
Bell Slip waterfront access parking
considerations and removal of existing rip
rap/concrete remaining on site.
Project Cost Engineering Design
700,000 Administrative 61,639 Construction
13,238,361 Total Cost
14,000,000 Project Budget NYS DEC
Brownfields Grant 12,398,000 Federal
Highway 640,00 NFTA 962,000
TOTAL 14,000,000
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority New
York State Dept. of Environmental
Conservation Project Contact Lawrence Meckler,
Executive Director
37Outer Harbor Greenbelt
Schedule NYS DEC Grant Executed Design
Period Completed Bid/Award Completed Constructio
n Under Construction Completion Fall 2007
- Status of Project
- Under Construction.
- Under construction
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority New
York State Dept. of Environmental
Conservation Project Contact Lawrence Meckler,
Executive Director
38Outer Harbor Development
Project Summary The NFTA has agreed to transfer
ownership of its 120-acre Outer Harbor holdings
to the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation
(ECHDC). Potential to add Cargill Pier, NYPA Ice
Boom site and former Freezer Queen facility to
redevelopment area. No final plans for
development of this site have been prepared or
approved. Improved transportation access will be
a key to future development.
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Erie
Canal Harbor Development Corp. Project Contact
Charles Rosenow, ECHDC
39Tifft Street Greenway
Project Summary Completion of a crucial gap in
the hike/bike trail system along Tifft Street
from the George Hartmann play fields to Gallagher
Beach. Also includes Fuhrmann Blvd from
Gallagher Beach south to the existing pedestrian
bridge over the Union Ship Canal and the
connection to the Tifft Farm Nature Preserve is
also a part of this project. Project
Cost Engineering/Design/Admin. 120,000
Construction 1,050,000 Total
Cost 1,170,000 Project Budget Federal
CMAQ 945,000 Local Share(20)
225,000 TOTAL 1,170,000
Project Contact Daniel E. Kreuz,P.E.
City Engineer
40Tifft Street Greenway
- Project Schedule
- Design Environmental Completed
- Bid Contracts Completed
- Construction Completed
- Status of Project
- Completed
- Completed.
Project Contact Daniel E. Kreuz,P.E.
City Engineer
41Project Summary Utilizing the distinct
waterfront feature of the historic Union Ship
Canal, this showcase brownfield redevelopment
project in the City of Buffalo has already
reclaimed over 80 acres of formerly fallow land
for an urban office and light industrial commerce
park, featuring a mix of low-profile flex
buildings near the canal and high-bay light
manufacturing buildings on the outer perimeter of
the site. The project offers a much needed
urban alternative for site selectors and
developers who are considering an expansion in or
relocation to the Buffalo-Niagara region.
Project Costs Land Use Planning/Environmental
1.5 M Demolition and Site Clearance
2.0 M Road and Infrastructure (Phase I) 4.0
M Road and Infrastructure (Phase II) 2.8
M Property Acquisitions for expansion 1.5
M Road Infrastructure (Phase III) 3.75
M Canal Park Development (Phase I) 7.3 MM BLCP
North Expansion (Parcel 4 ) 5 MM
Erie County Industrial Development Agency
Buffalo Urban Development Corp. Project
Contact Peter M. Cammarata
42- Project Status
- Road and Infrastructure (Phase I) Completed
- Road and Infrastructure (Phase II) Completed
- Krog/CertainTeed Project Completed
- Cobey Project Completed
- Canal Park Development (Parcel 3 Underway
- BLCP North Expansion (Parcel 4) Underway
- Project Schedule
- Parcel 3
- Canal Park/Eco-Restoration Design Completed
- Canal Park/Eco-Restoration Construction 2008
- Canal Park Completion 2008
- Parcel 4
- NYSDEC ERP Investigation Completed
- Remedial Action Plan (RAP) Draft Completed
- Road and Infrastructure Design 2007
- Road and Infrastructure Construction 2008
- Parcel 4 NYSDEC ERP investigation completed.
- Cobey project completed
- Canal Park awarded 6 Million grant from NYSDEC
- City/BUDC awarded 5 million from State for Phase
III - 150 additional acres acquired Phase III
infrastructure in final design - Sonwil Distribution Center sale and development
in progress
Erie County Industrial Development Agency
Buffalo Urban Development Corp. Project
Contact Peter M. Cammarata
43Union Ship Canal Open Space
- Project Summary
- The City of Buffalo and County of Erie are
jointly developing a 22-acre waterfront property
surrounding the Union Ship Canal into a regional,
public open space that will also serve as an
amenity for Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park.
Development of the green space is part of a
State-funded Environmental restoration Program
(ERP) as well as a Transportation Enhancement
Program (TEP). The project will include - Construction of trails and paths that will
connect with the Outer Harbor Trail and regional
bicycle and pedestrian trail system - Creation of a shallow, water fish habitat
- Overlooks on the Canal that will mimic the gantry
cranes used during the sites steel-making
44Union Ship Canal Open Space
Project Budget NYSDEC 6.0 million NYSDOT 1.4
million Erie Co. 700,000 Total 8.1 million
Project Status/Schedule Preliminary
Design Completed RAWP Completed Final Design In
Progress Construction Start Spring
2008 Completion Fall 2008
45Outer Harbor Development
Project Summary The NFTA has agreed to transfer
ownership of its 120-acre Outer Harbor holdings
to the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation
(ECHDC). Potential to add Cargill Pier, NYPA Ice
Boom site and former Freezer Queen facility to
redevelopment area. No final plans for
development of this site have been prepared or
approved. Improved transportation access will be
a key to future development.
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Erie
Canal Harbor Development Corp. Project Contact
Charles Rosenow, ECHDC
46Southtowns Connector/Outer Harbor Access
- Project Summary
- Waterfront access project to re-engineer Outer
Harbor transportation system, including
re-configuration of Route 5/Fuhrmann Blvd.,
construction of new arterial connector from I-190
to Tifft Street and reconstruction of Ohio
Street. - Project Segments
- Route 5/Fuhrmann Blvd.
- Tifft Street Connector/Arterial
- Ohio Street Reconstruction
Project Construction Costs Ohio Street
Reconstruction 6.4 Million Tifft Street
Connector/Arterial 33.5 Million Route
5/Fuhrmann Blvd (all segments) 81-97
Million Skyway to Tifft 32 Million Tifft
to Ridge 23 million Ridge Road to Route
179 26 Million Project Budget to Date Fed.
Funds Obligated 12.6 Million (design) Fed.
Funds Used to Date 7.6 Million Fed Funds
Earmarked for Construction 22.5 million State
Funds earmarked for Construction 20 million
New York State Department of Transportation Projec
t Contact(s) Thomas Messana
Gary Gottlieb
47Southtowns Connector/ Outer Harbor Access
Project Schedule Release of Draft EIS
Completed Final EIS ROD Completed Final
Design Engineering Completed Construction Fal
l 2007
- Status of Project
- Final EIS Completed ROD Issued
- Final design engineering completed.
- 54 million in State Federal funding secured.
- Project ready to bid
- Final EIS Issued/SEQRA-NEPA Completed
- Final design completed
- Project ready to Bid
New York State Department of Transportation Projec
t Contacts) Thomas Messana
Gary Gottlieb
48Seneca Bluffs
Project Summary Seneca Bluffs is unique, 15 acre
habitat site along the Buffalo River in South
Buffalo. The Seneca Bluffs Habitat Restoration
Project targets 5 acres of the upper terrace for
invasive species removal control and restoration
plantings, as well as an ADA Trail, 3 fishing
access locations, a scenic overlook, a seasonal
aquatic habitat, improved parking facilities and
site security measures. Project
Cost/Sources City of Buffalo 100,000 NYSDEC
106,000 NYS Dept. of State 100,000 ExxonMobil
Fndtn. 5,000 Cornell Cooperative Ext.
4,000 Erie County (Cash In-Kind)
97,000 TOTAL 412,000
Project Contact Michael Raab,
Deputy Commissioner
49Seneca Bluffs
- Project Schedule
- Construction Commenced March 2004
- Invasive Plant removal Completed
- Access Improvements Completed
- Status of Project
- Completed.
- Funding for additional improvements being sought.
- Completed.
Project Contact Michael Raab,
Deputy Commissioner
50Buffalo Waterfront Project Schedule
- Veterans Park, Naval Basin Vessel Relocation
Erie Canal Harbor Phase I - Boat Harbor Phase II (Gallagher Beach)
- COMPLETED - 2004
- Times Beach Public Phase I Public Access
- Squaw Island Park Phase I
- Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park Phase I and II
Road and utilities - Shanghai Reds restaurant at Erie Basin Marina
- Greenway Trail Phase I Furhmann Blvd.-Outer
Harbor - CertainTeed at Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park
- Seneca Bluffs restoration
51Buffalo Waterfront Project Schedule
- 2005
- Dick Smith Teaching Pavilion at Cotters Point
- Times Beach Phase II Public Access improvements
- Scajaquada Pathway Phase III Delaware and Grant
sections - Tifft Street Greenway
- 2006
- Squaw Island Park entrance gateway - completed
- Commercial Slip at Erie Canal Harbor - completed
- Scajaquada Pathway Phase III Niagara Street
section completed - Cobey Project at Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park
completed - HydroAir at Steelfields completed
52Buffalo Waterfront Project Schedule
- 2007
- Erie Canal Harbor substantially completed
- Frank Lloyd Wright Rowing Boathouse at Cotter
Point Completed - Donovan Building demolition building vacated,
hazmat removal under contract - Aud demolition hazmat removal under contract
- Greenway Trail Phase II Ohio Street segment
final design completed on-hold - Outer Harbor Greenbelt under construction
- Union Ship Canal Park 6 million State funding
secured final design underway - Tow Path Park Phase II on-hold
- RiverWright Ethanol Project land purchased,
final design and permitting in progress - Steelwinds Windfarm at Bethlehem Steel
Substantially Completed - 2008
- Southtowns Connector Phase I Fuhrmann Boulevard
(Coast Guard to Tifft Street) ready to bid - Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Store development
agreement executed master plan completed - Inner Harbor Parking and Mixed-Use Facility
funding secured - Erie Canal Great Lakes Museum funding secured
- Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park Phase III
infrastructure land under acquired funding
secured - Buffalo River Fest Park land under contract
initial funding secured