Title: Personal Knowledge Publishing for Sharing Across Communities
1Personal Knowledge Publishing for Sharing Across
- Esma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard,
- Sébastien Paquet
- Université de Montréal
- The interdisciplinary knowledge sharing problem
- Related work
- Personal knowledge publishing
- Evaluation of that tool
- Future work
- Provide a model of the interdisciplinary
knowledge sharing problem - Identify tools that can solve it
- Empirically evaluate these tools
- Explain why and how they work
4The interdisciplinary knowledge sharing problem
5Structure of knowledge communities
Strong ties
Weak ties
6Circulation of knowledge
7Related work
8Related workscholarly communication
- Electronic article / preprint publishing
- Ginsparg 94, Lawrence 01, Hitchcock et al. 02
- New forms of peer review
- Odlyzko 95-03, Smith 97, Rowland 02
- Electronic Transactions on Artificial
Intelligence - The British Medical Journal
- The Medical Journal of Australia
- Communication informelle
- Gresham 94 mailing lists and invisible college
9Related workknowledge management andcognitive
- Social factors
- Lavé, Wenger, Seely Brown, Duguid 90-02
communities of practice - Thomas et al. 01 knowledge socialization
- Communication and learning
- Dewey 33, Vygotsky 62, Piaget et al. 69
- Constructivist approach
- Thomas design and interpretation
10Viable solution a tool that is
- Simple
- Accessible
- Useful-looking
- Useful for interdisciplinary knowledge sharing
- Inclusive
- Scalable
- Evolvable adaptable
11Personal knowledge publishing
12Personal knowledge publishing
- Based on the weblog concept
- Personal communication tool
- Online personal journal with hyperlinks
- In increasing use since 2000
13Weblog an example
2. Posts with hyperlinks
3. Frequent updates
5. Archives
4. Free access
Reader comments
14Rich Site Summary (RSS)
15Content aggregation
16News aggregators
17Personal knowledge publishing
- Weblog used by a researcher (or knowledge
worker) to put down - Observations
- Ideas
- Interrogations
- Reactions to others writings (with hyperlinks)
- Could personal knowledge publishing facilitate
- interdisciplinary knowledge sharing?
- If so, how?
19Personal knowledge publishing evaluation
- Hypothesis 1
- The tool facilitates the establishment of
meaningful personal relationships with people in
other disciplines - Hypothesis 2
- The tool facilitates interdisciplinary knowledge
20Personal knowledge publishing evaluation
- Case studies
- Lilia Efimova (Mathemagenic)
- After 7 months
- 5 significant contacts
- 61 links from other weblogs
- 95 public comments
- Sébastien Paquet (Sebs Open Research)
- After 7 months
- 9 significant contacts
- 180 links from other weblogs
- 251 public comments
- Article publicly mentioned more than 80 times
- Three collaboration projects
21Personal knowledge publishing evaluation
- Survey
- via the Web
- 177 respondents
- 25 questions
22Hypothesis 1 interdisciplinary personal contacts
23Hypothesis 1 interdisciplinary personal contacts
24Hypothesis 2The tool facilitates
interdisciplinary knowledge sharing
25Hypothesis 2The tool facilitates
interdisciplinary knowledge sharing
- blog reading has helped me learn quite a bit
about people of different backgrounds, and
cultures. In my opinion, it is the best way to
get an up-close and personal view of the types of
individuals you would never meet in real life.
This alone makes the weblog an incredibly
valuable resource. - I now feel as if I have found other 'voices'
with similar concerns... concerns that bridge
disciplinary and geographic and even cultural
boundaries. - having the weblog proved to be a very
interesting experiment for me and gave me the
opportunity to connect with people in other
professional fields
26Personal knowledge publishing mechanics of use
- Exploration (extend ones network)
- Push (publish ideas)
- Pull (attract other participants)
- Regular reading (reinforce links)
27Personal knowledge publishing 1. Exploring the
knowledge network
Se construire un réseau de sources
28Personal knowledge publishing 2. Push
(knowledge distribution)
This is what interests me, what Im looking for
29Personal knowledge publishing3. Pull (attract
and identify ones readers)
Who has a demonstrated interest in my
ideas? What are they saying?
30Personal knowledge publishing 3. Pull (attract
and identify ones readers)
Building a collaborative dialogue network
31Personal knowledge publishing 4. Regular reading
Reinforce mutual trust relationships
32Human bridges betweenknowledge communities
Interpersonal affinity
Better circulation of knowledge
33Future Work
34Future WorkPersonal publishingand group-forming
35Future Work Personal publishingand
36Personal publishingand group-forming prototype
37Future Work Personal publishingand the
semantic web
38Multimedia-orientedpersonal publishing
39Future WorkEmergent Knowledge Management
40The End