Title: Hazel Dewart, Paula Hixenbaugh, Della Drees, Lisa Thorn
1 Hazel Dewart, Paula Hixenbaugh, Della Drees,
Lisa Thorn
- 100 Lunch
- 130 Overview
- 200 Small group work
- 230 General discussion
- 300 Room 450
- 330 Coffee/conclusions
- 400 Finish
- Overview of project
- What is mentoring?
- Is it effective?
4Not a New Concept
- Those who seek mentoring will rule the great
expanse under heaven - Se Cheng, Chinese Book of History
- 6th Century B.C.
- Mentoring - from the Greek word meaning
enduring-- is defined as a sustained
relationship between a youth and an adult.
- Mentoring is a process by which an experienced
person provides advice, support, and
encouragement to a less experienced person
7Overview of Project
- An innovative scheme offering free mentoring via
e-mail to all first level students by their peers
at the third level.
8Flow of e-mail based information
Informing all participants in the research The
University Counselling and Advice Service
Master Mentor
9What is Mentoring?
- An informal relationship
- A supportive relationship
- A guiding relationship
- Leads to the growth of both members
10Is it Effective?
- Within organisations mentees receive more
promotions, have higher salaries, exert greater
influence, have more opportunities, are more
satisfied with their jobs and careers. (Fagenson,
1989, Scandura, 1992)
11Is it Effective (cont.)
- Mentees are highly committed to their
organisations, are less likely to leave and
provide their organisations with leadership
talent (Burke, McKenna, McKeen, 1991 Biator
Scandura, 1991)
12Satisfaction with Universitycontrol vs mentoring
Significant interaction (F(1.58) 5.324,
p0.025) Percentage increase from induction in
mean satisfaction scores for 2003-4 and control
13Non-mentored control vs mentored intakes
Mentor contact vs no mentor contact (mentored
years) intakes
14Identifying the Issues?Group Work
- Difficulties of the first year
- Identify questions
- What information would have been helpful
- Keep a careful record of your discussion
15Second Whole Group Session
- Identifying the issues
- Nature of email communication
- Effective Mentoring
16Questions asked by previous mentees
- Last year three students stated that the reason
they had contacted their mentor was because they
were considering dropping out. These students
went on to complete the year.
17Direct quotes from previous mentees
- They contacted me to check everything was OK,
I replied with a question about the weighting of
1st year marks towards final degree - I asked for advice with workload a view of
what the course is like in the final year and
second year - Was concerned about doing assignments mentor
said not to worry as 1st year is about learning
and improving those skills - I had problems with research methods needed
reassuring - What course modules to choose
- Difficulties with time management, getting it
all done!
18More direct quotes from previous mentees
- For advice on how to survive through a difficult
time - I felt overwhelmed at the beginning and wanted
to quit! - I needed the extra support
- Desperation lack of confidence
- Stressed out
- Panic, get encouragement, put things into
perspective - Because he was there!
19Nature of the Communication
- No non-verbal cues
- Short
- Informal
- Benefits
- Costs
20Goals of Helping Relationships(Adapted from Egan
- Help mentees manage their problems in adjusting
to University and develop unused or underused
opportunities - Help mentees to become better at helping
21Basic Communication Skills for Helping
- Attending
- Listening
- Understanding
- Basic empathy
22Tips for Effective Mentoring
- Maintain regular contact
- Be honest
- Be positive
- Dont expect to have all the answers
- Dont feel rejected
23No. of students contacting e-mentors
- Last year, 77 of first years said they felt that
they could contact their e-mentor. - However, only 51 said they had contacted their
e-mentor at least once. - The most frequent reason students gave for not
contacting their e-mentor was that they did not
need to.
24Getting Started
- Introduce yourself
- First messages
- Encourage mentees to share information about
themselves - Ask questions
- Establish regular contact
- New Year welcome back message
25Practical - Information Sources
- Information resources on the intranet
- Where to refer
26Possible Problems
- Deciding the appropriate level of contact
- frequency of e-mail
- face to face meeting
- Mismatch of mentor and mentee
- Not knowing the answer
- When to refer
- Extreme anger
- Signs of depression
- Talk of suicide
- Talk of harming another
29Ethical Issues
- Plagiarism
- Breaking the law
- Comments about others
- What mentoring is/is not
- How scheme works
- How to get started
- What issues could arise
- When to refer
- Questions?
31Good Luck