Title: First Results from the HARP Experiment
1First Results from the HARP Experiment
University of Sheffield
On Behalf of the HARP Collaboration
- Physics Goals of HARP
- Experimental Setup
- Performance of Large Angle Detectors
- Goals of First Analysis
- Performance of Small Angle Detectors
- Results From First Analysis
3Physics Goals of HARP
- Systematic Study of Hadron Production
- Over the momentum range from 1.5-15 GeV/c
- Using solid and cryogenic targets from H to Pb
- As input For
- Calculations of atmospheric neutrino flux
- Design of neutrino factory targetry and pion
capture - Calculations of beam fluxes for K2K and MiniBoone
- Monte Carlo hadronic generators
4Experimental Setup
5Status of Large Angle
- High statistics cosmic ray calibration and
calibration with radioactive Fe were done in 2003 - This data has allowed
- Computation of gains and mapping of dead pads
- First evaluation of dE/dx
- First evaluation of the performance of correction
for a cross talk effect - Improvement in momentum resolution of 30
- As a first check of the improvements, data taken
with a cryogenic H2 target and 3 GeV/c pions and
protons is being analyzed, looking for elastic
scattering - p,(?) p -gt p,(?) p
6Aim of First Analysis
To be measured by HARP
- First Analysis focuses on the needs of K2K
experiment - Exploits the forward part of the spectrometer
(NDCs, TOF, Cherenkov) - One of the largest systematic uncertainties on
oscillation parameters comes from the near/far
ratio - Range of interest qplt0.25rad ppgt1 GeV/c
oscillation peak
7Requirements for first analysis
- p and q measurements in range of interest
- provided by drift chambers
- Ability to identify p and reject p, K, e
- provided by TOF system, Cherenkov and electron id
- Appropriate data
- provided by data taken with K2K replica target
taken at - 12.9 GeV/c beam momentum
K2K interest
Geometrical Acceptance q
K2K interest
Geometrical Acceptance p
Top view
dipole magnet
Momentum bias for case 2 has now been solved
beam particles
- For this analysis only case 1 tracks shown in
previous slide are used - Lost efficiency can be recovered by the use of
case 2 tracks which are now understood - This will increase efficiency to 80-85
- Tracking efficiency for multi track events has a
small dependency on the generator for now
Spread indicates Differences between 3 hadronic
single track eff
single track eff
Case 1 Case 2
Case 1 only
10Particle ID TOF (p/p)
- p/p separation is provided by Time of Flight from
0-4.5 GeV/c - Tof wall resolution is 160ps -gt7s p/p at 3 GeV/c
- Beam resolution is 180ps for this analysis
(150ps has now been achieved by additional
calibration and further improvements are expected)
11Particle ID Cherenkov (p/p)
- Provides p/p separation above 3 GeV/c
- Provides p/k separation from 3 to 9 GeV/c
12Particle ID Cherenkov/ECal (e/hadron)
- Electron hadron separation is provided by
Cherenkov up to 3 GeV/c - At other energies this is provided by the
3 GeV/c beam particles
12.9 GeV/c K2K thin target
small electron contamination
13Raw Yields
Only 1/6 of the data for this setting has been
Only case 1 events have been used for this
14Cross section
- Definition of Cross Section
Pion Misidentification Background
Absolute Normalisation (Not included yet)
Bin Migration Matrix (Not included yet)
Pion Yield
Total Efficiency includes Geometrical
Acceptance Tracking Efficiency Pion Efficiency
15Yields Corrected for Efficiency
integrated over q
integrated over P
arbitrary units
arbitrary units
identified pions
identified pions
Proton background For TOF (3 MC generators) This
background can be Computed using data
No systematic errors have been Included at this
- HARP has completed an extensive data taking
program - 420M events were recorded over a large number of
settings - Significant progress has been made in the
understanding of large angle detectors - Forward PiD and tracking detectors are now well
understood - First physics results have been produced with the
forward detectors using limited data and MC
statistics - This has allowed us to setup an analysis chain
17Future Aims
- The next step is to analyse full statistics of
K2K and MiniBoone targets as well as large MC
statistics - A Detailed study of systematic errors and
migration effects is also required - Several ideas to recover efficiency are being
implemented and giving promising results