Title: Solvable Lie Algebras in Supergravity and Superstrings
1Solvable Lie Algebras in Supergravity and
- Pietro Fré
- Bonn February 2002
2In D lt 10 the structure of Superstring
Theory is governed...
- The geometry of the scalar manifold M
- M G/H is mostly a non compact coset manifold
- Non compact cosets admit an algebraic description
in terms of solvable Lie algebras
3Before the gauging
4Two ways to determine G/H or anyhow the scalar
- By compactification from higher dimensions. In
this case the scalar manifold is identified as
the moduli space of the internal compact manifold - By direct construction of each supergravity in
the chosen dimension. In this case one uses the a
priori constraints provided by supersymmetry. In
particular holonomy and the need to reconcile p1
forms with scalars
DUALITIES Special Geometries
The second method is more general, the first
knows more about superstrings, but the two must
be consistent
5The scalar manifold of supergravities is
necessarily a non compact G/H, except
In the exceptional cases the scalar coset is not
necessarily but can be chosen to be a non
compact coset. Namely Special Geometries include
classes of non compact coset manifolds
6Scalar cosets in d4
7Scalar manifolds by dimensions in maximal
Rather then by number of supersymmetries we can
go by dimensions at fixed number of supercharges.
This is what we have done above for the maximal
number of susy charges, i.e. 32. These scalar
geometries can be derived by sequential toroidal
8How to determine the scalar cosets G/H from
9.....and symplectic or pseudorthogonal
10How to retrieve the D4 table
11Essentials of Duality Rotations
The scalar potential V(f) is introduced by the
gauging. Prior to that we have invariance under
duality rotations of electric and magnetic field
12Duality Rotation Groups
13The symplectic or pseudorthogonal embedding in
This embedding is the key point in the
construction of N-extended supergravity
lagrangians in even dimensions. It determines
the form of the kinetic matrix of the self-dual
p1 forms and later controls the gauging
15The symplectic caseD4,8
16The Gaillard and Zumino master formula
We have
- The scalar sector of supergravities is mostly a
non compact coset U/H - The isometry group U acts as a duality group on
vector fields or p-forms - U includes target space T-duality and strong/weak
coupling S-duality. - For non compact U/H we have a general
mathematical theory that describes them in terms
of solvable Lie algebras.....
18Solvable Lie algebra description...
19Differential Geometry Algebra
20Maximal Susy implies Er1 series
Scalar fields are associated with positive roots
or Cartan generators
21The relevant Theorem
22How to build the solvable algebra
Given the Real form of the algebra U, for each
positive root there is an appropriate step
operator belonging to such a real form
23String interpretation of scalar fields
24...in the sequential toroidal compactification
25Sequential Embeddings of Subalgebras and
26The type IIA chain of subalgebras
27Type IIA versus Type IIB decomposition of the
Dynkin diagram
28The Type IIB chain of subalgebras
29A decomposition that mixes NS and RR states ( U
30The electric subalgebra
31Understanding type IIA / type IIB T-duality
32The two realizations of E7(7)
The two realizations correspond to attaching the
7th root in two different positions
33Dilaton and radii are in the CSA
The extra dimensions are compactified on circles
of various radii
34Outer Automorphisms of the S T subalgebra
35An explicit example of T duality
36The Maximal Abelian Ideal
- (thanks to my collaborator, Mario Trigiante)
- The Solvable Lie algebra representation has many
applications, in particular - Classification of p-brane and black hole
solutions - Classification and construction of supergravity
gaugings - Study of supersymmetry breaking patterns and
super Higgs phenomena