Supermassive Black Holes The Genesis of Hell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Supermassive Black Holes The Genesis of Hell


Radio jets reflect the accretion history of black holes in the universe. ... Black holes stand out with high brightness temperature compact flat-spectrum radio cores. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Supermassive Black Holes The Genesis of Hell

Supermassive Black HolesThe Genesis of Hell
  • Heino Falcke
  • ASTRON, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
  • University of Nijmegen

Black Holes always come with radio emission
X-ray binaries
Low-Luminosity AGN
FRI Radio Galaxies
power / accretion rate
Not to scale!
VLA DRAGN Atlas (Leahy)
VLBI Falcke, Nagar, Wilson, Ulvestad (2000)
VLBI Mioduszewski et al. (2003)
Disks become radiatively inefficient!Jets are
more faithful then disks
  • How does the SED evolve with power?
  • The SED has jet and disk contributions!
  • Below a critical accretion rate, disks may become
    radiatively inefficient (and become advection
    dominated ADAFs, BDAFs, CDAFs ).
  • At lower accretion rates disks become less and
    less prominent, jets remain strong.
  • Explains radio-loudness of LLAGN and low-state

jet domination disk domination
(A/C)DAF Jet
Körding, Falcke, Markoff (2002) see also
Fender, Gallo, Jonker (2003)
Radio Jets at all Powers
  • Radio emission seems to scale with accretion
    power from XRBs, to LLAGN, to FRII radio
  • Radio jets reflect the accretion history of black
    holes in the universe.
  • Radio emission spans at least 10 orders of
    magnitude in luminosity.

Radio Core Luminosity
Accretion disk luminosity
Falcke et al. (1994-2000)
Scaling of Compact Jetslarge, small, powerful
and faint
Scaling laws for Blandford Königl jet cores.
  • The basic shape of the broad-band jet spectrum is
    (relatively) invariant to changes in black hole
    mass and accretion rate.
  • Simple scaling laws can be derived analytically.
  • Smaller black holes peak at higher frequencies.
  • Increasing Mdot increases flux density
  • Supermassive black holes are more favorable for
    radio surveys, while stellar mass black holes are
    better searched for in X-rays.

black holemass
Falcke Biermann (1995)Markoff et al.
(2003) Falcke et al. (2003)see alsoHeinz
Sunyaev (2003) and Merloni et al. (2003)
SKA as a Black Hole FinderNear and Faint
VLA detection of faint radio cores in nearby
  • Black holes stand out with high brightness
    temperature compact flat-spectrum radio cores.
  • Interferometers at high frequencies can provide
    an ideal filter against diffuse star formation
  • E.g., 15 GHz VLA A-configuration surveys are very
    efficient in detecting black holes Factor 1000
    higher discrimination compared to 1.4 GHz!
  • 50 of nearby LLAGN have compact radio cores at
    the mJy level.
  • SKA will get them all!
  • Normal galaxies (M?106 Msun) out to Virgo
  • Sgr A _at_ Virgo 100 nJy
  • M31 _at_ Virgo 25 nJy
  • Local Group Are there 1000 Msun BHs in dwarf
  • 150 nJy for BH that is 3000 times lighter then
    Sgr A, but accreting at the same Eddington
    fraction (10-6).

(Falcke et al. 2000, Nagar et al. 2000-2003).
SKA as a Black Hole FinderFar and Faint
  • Quasars produce spectacular radio jets, which
    reach sizes up to Mpc scales.
  • The jets are relativistic plasma beams from the
    very vicinity of the black hole.
  • Complete surveys are best done at low
  • LOFAR SKA will open up the high-z universe and
    show the onset of quasar formation.

SKA as a Black Hole FinderFar and Faint
  • Quasars produce spectacular radio jets, which
    reach sizes up to Mpc scales
  • The jets are relativistic plasma beams from the
    very vicinity of the black hole.
  • Complete surveys are best done at low
  • LOFAR SKA will open up the high-z universe and
    show the onset of quasar formation.

Blundell (2001)
SKA as a Black Hole FinderFar and Faint
  • Quasars produce spectacular radio jets, which
    reach sizes up to Mpc scales
  • The jets are relativistic plasma beams from the
    very vicinity of the black hole.
  • Complete surveys are best done at low
  • LOFAR SKA will open up the high-z universe and
    show the onset of quasar formation.

FR I/FR II break
shallow LOFAR/SKA survey
Blundell (2001)
Black Holes and GalaxiesChicken or Eg?
  • Many nearby galaxies show evidence for BHs.
  • A striking correlation was found between black
    holes and their host galaxies.
  • The black hole is some 0.1 of the bulge mass of
    a galaxy.
  • The more massive the bulge the heavier the black
  • Thus, the evolution of black holes and galaxies
    are intimately linked.

Gebhardt et al. (2000), Ferrarese Merrit (2000)
The Big Question
  • When and how did the first black holes form?
  • BHs formed out of baryonic matter as a
    consequence of early star formation?
  • BHs formed out of dark matter as seeds for galaxy
  • BH formed as part of structure formation and
    mergers (probably not).
  • Task
  • Find proto-quasars at z 6-20! When did they

  • There are z6 quasar!
  • There are lots of them!
  • They probably already have masses 109 M?.
  • How to form so many so quickly?
  • They have a deep Gun-Peterson trough.
  • Lya will become invisible at zzreion7.

Fan et al. (2003)
Rapid Growth of Black Holes Through Baryonic
Accretion Disks
Maximum accretion
Duschl (2003)
How do Quasars Evolve?How many are there at z6?
Flat(?) radio luminosity function from 3CR and 6C
look back time
growth time for 2109 M? black hole
In principle there is enough time to form
supermassive black holes as early as z20.
Jarvis et al. (2001)
Precision Cosmology from Radio Observations
WMAP at cm wavelengths
Accretion History of Black Holes and Reionization
Optical depth due to Black Hole and Star Formation
Accretion History of seed black Holes
Black Holes
Ricotti Ostriker (2003)
How to find them?High-Redshift Radiogalaxies
from Steep-Spectrum Sources
Rottgering et al. (1997)
Primordial Black Holes do they look like GPS
CSS Sources?
GPS and CSS sources are young radio jets that are
still stuck in the dense ISM.
ODea 1998
How would they look like?
turnover frequency
?l10 kpc
?l100 pc
?l1 kpc
?l1 kpc
?l10 kpc
?l100 pc
How to identify them?
Combination of angular size and observed
Discovery Space
Radio-Redshifts from HI?
Cygnus A at z10
Lya-Forrest from Minihalos
Furlanetto Loeb (2002)
Carilli, Gnedin, Owen (2002)
SKA as a Black Hole FinderThe first generation
of black holes
The radio sky with SKA!
  • The finding of a z10 quasar would be a major
  • Needs A sensitive all-sky survey at multiple
    frequencies with full morphological information.
  • Radio-only selection filter based on spectral
    shape and morphology (possible with unprecedented
    accuracy with SKA).
  • Cross-correlation with optical survey (looking
    for blank sky).
  • Follow-up with radio spectroscopy (HI absorption,
    CO emission/absorption?).

Simulated radio deep field.
BHs are level 0 at other wavelengths (Xeus/ConX),
so why Radio?
  • SKA can be fast
  • Radio can also do the faint ones (not just the
    most luminous quasars).
  • Radio is not absorbed during EOR, Lya is.
  • Dust obscuration is not a major problem.
  • Radio luminosity function can be probed also for
    low accretion rates where optical/thermal
    emission disappears (e.g. FRIs).
  • Resolution helps to pick out AGN in confused
  • SKA can image z6 quasars easily (down to 10
  • X-rays are not competitive in terms of
    sensitivity for super massive black holes.

  • Event horizon
  • Out of reach ? (ALMA-VLBI needed)
  • Primordial Black Holes
  • Ideal SKA science and no obscuration
  • Multi-frequency all sky survey low frequencies
    (0.1-1 GHz), multi-beaming (survey efficiency),
    broad band width (curvature), full morphological
    information (small and very long baselines)
  • Faintest black holes in local universe
  • very long baselines, higher frequencies, broad
    band width
  • Masers 10-20 GHz, moderate bandwidth, collecting
    area, very long baselines
  • Disks in Absorption Polarization purity, high
  • but only ALMA really gets to the smallest scales
  • Jet physics very long baselines
  • Astrometry fast switching/multi-beaming, very
    long baselines
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