Title: Washington Irving
1Washington Irving
21. List three facts about the early life and
profession of Washington Irving.
- He was named after George Washington.
- He casually practiced law.
- He first established a literary reputation in
32. Give the title and a brief description of the
subject of Irvings substantial work.
- A History of New Yorkby Diedrich Knickerbocker
a burlesque of American history that deflates
heroic events and mocks great men
43. Why does Tom Walker refuse the devils first
- Because his wife wanted him to accept it
54. Identify three of the stories explaining the
disappearance of Tom Walkers wife.
- She lost her way in the swamp and fell into a
pit. - She ran off with the household booty.
- She was decayed into a quagmire.
65. In their second meeting, what bargain does
Tom Walker strike with the devil?
- That Tom should become a usurer
76. As Tom Walker grows older, what precautions
does he take to cheat the devil out of the
conditions of that bargain?
- He always carried a small Bible in his coat and
kept a larger one on his desk.
8 In literature, the devil has taken on many
different forms. What details of Irvings
description of the devil (page 130, column 1,
last paragraph) fit the image of the New World?
What details are more in keeping with tradition?
- New World dressed in half-Indian clothing has
coarse black hair - Traditional Shadowy wears red sash
98. Which of Irvings works has been called the
worlds most popular short story?
109. What is identified in the first three
paragraphs of The Devil and Tom Walker?
- The setting of the story
- An established time of the story
- The traits of the two main characters
1110. Identify three character traits of Tom which
are identified in the opening paragraph.
- Miserly
- Argumentative
- Dishonest and sly
1211. What does the narrator mean when he calls
Toms wife a termagant?
- She is miserly, strong-willed, and suspicious.
- Termagant violent, turbulent, and brawling woman
1312. When does the devil enter the story?
- When Tom discovers a human skull
1413. What is Toms first reaction to the devil?
1514. What does Tom call the devil?
- Old Scratch
- Other names
- Wild huntsman
- Black miner
- Black woodsman
1615. How does Tom feel after his wifes
17What is the tone used by Irving in describing
Mrs. Walkers absence?
- Matter-of-fact (Not sad, not curious)
1816. How does Tom become wealthy in Boston?
- Money is scarce business is bad so he becomes a
moneylender who charges high interest
19How is Toms business in Boston as a moneylender
2017. How does Tom view the devil as the story
- Anxiously Tom becomes old and fearful and is a
religious bigot (hypocrite)
2118. What is the storys duration?
2219. Even though he becomes a churchgoer, what
does Tom never attempt to do?
- Reform his own character
- Repent
2320. When the devil comes for Tom, what three
events have occurred or are about to occur?
- Tom has remarked The devil take me
- A thunderstorm approaches
- Tom forgets his Bible
2421. Why are the people of Boston not particularly
upset by Toms disappearance?
- The are well acquainted with the devil
- They owe him money.
2522. How does the narrator refer to the sources of
his story?
- Familiar legends
- Widely believed stories
- Old wives tales