Title: J'A'I' Meeting Grahame Blair 6th April 2005
1J.A.I. MeetingGrahame Blair6th April 2005
- Me
- Overview of programme at RHUL
- Simulation
- Accelerator design
- Laser-wire optics electronics
- International context
2Grahame Blair6th April 2005
- BSc at Oxford (Hertford)
- D.Phil. at Oxford (Theory superstring
phenomenology) - Post-doc at Princeton (Theory Experiment
E731) - Post-doc at Oxford (ZEUS Central Tracker)
- Lecturer at RHUL (ALEPH LC)
- PPARC Senior Fellowship CERN, DESY on LC
3RHUL People
- Ilya Agapov RA Acc. Design simulation
- Gary Boorman E. Eng Laser-wire
- John Carter Ph.D. LW IR Simulation
- Chafik Driouichi RA Laser-wire beam optics
- F. Poirier Ph.D Laser-wire engy spect.
- Michael Price Ph.D. Laser-wire
construction - A.N.Other R.A. Eurotev LW - lasers
- A.N.Other PhD LW BDS Sim.
4RHUL Programme
- Laser-wire
- Additional support from Royal Society
- BDS Simulation
- Additional Support from EUROTeV
- Acc design simulation
- Additional Support from EUROTeV
- British Council
5RHUL Programme
6Overview of Approach
We have constructed it and applied it to CLIC
BDS ILC BDS PETRA Laser-wire (benchmark SR) 1st
public release under CVS. (I. Agapov, J.A.I.)
Jan 05. Future GRID implementation
Beamlines are built up out of modular
accelerator components
- Others are now applying it to
- CLIC IR (Uppsala)
- ILC 20 mrad extraction line (Oregon)
- ILC 2 mrad IR (CCLRC, Orsay, RHUL)
- ILC Energy spectrometer (Oregon )
- ILC neutrons, beam dumps, (RHUL,
DESY, collab. With FNAL/SLAC) - Future
- LHC Collimation upgrades
- HERA IR Benchmarking
- CALICE Test beam
Full simulation of em showers, Muons, SR,
All secondaries tracked
Major international initiative
7RHUL Overview
8Collimation Depth Studies
Work started on 2 mrad Xing angle Fast
turn-around possible for design upgrades
SR from halo
9Halo SR 2 mrad scheme
SR from 2 Upstream quads
Flat halo event dist. (from F. Jackson)
SR from 1st downstream quad
J. Carter (prelim)
10People - International
- Ilya Agapov - Optics design, beam diagnostics
- GB - Collimation, muons, backgrounds
- John Carter - SR, beam diagnostics, IR layout
- Michael Price - Laser-wire simulation
- Chafik Driouichi - Laser-wire design
- Orsay
- O. Dadoun - IR layout, extraction line
simulation - Daresbury
- R. Appleby - IR layout,
extraction line simulation - F. Jackson, - Collimation studies
11RHUL Overview
12Laser-wire People
- T. Kamps
- T. Lefevre
- H. C. Lewin, S. Schreiber, K. Wittenburg, K.
Balewski - Oxford
- R. Bingham, B. Foster, N. Delerue, D. Howell, A.
Reichold - Royal Holloway (UL)
- G. Blair, G. Boorman, J. Carter, F. Poirier, M.
Price, C. Driouichi - University College London (UL)
- S. Boogert, S. Malton
- Aryshev, H. Hayano, P. Karataev, K. Kubo, N.
Terunuma, J. Urakawa - SLAC
- A. Brachmann, J. Frisch, M. Ross
Project web page http//www.hep.ph.rhul.ac.uk/lb
13Laserwire - PETRA
Highly complex International project
14Laser-wire Future
- Major new Laser lab being set up
- Build international group based at JAI in
advanced - lasers for accelerators.
- Install micron laser wire in ATF Extraction line
- Build expertise in ultra-fast EO scanning
- Improve PETRA LW performance
- Plan move to PETRAIII location new optics
- Plan ATF2 proposal for LW and Shintake systems
- (proposal in preparation)
15PETRA laser-wire
- 2-d system
- designed built at Oxford
- Optics on order
- construction at RHUL
- Will be shipped to DESY in summer 2005
16ATF Laser-wire Motivation
For a 1 measurement, laser wavelength is given by
So, for the current ILC design, ? should be ?360
nm (driven by aspect ratio considerations) and
laser spotsize ?sy /3 0.6 ?m
At ATF, we will aim to measure 1 micron electron
spot-size with green (532 nm) light. Aim at
intra-rain (fast) scan for 300ns bunch
spacing. The final spotsize measurable at ILC
will have implications for The length and layout
of the BDS diagnostics section. The ATF results
will be crucial to determine the technical
17pulsed laser-wire location
18This years plans for the ATF extraction line
- March 2005study trip Understand the possible
setup optics/infrastructure, prepare our DAQ,
study the laser, - May/June 2005Laser measurements, study the beam
optics, validate the DAQ - Summer/September 2005Install the laser
transport and delivery (Optics, Scanning,),
install our vacuum vessel at the ATF and final
focusing lens - November/December 2005Laser-wire run
19Laser-wire Future
- Major new Laser lab being set up downstairs
- Build international group based at JAI in
advanced - lasers for accelerators.
- Install micron laser wire in ATF Extraction line
- Build expertise in ultra-fast EO scanning
- Improve PETRA LW performance - Eurotev
- Plan move to PETRAIII location new optics
- M.Ross 100 laser-wires will be needed
- ATF2 costs a LW at 20k, a TTF2-type laser
- with the right bunch structure costs 300k
- RHUL has a vibrant programme of LC-related RD
- Building international group based at JAI in
- advanced laser optics electronics
- Building on our historical involvement in MDI
- Strengthening international links and funding
- IR layout and design
- BDS Diagnostics section design, with CCLRC
- Play a leading role in GDE and formation of the
ILC - TDR over next three years