Title: SIS 100 high current design challenges
1SIS 100 high current design challenges
- Beam loss in SIS 100 needs to be carefully
quantified within 1 level - Non-standard beam and machine parameters
- Space charge tune shift -?Q0.2-0.3 during
accumulation for 1 s (105 turns) - The beam fills more than 1/2 of the elliptical
beam pipe at injection - Superconducting magnets with nonlinear field
components - Intrabeam and residual gas scattering for U28
beam ions - High beam intensity and low momentum spread
tight impedance budget - Electro-magnetic interaction with many
non-standard ring components - Finally bunch compression with extreme ?Q for a
few turns.
2SIS100-4 High current beam dynamics studies
- Tasks
- Task 1 Lattice optimization studies
- Code benchmarking
- Beam loss and collimation studies
- Error compensation strategies
- Task 2 Collective instabilities and impedances
- Code benchmarking
- Impedance budget and feedback studies
- Impedance models
- Task 3 Full design verification studies
- Accumulation, rf cycle, bunch compression
- GSI, Darmstadt
- High current beam physics group
- Contact O. Boine-Frankenheim
- Berkeley Natl Lab., USA
- Accelerator modeling group
- Contact R. Ryne
- Brookhaven Natl Lab, USA
- Accelerator division
- Contact N. Malitsky
- TU Darmstadt
- Theorie elektromag. Felder
- Contact Prof. Th. Weiland
- Uni. Bologna, Italy
- Nonlinear dynamics group
- Contact Prof. G. Turchetti
3Task 1 Lattice optimizationEffect of space
charge, field errors and noise
Partners Bologna, GSI, Berkeley
- Long-term simulations of beam loss induced by
field errors and space charge - Comparison of multipole expansion (GSI) and
detailed field tracking codes - Benchmarking of frozen and self-consistent
space charge modules - Effect of intra-beam scattering (IBS) and other
sources of noise on beam loss - Comparison of different approaches to IBS in
tracking codes, - like Langevin forces or
collision-maps. - Tests with simple nonlinear maps
- Status
- Benchmarked tracking code with frozen space
charge and multipole expansion (GSI). - Experience with field maps (Berkeley)
- IBS modules from Bologna group and GSI-INTAS
project. - Schedule
- Module development, experiments and benchmarking
finished after 12 month - Final report on application to SIS 100 after 18
4Task 2 Impedance budgetSpace charge and
impedance effects
Partners Brookhaven, GSI, TU Darmstadt
- 3D simulation studies of (long-term) impedance
effects in SIS 100 - Comparison of impedance modules (time/frequency
domain) for tracking codes - For the space charge impedance fast Poisson
solvers with elliptic boundaries - Impedances studies (for all beam energies)
- Thin beam pipe (also with different coatings)
- Ferrite loaded kicker modules
- Combined collimation/pumping ports
- Status
- UAL Unified Accel. Library (Brookhaven),
Sliced 3D tracking code (GSI) - Analytic (thin wall) and numerical (kickers)
impedance studies (TUD) started. - Position for SIS 100 impedance modeling
announced (TU Darmstadt) - Candidate for the SIS 100 related work at
Brookhaven. - Schedule
- Impedance library for SIS 100 after 12 month
- Report on impedance effects and impedance budget
in SIS 100 after 18 month
5Task 3 Full design verification
Partners Brookhaven, Berkeley, GSI
- Joint application of the simulation tools to SIS
100 key issues - Verification of error compensation and
collimation schemes - Full rf cycle simulation
- Optimized bunch compression scenario
Schedule Final report, optimized design after
24 month