Title: Piccopla configuration program
1Piccopla configuration program
Piccopla is a configuration program for the
PiccoLink RF500/600 hand terminals and the base
- Key features
- Configuring hand terminal and base station
settings - Updating Firmware and Eeprom settings
- Downloading Firmware and Eeprom files from web
2Installing Piccopla
- Piccopla operates on Windows 98/NT/2000 platforms
- Installing procedure
- Download Picpla.zip file from the Nordic ID web.
- Extract Picpla.zip.
- Run setup.exe.
- Follow instructions of setup program.
- Run Piccopla from Start-gtPrograms-gtNordicID-gtPicco
3Connecting hand terminal to PC
The hand terminals are connected to the PC with
the Desk Top Charger and the base station cable.
RS232 interface COM port 1-4
BS cable
- Do not use charger power during configuring.
- (communication between the Piccopla and the hand
terminal will disturb) - Make sure that alkalines/rechargeables are good.
- (this is important while updating firmware)
4Connecting base station to PC
- The base stations are connected to the PC with
the BS cable.
RS232 interface COM port 1-4
BS cable
5Connecting Piccopla
- Connecting to PiccoLink
- Select COM port
- Press Read Target button
Piccopla read device informations and current
- Serial Number (unique number of the device)
- Current Firmware version.
- Current radio channel. (factory default is 3)
6Hand terminal settings
- Several configurable settings
- Heading Initial display heading text.
- Extra ID User defined ID.
- Password password protected advanced settings.
- Sleep timeout 5-55 seconds.
- Volume three different beep levels.
- Key sounds Enables/Disables key sounds.
- Reception time limit 0-15 sec. 0 represents as
0,5 sec. - Resending times max resends to Host if no answer
is received. - Menu Language English/Finnish.
- Enabling Receive mode by KB.
- Battery type Rechargeable/Alkaline.
- F-key text User defined texts for F-keys.
- Use FormLock On/Off.
- Use default text default message of formlock.
7Base station settings
- Four different operating modes
- Normal Normal operating with the hand terminals
- Relay Echoes radio transmissions
- Site Survey For estimating the site
- Sub Station Modem (SSM)
8Uploading Firmware
The Firmware is a kernel software in flash memory
at the PiccoLinks.
- Firmware updates are needed to get new features
in use
- Extension of the firmware file is .a20
- Piccopla is used to upload the firmware to the
9Firmware upload modes
- Two different upload mode
- Update mode
- -Easiest
- -Piccopla warning if wrong FW-file is applying.
- -Not reliable.
- Boot mode
- -Needed when device is dead.
- -Needs a specific boot cable.
10Uploading Eeprom settings
The Eeprom settings are variables used by
- Eeprom memory will keep values even if batteries
are taken off. - User defined settings are stored in eeprom
memory. - Factory settings of eeprom values can be
uploaded to device. - Extension of the eeprom setting file is .epr
- Nordic ID provides epr files.
11Uploading Laser Scanner settings
The builtin Laser Scanner (only PSC) can be
configure by the users settings.
- Programming manual of the scanner provides the
programming codes - Extension of the scanner setting file is .lsr
lsr file example //Laser settings file//Format
is LltcommandgtCommentLZASet Factory
defaultsLHDCTS mode Low to transmit. Required
by PiccoLinkLPBEnabled interleaved 2 of 5
without check digit.LPD02Set min length for
int 2 of 5 LPE32Set max length for int 2 of
5LBH30Scanning timeout. x100ms