Title: Social Dialogue in Practice: Tripartite Systems
1Social Dialogue in Practice Tripartite Systems
- The Austrian Experience
- Robert Murr, Central Labour Inspectorate, Austria
2Tripartite Systems - Austrian ExperiencesSurvey
of the following presentation
- Preconditions of Austrian tripartite cooperation
the Austrian Social partnership1. A rough
history of interest groups and social
partnership2. The main associations3. Political
role, functioning and criticism of social
partnership - Legally institutionalised and other forms of
cooperation in occupational health and safety - Conclusions
3Preconditions and preliminaries of Austrian
Social Partnership short history
- Social partnership with its implications for
social peace - an Austrian characteristic - Foundation of Trade Unions and Chambers of
Commerce in the 2nd half of 19th century, though
prohibition against Unions is predominant. - The interim beginnings 1920 Legal institution
of Chambers of Labour and of Commerce deletion
by fascism - The origins of social partnership 1945
Reconstruction and combined efforts for peace
4Preconditions and preliminariesAustrian Social
Partnership the roots 1945
- Combined efforts for
- containing inflation and wage-price-spiral
- urgent actions for basic industry and supply
(incl. socialisation) - meeting common expectations of consensus and
harmony. - Social partnership extends into many aspects of
national economics and social policy (incl.
industrial relations, OSH, labour market).
5Austrian Social PartnershipMain associations
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber approx.
320.000 members
Federal Chamber of Labour approx. 2, 600.000
Chambers of Agriculture approx. 267.000 members
Austrian Trade Union Federation approx. 1,
400.000 members
Federation of Austrian Industry approx. 21.000
Total Austrian population 8 millions
6Austrian Social PartnershipPolitical role and
- Chambers as unique institutions membership by
law - High degree of representativeness
- Close linkages between associations and political
parties foster political influence and tripartite
cooperation - Continuous involvement in law-making and
outstanding controversial decisions - Legally institutionalised or informal cooperation
(Committees, Advisory boards, commissions) - Background stimulus avoiding and settlement of
conflicts is a prevalent value
7Days on strike
(working days lost due to strikers per 1000
employees annual average from 1971 to 2000)
8Austrian Social PartnershipPros and criticism
- Support policy makers with social and economic
know-how - Reliable basis of political decisions
- Vicinity to social and economic needs of workers
and employers - Come to stable compromises
- Legimitacy by periodical elections within
Chambers et al.
- Social Partnership as secondary government
- Lack of democratic legitimacy no anchorage in
the constitution - Momentum of organisational interests
- Harmony at the price of public disinterest
9Austrian tripartite system in OSHCooperation
according to law - 1
- Occupational Safety and Health CommitteeOrganis
ation - Advisory Committee at federal level
- Chaired by the Director General of Labour
Inspection - Participation of Chambers, Austrian Trade Union
Federation and other associations of the
Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational
RisksSubjects - Principal questions of occupational safety and
health and risk prevention - Preventive services provided by the Austrian
Social Insurance for Occupational Risks
10Austrian tripartite system in OSHCooperation
according to law - 2
- Regional Labour Inspectorates and Social
Partners - Labour inspectors advise and support for
employers and workers - Right of the Chambers to participate in controls
- Safety representatives Notification to Chamber
of Labour - Legal obligation to cooperate with interest
associations meetings at least twice a year at
regional level - Practically experienced progress in utilisation
of preventive services in SMEs
11Austrian tripartite system in OSHConsuetudinary
cooperation - 1
- Law-making process at national and EU-level
- Continuous request for opinion and consensus
- Proposal and negotiation on occupational exposure
limits - Voluntary agreements
- Austrian Guidelines for Health and Safety
Management Systems - Recommendation for a maximum weight of cement
bags (25k.) - Common projects
- Long term project for healthier working
conditions in bakeries reduction of risks from
flour dust (allergic reactions, dust explosions)
12Austrian tripartite system in OSHConsuetudinary
cooperation - 2
- Information network
- Preparation and distribution of information in
cooperation with the Bilbao Agency - Participation in Labour Inspections conferences
every two years - State Award for Safety at Work
- Promotion of initiatives by enterprises for
improving the quality of working best practices - Evaluation and election
13Tripartite system in OSHThe Austrian experience
- Conclusions
- Tripartite cooperation multiplies awareness of
safety and health concerns - Raising acceptance of compulsory safety and
health measures - Ease conflicts of interests at enterprise level
- Support modern Labour Inspection Provide for
advise and conviction - Representativeness as a factor Give Social
Partners opportunities for success
14The End
- Thank you very much for your kind attention!