Title: Sola Scriptura Scripture Alone
1Lecture II
Consolidation of the Church in 2nd and 3rd
Centuries ????
2Who Came First, Heresy or Orthodoxy??????
- Heresy came first and the Orthodoxy was merely a
response to the heresy (the Liberal View) ???? - Orthodoxy came first.????
- By definition, a heresy is a deviation from
- 2 Tim. 113 ?????????????????????????????????
(Titus 21, Judas 3) - The dogma, the official teaching (truth), comes
in reaction to error. - The distinction between the theological error and
3Gnosticism, the Earliest Heresy ?????
- Origin ??
- Basic premise shared among various sects ????
- Major attacks on Christianity ?????????
- The consequence ?????
- Early key representatives ?????? (Simon Magus,
4The Issue of Authority?????
- Three types of Authorities appealed by Early
Church ???? - Monarchical Episcopacy
- The formation of creeds
- The establishment of Canon
- Three pillars of authority in Roman Catholic
Church????????? - The magisterial authority of the church
- The tradition
- The authority of Scripture
- The real authority must be found in the Holy
Sprit speaking through the Scriptures ?????
5The Development of Episcopacy???????
- Episcopos (Bishop) and Presbyteros (Elders) in NT
(1 Tim 31-7 Titus 15-9) ????????? - The emergence of one leader and the claim of
Apostolic succession ???????????? - Ignatius (35-107 AD) and I Clement (98 AD)
6The Beginning of Creedal Formulations (1)???????
- Creed is from Latin Word Credo I believe??
- Scriptural Basis ????
- Deut. 64-5 ????,?????????????????????????????????
?? - Matt. 16 16 ???????,?????????????
- 1 Cor. 153-5a????????????, ??,
?????????????????, ?????? ??????, ??????,
???????? - Rom. 109?????????, ???????????, ?????
- Two wrong views on creed ??????
- No Creed but Christ
- Traditionalism
7The Beginning of Creedal Formulations (2)???????
- Using of creed in early Church ?????????
- To check the faith of the adult converts during
Baptism ceremony - To guard the wrong views of Christ in Church
- Apostle Creed ????
- Final form in 8th century
- Substance in 5th century
- Question form in 3rd century
- Could be dated back to early 2nd century
8The Establishment of NT Canon (1)???????
- Two Dangerous Directions in Early
Church??????????? - Marcions trimming of the Canon (110-160 AD)???
- Traveled to Rome in 142-143 and attracted lots of
people. - His Scripture includes revised Luke, and ten
Pauline epistles. - Being excommunicated by Church of Rome in 144.
- Montanisms adding to Scripture with supposed
prophecy (170 AD)????? - Founded by Montanus in Phrygia.
- Montaus together with another two women,
Priscilla, and Maximilla claimed to have direct
revelation from Holy Spirit adding to the
Scripture through the prophecy and charismatic
gifts, - They emphasized strict standards of conduct,
zealous martyrdom.
9The Establishment of NT Canon (2)???????
- The question, what are the writings really do
constitute the Scripture? ??? - Three aspects from historical development
????????? - Internal evidence of apostolic authority within
NT Scripture (Col. 416 1 Thess. 213 Gal.
16-9) - Quotes in the early church fathers (Clement,
Justin Martyr, Irenaeus) - Other early translated versions
- Conclusions, by end of 2nd century ??
- No more questions about the Gospels, Acts,
thirteen Pauline Epistles, 1 Peter and 1 John - Some hesitation on the Books Hebrews, James, 2
Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude and Revelation. -
10The Establishment of NT Canon (3)???????
- Further Historical Developments ????
- Eusebius Bible
- Athanasiuss Easter Letter in 367AD
- Council of Carthage in 397AD under the influence
of Augustine - Jeromes Vulgate in 405AD
- Luther, Calvin and Westminster Confession (1640s)
- Reformed Positions ??
- There are evidences but it is really the work of
Holy Spirit that produces the Canon and persuades
Church what is the Canon. - It is not that the church came first and it
produces the Bible but the Holy Spirit produced
the Bible and guided his people in recognizing
the books of Canon.
11Important Early Church Fathers???????
- Greek Fathers (East)
- Ignatius (35-107 AD)????, Bishop of Antioch
- Polycarp (69-155 AD)???, bishop of Smyrna
- Irenaeus (130-200 AD)???
- Clement of Alexandria (150-215 AD)????????
- Origen (185-254 AD) ???
- Latin Fathers (West)
- I Clement (98AD)??????
- Justin Martyr (100- 165AD)??????
- Tertullian (155-220 AD)???
- Cyprian (200-258 AD) ???, Bishop of Carthage
12Origen, the most influential Christian theologian
in 3rd century???
- His Life (185-254AD)
- The Synthesis of philosophy and faith
- His Major Works
- Hexapla, edition of OT in Hebrew and Greek
- Commentaries, allegorical interpreting principle
- On First Principles
- His Influence
- His hierarchical view of Trinity leads ultimately
to Arianism. - His views about preexistence of souls, final
restoration of all spiritual beings were
condemned in 5th Ecumenical Council,
Constantinople II (553 AD).
13Heresies in Early Church????????
- Ebionism (70- 300 AD)
- Docetism (100 AD)
- Marcionism (144 AD)
- Montanism (170 AD)
- Sabellianism or Modalism (200s AD)
- Dionysius of Alexandria (247-264 AD)
- Novatian Schism (251 AD)
- Paul of Samosata (260-272 AD)
14Sabellianism or Modalism ?????????
- Background Taught by Sabellius early 3rd century
in Rome. - Major Teaching Father, Son and Spirit are modes
of the same being, or successive roles adopted
for the purpose of divine redemption plan. - Also being labeled as Patripassianism, the
doctrine that the Father suffers.