Title: Developing Secure, Multi-lateral Peer to Peer SIP Applications
1Developing Secure, Multi-lateralPeer to Peer SIP
VoIP Developer Conference 4 Aug 2004 San Jose
2Market Problem
Terminating Domain ?
Access Control
Originating Domain
Ethernet Switch
Internet or IP Network
Service Provider POP
3Current Status
- ENUM provides a solution for peer to peer route
discovery - But how to handle?
- Inter-domain Access control
- Accounting
- Backwards compatibility with Operational Support
Systems for H.323 networks - Evolution to new services
4Solution Open Settlement Protocol
- Open Settlement Protocol (OSP)
- Global standard for inter-domain transaction
authorization and usage reporting. - Developed by ETSI in 1998, now in version 4.1.1
- Based on existing standards
- Uses Asymmetric Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
services for non-repudiation of transactions - Broad support Cisco, Alcatel, Radvision,
UTStarcom, Mediaring, ISDN Communications, Veraz,
Vovida, Asterisk - Protocol Independent
- Works with SIP, H.323, SMS, MMS
5Details on OSP
- Message Formats
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Secure MIME
- Communication Protocols
6OSP Message Example
7Overview I - How OSP Works
- Route discovery
- Inter-domain access control
8Overview II - How OSP Works
9The Basics of Public-key Cryptosystems
Security services between parties rely on the
exchange of public keys and security of
corresponding private keys.
- Critical Points
- Public / Private keys used for encryption /
decryption and digital signatures - Public keys are public easy to distribute
- A digital certificate signed by a trusted 3rd
party ensures the public-key is legitimate - Digital signatures provide data integrity,
authentication and non-repudiation - Certificates may be chained from a root authority
10Establishing PKI Security Services
Certificate Authority for Peer to
Peer Authorization (OSP Server)
SIP Device
Client Device requests public-key and certificate
from CA
CA sends its public key and its certificate
Client Device sends certificate request to CA
CA returns signed certificate
11Source Peer Authentication
OSP Server
IP Network
Carrier A
- Routing request to OSP Server is digitally signed
with VoIP devices private key. - OSP server verifies client signature with
clients public key to authenticate routing
12Inter-Domain Access Control
OSP Server
Authorization Token
IP Network
Domain A
Domain B
- OSP Server digitally signs authorization token
- Authorization token included in SIP Invite
- Domain B has no trusted relationship with Domain
A, but verifies digital signature with CA public
key - Carrier can retain digital signature for
13Authorization Token
- Destination
- IP address, domain name, sip uri, tel uri, E164,
trunk group - Destination Protocol
- SIP, Q931, H323-LRQ
- Transaction ID
- Service Type, Bandwidth, Number of Channels
- Call ID, Session ID, MultiSession ID
- Valid after Valid Until
- Authorized amount
- Seconds, packets, bytes, pages, call, session
- Authority URL
14Secure Accounting
- Domains A and B encrypt CDRs with CA public key
- OSP Server decrypts CDR with CA private key
- For auditing, OSP Server can request in real time
that a domain digitally sign a batch of CDRs
15Benefits of secure multi-lateral peering
- Eliminates signaling bottlenecks
- Greater access to restricted networks
- Access control is greatly simplified
- IP access lists eliminated
- Asymmetric key management is simpler and more
secure than shared secrets - Standards based format for CDRs
- Protocol independent
- Single back office can support SIP and H.323
- Can support future IP services
16Open Source Tools
- www.asterisk.org
- Open source SIP PBX supports OSP
- www.openca.org
- Open source certificate authority
- Plus many others
- www.openosp.org
- Open source OSP server
- Formally part of Vovida, merged with SIP Foundry
- www.transnexus.com
- Open source OSP client stack